I have a book recommendation for you: The Natural Marine Aquarium--Reef Invertebrates, by Robert Fenner and Anthony Calfo. Also, this one's more for beginners but Bob's a friend of mine and has been for years, so I shop his books around and The Conscientious Aquarist is practically considered a bible of sorts of the beginning marine fishkeeper.I have yet to use a reef supplement. That's not to say that product is not good I just haven't needed to use any..Tanks going on 5 years now probably longer. When I swap over to the new tank I have made arrangements to have my whole tank transferred to a store that will care for my stuff until the new tank is ready to populate. That means all of the water in my tank will go with. the only thing that wont go is the sand. I use Bio active live aragonite sand. My plan is to use 1/2 of the old sand to jump start the cycle process in the new tank. It takes some time probably 4 weeks before I can put anything in the new tank...
The successful marine hobbyist knows how important it is to develop and maintain a healthy aquarium. Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix is the solid foundation to help you build your aquatic environment and has been developed with all of the beneficial elements found in natural seawater. Great care has been taken in the selection of the ALL NATURAL ingredients found in our Sea Salt Mix ensuring the absence of nitrates, phosphates and ammonia. Our special PATENT PENDING manufacturing process generates a MICRO-CRYSTAL that, when mixed with water, dissolves almost instantly. The combination of natural elements, high-grade materials and MICRO-CRYSTALS guarantees a solid foundation for your successful marine aquarium.
Oceanic realizes the importance of a QUALITY PRODUCT. That is one reason every batch of Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix is triple tested for quality and verified by an independent testing lab. Oceanic Natural Sea Salt Mix offers the following benefits:
• MICRO-CRYSTAL technology provides:
-Increased water clarity -Minimized stress to fish and invertebrates
-Rapid stabilization when mixed with water
• Complete solubility–no salt residue
• Reduced algae growth, due to the absence of nitrates, phosphates and ammonia
• Natural buffering action with KH stabilizers
• High calcium and magnesium concentrations provide optimal growth of fish and invertebrates
NMA--RI is a book I was involved with, I helped with editing and I devised the glossary. It was supposed to be the first of a series of three books, unfortunately there was a falling out between the authors, so the only future books we'll be seeing by either will not be written as co-authors. That should not diminish what was presented in NMA--RI.
Now, the reason why I posted up that Seachem analysis was for the benefit of farming. If you look at what's in it, much of those compounds, minerals, etcetera, just so happen to also be required for terrestrial plant health. We see plenty of people, myself including, talking up the use of stuff like seaweed/kelp, either as meals or in liquid formulations, for the benefits gained by our plants. They're not just getting some auxins, they're getting a range of substances from the kelp. Where does the kelp get them from? The very water it grows in.
I've been attacked for extrapolating my reefkeeping knowledge to the cannabis arena. I feel it's important to remind everyone who reads those missives, as well as mine, what links to what and where the dots are. Those are some dots.