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Cichlid tanks anyone ????


Active member
Sorry no freshwater over here :) This tank was about 4k$ to get like this. There is a 40g Refuge under this 100g tank. Full auto control for the ca reactor,PH,Salinity and lights. This tank has 2 250w 10k with 200w of PLL.....

I'm currently upgrading to a custom 90g cube tank. This is long term project wont be ready to swap our for a long time still..

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Beautiful tank man.


Active member
I used to have a 100g tank of demasoni... I'd snatch out holding females and put them in a secondary tank to sequester the fry... Made good money with that tank, for a long time.

I was one of the first people in the u.s. to offer Demasoni. I used to purchase fish thru Laif Demason from Old World Cichlids in Florida. My first clutch was 12 of his first fry.. I got them in and my customer came in at 2 a.m. and looked at them, still in the shipping bag and gladly coughed up 400 buks for 12 fry that were about 3/8ths of an inch long. Beautiful fish.. ah the good ole days..

mgk :tiphat:


Active member
quick pic of my 125...i need way more fish. right now only got 1 compressiceps(sp) female, 1 male blue peacock, 1 small ice blue freiyi(sp), and 3 yellow labs...i had like 6 yellow labs but they keep killing eachother.
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still havent stocked more yet lol.....everytime i go to the LFS they always have the same hybrid zebras, red zebras, etc....im cool off mbunas, im mostly looking for HAPS....like venustus, dolphinhead, some peacocks....but they never have anything nice. i want some nice colors up in there...mostly haps and with yellow labs as schooling fish...my yellow lab male keeps killing off his rivals which is weird because they are usually peaceful, he must be a hybrid as well...


I was one of the first people in the u.s. to offer Demasoni. I used to purchase fish thru Laif Demason from Old World Cichlids in Florida. My first clutch was 12 of his first fry.. I got them in and my customer came in at 2 a.m. and looked at them, still in the shipping bag and gladly coughed up 400 buks for 12 fry that were about 3/8ths of an inch long. Beautiful fish.. ah the good ole days..

mgk :tiphat:

No shit! Um... I'm thinking maybe we know some of the same people.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Seeing this thread has inspired me! I'm no longer sucking power with lights but have several freshwater tanks clean, full, balanced empty for the most part. One of my favorite tanks has always been a species tank of Neolamprologus multifasciatus. They are so small but so damn productive and smart. After a year or so of neglect I have lost all my males and have but several females in a 30 gallon long tank. I'm going to get rid of that tank like the wife has been asking for a long time. Funny she always wants to get rid of stuff that I like and requires my time.:smoke:
Anyway I have an 85 gallon bowfront that is empty except for one old male angelfish from a pair I used to breed with. I'm going to get more sand and fill it as a multi species Tanganyikan cichlid tank.
Once its all in place I 'll bump the thread.
One of my favorite tanks has always been a species tank of Neolamprologus multifasciatus. They are so small but so damn productive and smart. After a year or so of neglect I have lost all my males and have but several females in a 30 gallon long tank. I'm going to get rid of that tank like the wife has been asking for a long time. Funny she always wants to get rid of stuff that I like and requires my time.:smoke:
Anyway I have an 85 gallon bowfront that is empty except for one old male angelfish from a pair I used to breed with. I'm going to get more sand and fill it as a multi species Tanganyikan cichlid tank.
Once its all in place I 'll bump the thread.

Love my shell dwellers, They are little workers! I usually put crushed choral as a substrate in my African tanks to help keep the Ph high. But those little guys seem to love sand. Glad this thread got bumped, I'm about 1 month away from getting a colony of Tropheus Moorii ( about 1.5 or 2 dozen in a 125 gal. breeder tank)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I spent many thousands of hrs building,caring for this tank. You need to be dedicated to undergo a project like this...



For those keeping organisms that require a high pH, you don't have to stay married to crushed coral. You can use aragonite or crushed dolomite lime as a substrate. Of course, if Home de Pot still carries that one type of play sand that's calcareous (can't remember what they have it labeled as!) then you're good there, too.


I used to have a 100g tank of demasoni... I'd snatch out holding females and put them in a secondary tank to sequester the fry... Made good money with that tank, for a long time.
Im envious.

Envious of your setup as well. I'll say it again man that tank is stunninng. I don't have enough exp to maintain water parameters like that. Hope someday to have the time, $$$, and knowledge to dedicate to a similar reef. but Cichlid madness till then.

Good hearing that story again, wish I could have been to that shop for the first batch. "good ole days" is fitting.

Same here, my elongatus chalosi ran the setup zero tolerance. one of those alpha alpha males, awesome watching his showdowns.

