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Rock on Bonz, PTD Meds RESPECT! Babba Desi and Co. Keep on Jamming!

Rock on Bonz, PTD Meds RESPECT! Babba Desi and Co. Keep on Jamming!

Daily Encouragement from President Ikeda:

A victor is one whose life shines with faith. Emerson, one of the favorite writers of my youth, once said, "That which befits us...is cheerfulness and courage, and the endeavor to realize our aspirations." To advance toward our dreams cheerfully, to courageously work toward achieving them-this is what gives sublime meaning and value to our lives.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

How are we responsible for our own karma? And can we change it?

The question of destiny or karma has greatly preoccupied philosophers in both the West and the East. One Western theory is that when we are born our lives are like a sheet of paper on which nothing is written. Each life then develops as a result of its surroundings and the forces acting on it - parents, friends, society, the dominant culture, and so on.

Buddhism, however, teaches the eternity of life; that we have lived countless lives already. This means that we are not born as blank pages, but pages on which countless impressions have already been made. According to Buddhism, life is forever existing in the cosmos; sometimes it is manifest and sometimes latent. Just as when we sleep and then awaken; our conscious mind awakens and our body feels refreshed. Between the sleeping and awakening, our consciousness carries on in a sub-conscious state. Similarly one's life continues eternally in alternating states of life and death. Death is as much a part of living as sleep is part of the process of living.

Karma is thus the accumulation of effects from the good and bad causes that we bring with us from our former lives, as well as from the good and bad causes we have made in this lifetime, which shapes our future. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means 'action'. Karma is created by actions - our thoughts, words and deeds - and manifests itself in our appearance, behavior, attitudes, good and bad fortune, where we are born or live - in short, everything about us. It is all the positive and negative influences or causes that make up our complete reality in this world.

Unlike some other philosophies though, Buddhism does not consider one's karma or destiny to be fixed; since our minds change from moment to moment, even the habitual and destructive tendencies we all possess to varying degrees can be altered. In other words, Buddhism teaches that individuals have within themselves the potential to change their own karma.

All that we do in one lifetime affects the negative and positive balance of our karma. For example, if we are born poor in this lifetime and spend our life giving to others whatever we can give, we are making causes to change the negative karma of being poor. On the other hand, if we spend our life envying or hating or even stealing from others, we are adding to our negative balance of karma.

Buddhism teaches we have all amassed karma throughout countless lives and that we not only experience the effects of this karma now, but we continue to recreate it. However, the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin teaches that there is an area of our life that is more profound than our karma - our Buddhahood or Buddha nature. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to reveal this area and to allow its pure life force to purify our lives and change our karma at the deepest level.

As SGI President Daisaku Ikeda explains: "It is the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin that enables the pure life force of the Buddha state, which has existed within us since time without beginning, to well forth in unceasing currents. It changes all the tragic causes and effects that lie between and unveils the pure causes and effects which exist from the beginningless past towards the present and the future. This is liberation from the heavy shackles of destiny we have carried from the past. This is the establishment of free individuals in the truest sense of the term."

(from: http://www.sgi-usa.org/buddhism/faqs/karma.html)
Buddhist Concepts for Today’s Living (28)

Deliberately Creating the Appropriate Karma

For years, I felt confused by what I saw as a dichotomy in the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. In his writings, Nichiren Daishonin assures us that based upon our Buddhist practice, we will enjoy “peace and security” in this lifetime and “good circumstances” in our next (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p.681). He also states that it is because of our countless good deeds in the remote past that we are able to take faith in the Gohonzon in this existence.

If it were true that our connection to the Mystic Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo extends deep into the infinite past, as both the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin indicate, then why, I wondered, were so many of my fellow SGI members struggling with such extreme difficulties and problems? Where was all this good fortune we had supposedly accumulated?

The “Teacher of the Law” chapter of the Lotus Sutra offers a profound explanation: “Medicine King… you should understand that such persons have already offered alms to a hundred thousand million Buddhas and in the place of the Buddhas have fulfilled their great vow, and because they take pity on living beings they have been born in this human world… Medicine King, you should understand that these persons voluntarily relinquish the reward due them from their pure deeds and, in the time after I have passed into extinction, because they pity living beings, they are born in this evil world so they can broadly expound this sutra” (The Lotus Sutra, trans. Burt Watson, pp. 161-62).

In his Commentaries on the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra, the Chinese Buddhist scholar Miaolo used the phrase “deliberately creating the appropriate karma,” (WND, 243) to describe this concept.

