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Active member
:woohoo: :woohoo: HEY!!!!! PAGE 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS BIG T ON YOUR (our, everyone here) 300th PAGE!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:


for starting this thread and NEVER stopping, YOU are on amazing, enlightened Bodhisattva, Buddha dude!!!!

this thread has changed my life, period.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You're welcome Bonz!!!

You're welcome Bonz!!!

The mighty warrior General Li Kuang, whose mother had been devoured by a tiger, shot an arrow at the stone he believed was the tiger. The arrow penetrated the stone all the way up to its feathers. But once he realized it was only a stone he was unable to pierce it again. Later he came to be known as General Stone Tiger. This story applies to you. Though enemies lurk in wait for you, your resolute faith in the Lotus Sutra has forestalled great dangers before they could begin. Realizing this, you must strengthen your faith more than ever.

[ General Stone Tiger, WND Page 953 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"When our lives start to burn with the mission of kosen-rufu, the darkness of suffering disappears. Though our circumstances may not change immediately, a fundamental change in our inner orientation transforms our life-state and, eventually, our reality."

SGI Newsletter No. 7002, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 1, Rainbow of Hope 29,. trans. Oct 19th, 2006


Big Ole Bodhisattva Party right here! :dance:


Thanks T and Thanks Bud for keeping it alive with T for a while, reading this entire thread has been completely inspiring on so many levels to the point it helped spark me to change my life.

WOW! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
General Stone Tiger / WND pg. 952

General Stone Tiger / WND pg. 952

On the twenty-second of this month I received all that you sent me from Shinano - three thousand coins, a sack of polished rice, fifty slabs of rice cake, one large and one small bamboo container of sake, five strings of dried persimmons, and ten pomegranates, as well as the list of items you enclosed with these offerings.

A sovereign is supported by the people, and they in turn live under his protection. Clothes protect us from a change of temperature, and food sustains us, just as oil keeps a fire burning and water enables fish to live. Birds nest high in the trees in fear that human beings will harm them, but they come down to feed and are caught in snares. Fish dwelling in the depths of the water fear that it is too shallow and dig holes to hide in, yet lured by bait, they take the hook. No treasure possessed by human beings is more precious than food and drink, clothing and medicine.

I am not as healthy as others, and in addition, I dwell in this remote mountain forest. This year was especially difficult, with widespread epidemics and famine in spring and summer, which worsened in autumn and winter. My sickness grew worse again, too, but you gave me various medicines and a quilted robe. Thanks to your remedies, I improved steadily; I have now recovered and feel much better than before. The Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice by Bodhisattva Maitreya and The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna both state that, if one's illness is caused by fixed karma, even excellent medicine will turn to poison, but that, if one believes in the Lotus Sutra, poison will change into medicine. Although unworthy, I propagate the Lotus Sutra; hence heavenly devils have competed to deprive me of food. Understanding this, I have no complaint, but I believe that I survived this time only because Shakyamuni Buddha entered your body to help me.

So much for that. I was extremely concerned about your journey home last time, and I am overjoyed to hear that you have arrived safely in Kamakura. Such was my anxiety that I asked everyone who came here from Kamakura about you. One said that he had met you at Yumoto, another that he had encountered you farther on at Kozu, and when a third told me that he had seen you in Kamakura, I felt greatly relieved. From now on, you must not come to visit me in person unless absolutely necessary. When you have something urgent to tell me, send a messenger. Indeed, I was deeply worried about your last trip. An enemy will try to make you forget the danger so that he can attack. If you should have to travel, do not begrudge the cost of a horse. Make sure that you ride a good horse. Bring along your best men to defend you against a surprise attack, and ride a horse that can easily carry you in your armor.

In the eighth volume of Great Concentration and Insight and in the eighth volume of The Annotations on "Great Concentration and Insight" it says, "The stronger one's faith, the greater the protection of the gods." This means that the protection of the gods depends on the strength of one's faith. The Lotus Sutra is a fine sword, but its might depends on the one who wields it.

Among those who propagate this sutra in the Latter Day of the Law, who compares with Shariputra, Mahakashyapa, Perceiver of the World's Sounds, Wonderful Sound, Manjushri, and Medicine King? Persons of the two vehicles [such as Shariputra] had destroyed all the illusions of thought and desire, thus freeing themselves from the six paths. Bodhisattvas [such as Perceiver of the World's Sounds] had eradicated forty-one of the forty-two levels of ignorance and were like the moon on the fourteenth night before it reaches fullness. Nevertheless, Shakyamuni Buddha refused to entrust the mission of propagation to any of these people and gave it instead to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Thus these bodhisattvas are the ones who had thoroughly forged their resolve.

