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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hello to all my chanting friends. We surely hope all of you that have an interest here are seeking out a SGI Meeting. I missed a few weeks in a row with my outdoor girls but Im back at my meetings each week and loving it. So great to get together face to face and chant each week. These people are extremely encouraging and full of love. Its a great addition to chanting alone or with your spouse each day. I truly get the tickle of excitement each meeting day. Looking forward to the happy positive vibe that each meeting provides. So awesome that it effects me this way as when i first attended I thought I was just showing up to get my Gohonzon :)So go out and find a meeting and share some love :) Much love to each and everyone that views this thread.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It is an undeniable fact that fire can at once reduce even a thousand-year-old field of pampas grass to ashes, and that the merit one has formed over a hundred years can be destroyed with a single word."

(The Three Obstacles and Four Devils - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 636) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's speech, Seikyo Shimbun, November 15th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Chang-an comments on this as follows: "One who destroys or brings confusion to the Buddha's teachings is betraying them.

[The Opening of the Eyes - Part Two, WND page 286 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
[As Chang-an says,] "If one befriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him, one is in fact his enemy."

[The Opening of the Eyes - Part Two, WND Page 287 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
[As Chang-an has noted,] "One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent."

[ The Opening of the Eyes - Part Two, WND Page 287 ]


Active member
T, reading these passages over and over trying to decipher as best as possible, I agre that witha single word alot can be destroyed or on the flip side created, as long as that word is sincers and frome the heart.

As far as confusion, does that include one not understanding or one intentionally bringingconfusion and therefore disrupting the harmony of Nam myoho renge kyo?

As far as one being a persons friend and not having the mercy to correct him, indeed that person is an enemy. What a human nature that is sometimes so difficult to aproach with out fear and the knowledge that knowing he may indeed hurt the friends feelings in the long run if the friend does not realize the good in the truth being told to him and come back as a friend then he is indeed not a friend to begin with.

Im a bit tossed up on the fourth oneI am familiar with someone being an enabler is that what thin is pertaining too?

Just throwin my thoughts out there, man i am so amazed when you and so cal start gettein' into it, indeed inspiring. i feel if we are afraid to reaveal who we truly are then we are certianly not being honest with ourselves and those around us are looking at an illusion if you will, dont now how to word that exactly. But once again i think we are back to it all starts with the heart.

plastic people suck

mean people suck

and they are indeed in constant fear of themselves.



>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
Babba! So glad you are back with you group! I know how you feel, i have missed my las 2 meetings to illness, I MISS THEM!!! i have stayed in touch and i have kinda been put on the spot: I have been asked to write a short story if you will about how Nichiren Daishonin came into and how it has changed my life. I am chanting for the right words to come, i know they will but it kinda feels like an oral report in school which i allways dreaded.

One of my biggest holdups is that i dont think i can mention this thread and all of you, i can and have mentioned that i correspond with people via emal so i think i can kinda skirt around the whole Chanting Growers Group thing but every fiber in my body and soul wants to tell all about it, allthough i think i will know when that time is right. For know i dont feel it is. It will not take away from the truth of my story i dont think.

Faith and chanting will see me through.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

SoCal Hippy

Active member
{Quote from Bonz}Faith and chanting will see me through.


BONZ} end quote

You say it all there Bonz!!! You blow me away with your wisdom and growth. How can you not have appreciation for this thread and don't worry when it comes out it will be correct.

I look forward to the day we meet quite possibly at the Friendship Ctr? and chant in front of the Gohonzon together. I still have the SoCal ties which puts me there couple times a year. In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing.
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Active member
WoooHooooo!!! So Cal thanks dude, for alot of things, for onr way back it seems like your description of paddling out and getting pitched buy that one wave while trying to get to the one you had your eye on, you also encouraged me to continue with my ramblings and believe me that meant alot and still does! It gave me such a feeling of confidence that i know i need to have within but a little wind at my back never hurts!!!

You better let me know when you blow into town well get down to it at the Friengship Center and my own Gohonzon, wooooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!!! fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!

peace my friend and deepest respect


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
Ya know upon reflecting abit everyone has given me so much encouragement to continue my ramblings and i gotta thank you all for that!

Noeone has given more encouregement than T though with his outright yellin at me sayin "dude your not rambling!!!!!" i fuckin love that, it maks me realize that the self doubt i have within has to be washed away, chanted away is more like it.

Thank you T and everyone here from the bottom of my heart for your constant encouragement.

peace and deepest, deepest respect


>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
In the light of the Gosho, SGI members are precious and noble beings who carry out the work of all Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and Buddhist gods. Therefore, let us by all means treasure our fellow members. Let us carry through with faith - filled with gratitude for our profound and mystic connections with one another.

Learning From The Gosho: The Eternal Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. p 37

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Bonz, glad you asked

Hey Bonz, glad you asked

Bonzo said:
T, reading these passages over and over trying to decipher as best as possible, I agre that witha single word alot can be destroyed or on the flip side created, as long as that word is sincers and frome the heart.

As far as confusion, does that include one not understanding or one intentionally bringingconfusion and therefore disrupting the harmony of Nam myoho renge kyo?

As far as one being a persons friend and not having the mercy to correct him, indeed that person is an enemy. What a human nature that is sometimes so difficult to aproach with out fear and the knowledge that knowing he may indeed hurt the friends feelings in the long run if the friend does not realize the good in the truth being told to him and come back as a friend then he is indeed not a friend to begin with.

Im a bit tossed up on the fourth oneI am familiar with someone being an enabler is that what thin is pertaining too?