In “The Opening of the Eyes,” Nichiren Daishonin also addresses this concept: “The more government authorities rage against me, the greater my joy. For Instance, there are certain Hinayana bodhisattvas not yet freed from delusion, who draw evil karma to themselves by their own compassionate vow. If the see their father and mother have fallen into hell and are suffering greatly, they will deliberately create the appropriate karma in hopes that they too may fall into hell and share in and take their suffering upon themselves. Thus suffering is a joy to them” (WND, 243).

When SGI President Ikeda visited Sonia Ghandi in India after the assassination of her husband, Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi, he told her “I really hope that you can change your sad destiny into a cause for realizing an important mission in India.” This conversation is captured in the book The wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 2(p.184). Here he also explains that the greatness of Rajiv Gandhi arose from his love for the people of India.

He writes: “Not even the terrorist bombing that took his life (in May 1991) could have destroyed the love for the people that burned in Rajiv Gandhi’s heart. I believe people have a mission to fulfill that transcends life and death. The lives of people who embrace a mission to which they can wholeheartedly dedicate themselves and even be willing to die for are the most sublime” (Ibid., p. 184).

The most important thing to remember as practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism - especially when facing difficulties and problems - is that we possess a profound mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Instead of simply viewing our unfortunate circumstances as “bad karma,” our struggles, no matter how difficult, are in fact the soil for our great mission to take root.

“To simply view your sufferings as ‘karma’ is backward-looking,” writes President Ikeda in The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra (pp. 208-209). “We should have the attitude: ‘These are sufferings I took on for the sake of my mission. I vowed to overcome these problems through faith.”

“When we understand this principle of ‘deliberately creating the appropriate karma,” he continues, “our frame of mind is transformed; what we had previously viewed as destiny, we come to see as mission. There is absolutely no way we cannot overcome sufferings that are the result of a vow that we ourselves made.”

The problem is that if we are deluded in our view of life and are overcome with complain and suffering as a result of our problems, we might forget our original vow to save others by overcoming our suffering. And then we might not be able to conquer our own suffering either.

In The New Human Revolution, President Ikeda tells the SGI members in Brazil, man of whom were desperately poor and isolated in a new and vastly different country, that in addition to making tenuous efforts, their “daimoku must also be a pledge.”

“Prayer in Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism means to chant daimoku based on a pledge or vow. At its very core, this vow is to attain kosen-rufu.

“You may think you have just happened to come to Brazil as a result of your respective circumstances. But this is not the case, “he continues. “You have been born as Bodhisattvas of the Earth in order to achieve kosen-rufu in Brazil, to lead the people of this country to happiness and to create an eternal paradise in this land. Indeed, you have been chosen by Nichiren Daishonin to be here” (The New Human Revolution, vol. 1, p.251).

It is the same for us, irrespective of where we live or our present circumstances. Once we determine to overcome our sufferings as a way to help others understand the greatness of this Buddhism and thereby lead as many people to happiness as possible, then we will be fulfilling the compassionate vows that we ourselves made in the infinite past. To make this kind of determination and advance with courage is what is most important.

“When you realize you great mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth and dedicate your lives to kosen-rufu, the sun that has existed within you since time without beginning will begin to shine forth. All offenses you have committed in past lifetimes will vanish like mist, and you will embark upon wonderful lives permeated by deep joy and happiness” (Ibid., p.254)

excerpt from the Gosho: Curing Karmic Disease

our boils have resulted from only one offense -- slandering the correct teaching. The beneficent power of the Mystic Law you now embrace is superior to that of the "moon-loving" meditation. There is no reason why your boils cannot be healed and your life span extended. If these words of mine do not prove to be true, you should shout, "The Buddha, the eye of the entire world, is a great liar, and the Lotus, the wonderful sutra of the single vehicle, is a scripture full of untrue flourishes! The World-Honored One should give me proof if he cares about his good name! All the sages and worthies should come to protect me if they do not want to be untrue to their vows!"

A letter cannot convey all that one would like to say, and words cannot fully express what is in the heart. The rest will have to wait until the next time we meet.

With my deep respect,


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In The New Human Revolution, President Ikeda tells the SGI members in Brazil, man of whom were desperately poor and isolated in a new and vastly different country, that in addition to making tenuous efforts, their “daimoku must also be a pledge.”

“Prayer in Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism means to chant daimoku based on a pledge or vow. At its very core, this vow is to attain kosen-rufu.

“You may think you have just happened to come to Brazil as a result of your respective circumstances. But this is not the case, “he continues. “You have been born as Bodhisattvas of the Earth in order to achieve kosen-rufu in Brazil, to lead the people of this country to happiness and to create an eternal paradise in this land. Indeed, you have been chosen by Nichiren Daishonin to be here” (The New Human Revolution, vol. 1, p.251)."