The mighty warrior General Li Kuang, whose mother had been devoured by a tiger, shot an arrow at the stone he believed was the tiger. The arrow penetrated the stone all the way up to its feathers. But once he realized it was only a stone, he was unable to pierce it again. Later he came to be known as General Stone Tiger. This story applies to you. Though enemies lurk in wait for you, your resolute faith in the Lotus Sutra has forestalled great dangers before they could begin. Realizing this, you must strengthen your faith more than ever. It is impossible to say all I want to in one letter.

With my deep respect,


The twenty-second day of the intercalary tenth month in the first year of Koan (1278), cyclical sign tsuchinoe-tora

Reply to Shijo Saemon


This letter was written at Minobu in the intercalary tenth month of 1278 to Shijo Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon, commonly called Shijo Kingo. Kingo was accomplished in both the practice of medicine and the martial arts. For nearly the entire first half of 1278, Nichiren Daishonin had suffered from debilitating and chronic diarrhea. Evi-dently Kingo had sent the Daishonin various medicines that had helped alleviate his illness.

In the fall of 1277 a virulent epidemic swept Japan, and Kingo's lord became violently ill. Despite the lord's deep-seated antagonism toward the Daishonin's teachings, he turned to Kingo for help. Lord Ema was most grateful for Kingo's ministrations and rewarded him with an estate three times larger than the one he already had. Yet the Daishonin warns Kingo to be constantly on guard and to take particularly great care to protect himself from attack while traveling.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Although unworthy, I propagate the Lotus Sutra; hence heavenly devils have competed to deprive me of food. Understanding this, I have no complaint, but I believe that I survived this time only because Shakyamuni Buddha entered your body to help me.

[ General Stone Tiger, WND Page 952 ]


Active member
Hello my friends.

As i said i have a question or two, regarding Districts. I dont know if im particurlary happy with my district, i like everyone well enough but i feel a bit out of place. Hard to describe but for instance i talked with on of the people in my district and she said "she went to a meeting at so and so's on friday", these are all people in my district. Why was i not asked to come along?

Also, Audrey, the director of the whole region or somethin like that, the great lady who pushed me to get my Gohonzon said to me awhile back that she wanted me to talk to Hiroshi, i dont know if you guys remember me talkin' about him but hes an awesome dude, allways smiling and when he shares hes brief to the point and talks about the heart as being of utmost importance. I like that and was excited that Audrey wanted me to talk with him. Well i ran into him at the meeting thursday and he said how are you and he asked if i was happy. I said yes indeed, then he said what district are you with and i told him and he said "ok good stick with that district" What i didnt get a chance to tell him is that, yes im very happy but my happiness is not a direct result of the district im supposedly a part of.

So im not sure where to go from here, i feel i need to remind Audrey that she wanted me to talk with Hiroshi cause maybe she wanted me to talk with him about something specific and had not told him yet.

I dont know. But i do know that i want to look forward to my district meetings and really relate to the people im with ya know?

I have a meeting tomorrow with my district so we'll see how it goes, i feel at this point i need to be right where i NEED to be, i need to feel a part of ya know what i mean?

Maybe i need to go with my GUT.

Maybe im in this district for a reason beyond my knowing.

Why do we have to stick with one district, i would like to be able to criuse around and meet new people once in awile, see if i feel more at home.

any input? im a bit confused.

peace and love to you all my friends.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Bonz, our wavelengths have crossed again. I was just going to ask about this whole meeting stuff. I wish I could hear an answer to your questions, because I got my first call from SGI with a # to call.

My question is: What is the first thing that will happen when I go to my first meeting?

Peace, Desi!


Active member
Hi Desi! Good mornin my brotha! I wish i could hear an answer to my questions as well, lol! More than likely the first thing youll do is Daimoku. After that you may read a passage or two and discuss it, its all very laid back its not like a test its cool man. Its just really nice to chant with a group of people, all become one is the best i can put it, its way cool. Or someone may have an issue or a very enlieghtening personal experience that they will share, very inspirational, allthough there are a few that can get a bit long winded , shame on me for tellin it like it is! But its true some people just like hearin themselves talk.

