They have invented brand new micros, never before seen in the history of mankind. Do tell what makes them so special?
Should we get into a discussion about Iron chelation? Nope, please don't; at least not in the chitosan thread ... Iron EDDHA is the strongest chelated Iron source there is (if you refer to commonly used agricultural synthetic chelates, then yes, but only then). It's 100% available to a plant between the pH of 1-10. It will never lock out. Too bad that there's no plant growing at pH 1 or 10, no matter how well chelated the iron is... besides, and sorry that I now do get into that discussion *shame on me*, the 'strength' (stability constant or logK0) doesn't mean that it's superior or better plant available, too good a chelate actually reduces availability. And then, there's the point of green chemistry, biodegradation, and what might happen is you smoke the stuff. EDDHA sucks in this regard.
May I ask which degree of polymerisation and which degree of deacetylation you product has?...
Our micro also has very low weigh high grade chitosan oligosaccharide...
May I ask which degree of polymerisation and which degree of deacetylation you product has?
Thanks for the really fast reply! Wasn't able to respont equally fast......Here's his answer:
"The degree of polymerization and deacetylation is 100-X where X is the guaranteed purity...
It may reduce resin production in your study(which doesn't cover cannabis), but in my garden I know for a fact it doesn't. Especially since there is a four week window between the last SA application and the first signs of capitate trichrome production.
Also, I don't have the equipment to test for the physiological response of plants to exogenous SA application, but an overwhelming amount of evidence exist to support the fact it stimulates SAR in many plants.
Yo man how did things turn out?
Well I hate to say it but things turned out the almost same for the most part. Before I had full plants that would dud and now I just have a couple branches on a couple plants do it. Better? Yes. Cured? No. I have to say the ones that did dud at least had some frost on the buds but still bag appeal. However the rest of the plants were for the better. They had more trichs. I mean they were stacked on top of each other. Also, there was more resin. The next run I will hit them several times in veg and several times at the start of flower with chitosan and a slightly higher dose. It appears to of helped but not stopped it yet. I gave 2 doses of 1 gram per gallon at veg and 1 at flower start. Me thinks we need more.
you need 0,4M Hcl (or a bit vingar) to dissolve the chitosan. water only will not work.
and bud factor x has no salicylic acid in it. salicylic acid reduces resin in cannabis.