It sucks though when you get attached to one of your fish because they have so much character. can be like a dog or cat.
R.I.P my buddy epalzeorhynchos bicolor. He had just made it to 7 years in the "planted" tank, but never got to experience the thriving mature jungle of amazon and melon swords he deserved. Its all my fault he didn't make it longer. It hurts.

As soon as I get some time w/ metastrpr I'll get pics up of the mbunas. might have one of the bicolor at early age as well...

love this thread.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
for those of you that are curious the red creature at the end is a Rose Bubble tip anemone. Most of The fish know to stay away from it. I had a blue tang 3" that was just gone one day..When I found one it was only 3" it grew to the size you see there over 12"....


And good on you, Hammer, for going for a BTA instead of the carpet anemones that people love to try to keep. It's a beautiful BTA.

Have you heard? Tang is good eating!


Hammerhead, et alia. A reefkeeper on another forum just sent me this that he copied from his container of SeaChem Reef Plus.

Amounts per 1 gram

Vitamins & Lipotropic Factors

Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) 5.0 mg

Thiamin (B1) 0.02 mg

Riboflavin (B2) 0.02 mg

Niacin (B3) 0.25 mg

Pantothenate (B5) 0.07 mg

Vitamin B12 0.9 µg

Choline (B4) 0.004 mg

Inositol 0.011 mg

Arginine 0.16 mg

Glutamate 0.9 mg

Lysine 0.3 mg

Tyrosine 0.19 mg

Minerals Boron 0.096 mg Iodine 0.18 mg Iron 0.009 mg Copper 0.001 mg Zinc 0.005

Maganese0.062 mg Bromide 0.3 mg Cobalt 0.004 mg Molybdenum 0.016 mg Vanadium0.0003 mg

Nickel 0.00035 mg Tin 0.00029 mg Rubidium 0.001 mg

Ingredients: ascorbic acid, glutamate, niacin, arginine, lysine, tyrosine, pantothenate, riboflavin, thiamin, choline, inositol, Vitamin B12, potassium bromide, potassium iodide, boric acid, manganese sulfate, sodium molybdate, ferric chloride, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, cobalt sulfate, rubidium chloride, vanadium sulfate, nickel chloride, stannous chloride
................From Seachem Reef Plus Vitamin and Amino acid suppliment $6 for 8oz.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have yet to use a reef supplement. That's not to say that product is not good I just haven't needed to use any..Tanks going on 5 years now probably longer :). When I swap over to the new tank I have made arrangements to have my whole tank transferred to a store that will care for my stuff until the new tank is ready to populate. That means all of the water in my tank will go with. the only thing that wont go is the sand. I use Bio active live aragonite sand. My plan is to use 1/2 of the old sand to jump start the cycle process in the new tank. It takes some time probably 4 weeks before I can put anything in the new tank...

The successful marine hobbyist knows how important it is to develop and maintain a healthy aquarium. Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix is the solid foundation to help you build your aquatic environment and has been developed with all of the beneficial elements found in natural seawater. Great care has been taken in the selection of the ALL NATURAL ingredients found in our Sea Salt Mix ensuring the absence of nitrates, phosphates and ammonia. Our special PATENT PENDING manufacturing process generates a MICRO-CRYSTAL that, when mixed with water, dissolves almost instantly. The combination of natural elements, high-grade materials and MICRO-CRYSTALS guarantees a solid foundation for your successful marine aquarium.

Oceanic realizes the importance of a QUALITY PRODUCT. That is one reason every batch of Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix is triple tested for quality and verified by an independent testing lab. Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix offers the following benefits:

• MICRO-CRYSTAL technology provides:
-Increased water clarity -Minimized stress to fish and invertebrates
-Rapid stabilization when mixed with water
• Complete solubility–no salt residue
• Reduced algae growth, due to the absence of nitrates, phosphates and ammonia
• Natural buffering action with KH stabilizers
• High calcium and magnesium concentrations provide optimal growth of fish and invertebrates


Haha I love how all the canna-lingo switches over to fish lingo,
looks like MFK itself in here now.
I fucking love this thread!!

Got a couple rams the other day..
they're like chihuahuas..
I have a 55g Mbuna tank. Can't remember all thespecies.names.but I have a bunch that people said wouldn't work. I've lost a few but they all know their place now. Most pf my fish are blue or black and blue cept for the calico orange and black one. I need some yellow labs to contrast.. pains in the asses as soon as I clean and level the substrate they pile it all back up in the front of the tank making it look like shit again lol

Herb4life Independent Distributor


I have a 150g hap/peacock/mbuna tank. I use to breed African cichlids hardcore LOL. I have some harder to come by species. Id post pics but it may link myself to other cichlid related websites..... No no no. If you have any questions about cichlids let me know. I can probably give you lots of advice.