I gotta say Desi i think all meetings are a little different so just be yourself and have a bitchen time dude!!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
PS the answers to my questions will be answered today at my meeting.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
hey all , good morning . i played hooky from work today to spend time with the ones i love . much love . nam myoho renge kyo!


We all need to love ourselves and eachother thats what Bog Said

We all need to love ourselves and eachother thats what Bog Said

I Believe in many things such as this I believe in the power of love and loveing one another and using our energy to reverse the negative world in with we live. I believe in karma and I am under the tree with you guys. I am only 26 but I am years ahead of my time I am just happy to have found a home here to share my medical strains with everyone. I will post every crop for the next year and love my herb and the world.
I will be praying for all of us and our ozone layer.
This is a great community and we all have to come together and unite so we cna't be broken.

Pure Skill

(Medical 100% legal)http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=38986]My First LifeSver Grow[/URL] :yoinks: :yoinks: :yoinks: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:

I sit under these trees as well =) come join me !! =)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
"Oh so good brother, oh so good, brotha, yes, you make me fly far up high, where one can find themself.........and feel good spirited,...... yes I say, you make my day!" :wave:
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Bonz: chillout, thats the devil of the 6th heaven trying to make you feel confused and slip in a negative banana trying to trip you up somehow. Check this out; I am in a district that borders another district which both have great members and also have members that do not come out much apparently. I have been told by the leadership in my area that they want to seperate the two districts. Yet I chant with everyone and travel anywhere I want to go and if I meet new members I ask them where is your local meeting I want to chant with your group. So when the District leaders and chapter leader discussed splitting the groups I immediately said " I still want to participate with everyone" and they said that was cool.

People sometimes have consistency and communication issues, I know because I am one of them. When it comes to kosen-rufu we must really try harder with our SGI members to work with them towards kosen-rufu, especially if that means chanting for them or someone. I tell you Bonz, doesn't matter where you are but must surely make value of every situation. I was told by my district leader that our membership in our area is "scarce" at best for meetings and we need to reinvigorate our membership and help them actively participate. Thats why I have done a couple home visits and have to do more! Its not easy but working towards Kosen-rufu is something I chant for when I chant for my Buddhanature to come out every morning.
(among other things like "chanting for the appreciation having Gohonzon again in this life and to have Gohonzon with me again in my next life, apply faith to everything, Tony Matsuoka and Ted Osaki and those who also directly facilitated my spark to join the Bodhisattvas of the Earth bring on kosen-rufu best we can)

Its all dynamic not static even if we make no effort, practicing Buddhism in rural, suburban and urban america, just like our lives the issue is really will you apply your faith to every situation? Thats how I see it and know that my further participation equals a contribution towards kosen-rufu and the wider propagation of nam-myoho-renge-kyo. shit I totally want to be happy too, so chanting and making greater efforts to be involved really amount tot alot for me.

Chant about this Bonz, chant about anyone and anything that you need your Buddhawisdom to help you better approach this and any situation. Have faith in your earnest daimoku Bonz. See the prize is to continue, shit I been dragged through the mud in the past and recently by my own accord but to keep going man I might be shedding a tear writing this but I am proud and it is MY HONOR to stand up and really bring out my positive side and make some changes in this world.

very deep respect,

Desi its not a question of what happens more than likely you will dictate this, when I went to my first meeting I said "hey I need to get my Gohonzon, and lets chant gongyo together." So we discussed how I found out about this, I said the Internet (very generically) and baddabing baddabong we chanted, I felt super pumped, I asked questions Like "in your own words what is being a Buddhist? Why do we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo? So now that I am chanting whats going to happen?" lol My point is, ask any you have to ask, and just chant with them your doing it for yourself Desi. As you chant you will know for yourself how this works.

We are all unique Desi, I have heard people chant for things I could never imagine chanting for but you know what.... Nothing is impossible. In fact, the illusions I have found maybe inhabiting like my psuedo social status, living conditions, transportation are really going to change for the better now because I am chanting for the better and working hard for everything to come together and not leave anything behind, Buddhism is Reason.

Can I get a "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!"!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is huge, I've come a long long way and believe in world peace starting my change inside....

Go on chant Desi, call them up make the meeting come back tell me about it please, it would totally be an honor bud!



fallenangel said:
hey all , good morning . i played hooky from work today to spend time with the ones i love . much love . nam myoho renge kyo!