>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>

All of these admonishments pertain to the practice of the Lotus Sutra. They have nothing to do, however wise they may be, to issues other than that. The only subject that the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is strict about is slander of the Law and what constitues that. The first of the four is a quote from Nichiren, and then as he does many times, he acknowledges in the next three that the teaching he is giving rise to, exists as a previous admonition from Buddhas historically connected to upholding and propagating the Law in accord with the time period in which they attained enlightenment from it.

The full text of the first quote is:

"Recently your elder brother, Ue-mon no Sakan, was again disowned by your father. I told your wife when she came to visit me here that he was certain to be disowned again, that I was apprehensive about how it would affect you, Hyoe no Sakan, and that she should be prepared for the worst. This time I am sure that you will give up your faith. If you do, I have not the slightest intention of reproaching you for it. Likewise, neither should you blame me, Nichiren, when you have fallen into hell. It is in no way my responsibility. It is an undeniable fact that fire can at once reduce even a thousand-year-old field of pampas grass to ashes, and that the merit one has formed over a hundred years can be destroyed with a single word."

The Daishonin is saying, I believe, that in a moment of crucial importance, one can discard the merit that has allowed them to become introduced to the Law, by making a single cause that slanders it (deciding to give up one's faith under the duress of family pressure, as above, for instance). It's not so much about a single word that can affect this result, but rather a single cause--a word, words, or actions, that go against the teachings of the sutra. As I have said here often, if one is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and receive the benefit guaranteed therein, one must, at some point, become aware of slander and what constitues it, according to Nichiren (who revealed the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo).

The next three are quotations from Chang-an, an important individual in the lineage of Great Teachers (Buddhas) associated historically with the Lotus Sutra.

In answer to your question, the first of these three is making this point without equivocation. In other words whether you mean to kill someone or not (murder versus man-slaughter), the punishment (karma) won't merit being the same, but you have still ended the life of another, and for that there WILL be a consequence. And likewise, being unaware of slandering the Law versus intentionally trying to lead others onto another path would both represent a differing degree of slander toward the Law, but you will still have committed a serious slander, none-the-less (acccording to the teachings contained within the Lotus Sutra).

This doctrine in its entirety is already redundantly posted on this thread. I have done that over and over again so that no one can question the source of the above interpretation doctrinally. None of this is merely my opinion, as you well know.

The second of the three is saying that, as practitioners of the Lotus Sutra, when we become aware of others--even our friends and loved ones--making the cause of going against the teaching expressed in the Lotus Sutra, should we NOT have the courage and faith to try and help the person commiting those acts (that have been cautioned against in the Lotus Sutra) by admonishing them from doing so, we are in fact no better than their enemy. To keep our mouths shut by worrying about being politically correct, in that we lacked the compassionate mercy to try and keep them from making such causes, is a slander in itself which we will receive the effect for.

Further, the third of the three, pertains to the reality that while we may piss that person off, or create discord by taking such action, we have in fact acted as that persons parent, placing their well being ahead of our own interests.

It all pertains strictly to the practice of the Lotus Sutra and what the Buddha defined as unacceptable, therein.

Much love and deep respect to ya Homie!

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Active member
Thank you for expanding dude:

Has shed alot of light on things in my life recently, IM GIULTY of slander of the law, much work to be done, i see alot of time in front of the Gohonzon is in order and maybe reading something once in awhile wouldnt hurt either.





>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Bro, upon re-reading let me make this edit clear so I know you saw it:

"It's not so much about a single word that can affect this result, but rather a single cause--a word, words, or actions, that go against the teachings of the sutra" [PERTAINING TO SLANDER OF THE LAW].

Dude, you do Gongyo and try and guide people toward the Gohonzon. You chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo every day. WE ALL SLANDER THE LAW! THERE ISN'T A ONE AMONG US WHO IS NOT A SLANDERER. But it is again a matter of degree. Cause and Effect. Nothing more and nothing less. No smoke and mirrors and no divinity.

Buddha means Enlightened One. To be enlightened, one has overcome delusion. These individuals who have achieved this state, and whose teachings can be lived as a source of validation of their insight, have expressed these conditions in an effort to spare others of needless sufferings. They didn't say them to scare or control anyone. Anyone that actually chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo rather than observing it without actual engagement, will know this fact instinctively, one hundred percent of the time.

You are a Bodhisattva of the Earth, Bro. There is no slander that your Daimoku would not wash away like dust in a spring rain. You make the causes for that. You have the wisdom to perceive that it is something to be mindful of, and to chant about.

Your Buddha Nature is alive and well my friend.



Active member
You know its funny that you pinpoint that phrase cause thats the one that got me most, in its original text it said ONE WORD, to me that seemed hard to swallow, but when you clarified that its" rather a single cause--a word,words or actions that go against the teachings of the sutra" (PERTAINING TO THE SLANDER OF THE LAW) That made much more sense to me.

I feel a nice cool spring rain coming.




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Some very awesome and enlightening explanations T. Thanks for taking the time.

Funny that when I read some of your posts I actually here your voice and in my mind. F*ckin* weird sometimes!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thanks SoCal!

Thanks SoCal!

Bonz's question was the Mystic Law giving me a segue to say something again that needed to be said again.

SoCal Hippy said:
Thanks for taking the time.

I will always do my best to take the time for a seeking mind like Bonzo's. It is not only my honor, but my duty. And one that I enjoy. Thank you Bonz!!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Thus it seemed that I could not possibly escape with my life. Whatever the design of the heavenly gods in the matter may have been, every single steward and Nembutsu believer worthy of the name kept strict watch on my hut day and night, determined to prevent anyone from communicating with me. Never in any lifetime will I forget how under those circumstances you, with Abutsu-bo carrying a wooden container of food on his back, came in the night again and again to bring me aid.

[ The Sutra of True Requital, WND Page 932 ]
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