I did that too yesterday and got to repot my garden, have fun with a buddy, have a great time with my wife, eat some good food, chant some great daimoku and really really really enjoy myself. Trying to do the same today! Glad you out and about fallen, since Desi is about to goto a meeting I am also totally excited to hear about you attending a meeting as well. Please do, your almost there!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Have faith like flowing water, believe in yourself!

President Ikeda's Daily Encouragement:

The mentality of getting others to do the hard work while one sits back and takes it easy-that is bureaucratism at its worst; it is not faith. The spirit of taking on the hard work oneself-that is faith, that is humanism.

Keep jamming bud! You know I'm with you all the way. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Bonz's answers (PTD's humble opinion)

Bonz's answers (PTD's humble opinion)

"...she said "she went to a meeting at so and so's on friday", these are all people in my district. Why was i not asked to come along?"

It could have been a leaders meeting, a womens division meeting, or a planning meeting of some sort. The easiest thing to do, Bonz is to ask a questions of her. "Was it a meeting I could have gone to? I didn't hear about it."

"...he said "ok good stick with that district" What i didnt get a chance to tell him is that, yes im very happy but my happiness is not a direct result of the district im supposedly a part of."

So dude, take action. Reach Audrey or someone to get Hiroshi's number and call and talk to him about it. Talk to Audrey if you need to. The bottom line is you can practice anywhere you want to, but for the sake of being able to support you, the SGI will always try and get you to be involved with the closest group to where you live. But you are never forced to be some place you don't want to be. EVER.

"So im not sure where to go from here, i feel i need to remind Audrey that she wanted me to talk with Hiroshi cause maybe she wanted me to talk with him about something specific and had not told him yet."

Anytime you feel you should do something, do it.

"I dont know. But i do know that i want to look forward to my district meetings and really relate to the people im with ya know?"

Of course! But don't forget that Nichiren Buddhism says that the perception you have of them, is a reflection of you.

"I have a meeting tomorrow with my district so we'll see how it goes, i feel at this point i need to be right where i NEED to be, i need to feel a part of ya know what i mean?"

And that is what is going to happen wherever you end up being.

"Maybe i need to go with my GUT."

If you have already chanted about it, then trust your gut for sure.

"Maybe im in this district for a reason beyond my knowing."

Maybe. That is the reason you chant about it sincerely first, before you do anything else. Start that part of the solution right now.

"Why do we have to stick with one district, i would like to be able to criuse around and meet new people once in awile, see if i feel more at home."

You don't have to stick with one district, but you will be encouraged to. For the purpose of keeping track of everybody, they want you to have a central group that is your primary activity center. That district can be wherever you want it to be, so long as you support it with your active presence. It makes it easier to build deep relationships with people that you see regularly over time. It's not about controlling where you practice, it's about trying to have the best circumstance of support for you to continue your practice. Which frankly is not as easy as you might assume.

Desi! It's just people like you gathering to discuss this Buddhism. It's a no sweat situation. Chant about the experience you want to have, and you won't have any problems. Congratualtions on getting that number. GIVE THEM A CALL!



Love shall unite the world

Love shall unite the world

Wow I am truely inspired The earth needs our healing I want to chant with you guys I believe in the bible and jesus christ. and I also believe in energy and the power of all of us to come together and use our good energy to change the world.
I have yet to chant but I will try and let you guys know how it gose.
Thanks for the inspiration. I have had a hard couple of days. I sliped walking down the stairs to my grow room and flew up 3' in the air and landed in hte middle of my back on a 2x6 ouch!! But it has humbled me It just lets me know that we must wach our stepps in life as well as online. All it takes is one slip.
I hope everyone here is secure... I run a proxy to prevent DEA activity. I know most pot growers who post dont but they should
It would cost 50 to 500 thousand to catch someone on a proxy
and 5 to 20 without. I hope the admin dose not save ip logs.
This my anxiety here But I love everyone here and want us to be protected.
Thanks for the upliftment you guys CHANT ON!

Pure Skill
(100% legally grown) :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=38986]My First Lifesaver Grow[/URL]
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I am truely inspired today after reading this thread, I never knew you guys were so deep. It's refreashing to feel love from a online comunity and to give it back is what I will try to do. If anyone has any kind of questions about growing feel free to ask.
I hope you all have a wonderfull day and I playd hookie from work yesterday as well to post and work on my crop it was nice.

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