Perhaps all these events I have gone/been going through are in preparation for much greater things. I really need to develope my patience more and chose to be more humble. Since my vanity and attachments to "precusors for pain" really bring me down when I really don't need/want/welcome such negative energy or in other words more make myself suspectible or vulnerable to bullshit conjecture and the effectuation of my deluded addictions.

Even shariputra and those of us who think things to death (over analyze) and cause needless grief and pain as a result can become enlightened. Sustaining faith is priority number 1a. Everything is nuetral until we percieve it to be otherwise, chanting and practicing are so important priority 1ab. I will once again chant with more appreciation in my heart going forward and avoid the pitfalls of the engrained inferior teachings clouding my reasoning and thinking. Buddhism is reason and I strive to overcome my inconsistancies on my way to Buddhahood. Approaching these problems have really helped me quite a bit. Study1abc really solidifies what is already there, faith1a chanting1ab and practice1ab by giving someone a further basis in which to sustain their faith and effectually apply the goodness of that to their lives and realm of influence.

1a + 1ab + 1abc = Individual Happiness = Kosen-rufu

without one of the 1a 1ab or 1abc factors the equations results will waiver as a result if your lacking in any specific compotent muster up the determination to STOP SLACKING and chant about it.

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
hahaha G33 or Golden Pineapple hmmmm thats funny because Grandaddypurple ended up being the one...heheheh trim and chant , chant and trim....
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


lets just say I'm a Surfer. Lately I haven't been able to catch any good waves. Reason is because I really wasn't looking for any good waves. Now I found my "spot" again, silly me, I always find my place when I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and ride the most righteous waves!

How did I forget that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and really focusing my faith would help me ride another awesome wave? I don't know it just happened, but thanks to my effort, Gohonzon, and all you righteous guys and gals here, I will not be missing high tide that often and miss out and some pretty awesome waves!

So I was bitching about not getting my greedy way, yes I had to be more humble to approach this situation with a winning attitude and not letting the change in the tide dictate my next move which coulda turned out too difficult to bear or possibly create some serious bad karma. Now That I suffered what there is to suffer with respect to that (for now), shit I'm ready to Enjoy what there is to Enjoy! Ohh yeah! Then I'll be stronger next time the tide turns and MyohoDisco can't find any big kahuna waves to surf, in fact, I created value out of my situation and think that going forward I will have more discipline and greater control.

Chanting has given me alot, especially protection, but most importantly this Buddhawisdom is just totally great as a super bonus, its like I don't need to destroy everything anymore to know what I really had. That may sound nutty but its been my expirience without embracing the Mystic Law and thinking "I know it all". Before I chanted I would "ask god" to save me when the shit really hit the fan, then curse my exsistence, tons of bad karma as a result but essentially its from this moment going forward and I am faithful were once I was faithless and lost. I know that since as far as my ancestors can remember whenever winter comes along spring is not so far away, winter will always turn to spring upon embracing Myoho-renge-kyo inside your heart.

Thanks for helping me and encouraging me throughout this shitstorm. It must have been a cosmic melee of devilish functions running amok, then again in my expirience all that Fundamental Darkness originated right here, with your Bodhisattva MyohoDisco and his unbridled enthusiasm! I want to create some amazing history to enjoy/share/inspire others with in my future and this growth is really a huge part of that. Again my humble appreciation for all of you keeping me grounded during the past week. It was touch and go, until I pulled the carpet of the Devil of the 6th Heaven from underhim, now more daimoku as I continue to learn where to go and how to get there..... as I practice here and with you always working towards kosen-rufu.

We can't be beat!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Clever speeches and fancy words are not what genuinely touch people’s hearts. It is the earnest call rising from the depths of one’s life that inspires others to stand up. True encouragement is life-to-life inspiration that stems from a deep resolve."

SGI Newsletter No. 6999, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 1, Rainbow of Hope 26, trans. Oct. 18th, 2006
MyohoDisco: Great post man, thanks for always sharing your journey with everyone. It's inspiring.

Babba: Haha, couldn't decide on either of those G's so you chose another G instead, huh? :D Sounds delicious, can't wait to scope the new photos I hope you'll be posting of her in your thread, bro. Great stuff.

T: Thanks as always for being yourself and helping everyone here so greatly.

Everyone else: Much love and respect! I don't have much to share tonight but I wanted to 'check in' so to speak! Worked more overtime tonight making sure we got everything done. I think without my fiancee and I, my boss would be sinking in his first year (and first busy season of said year!) So when I feel too tired, or the blisters and sore muscles flare up, I think of this and know it's for good people. It makes me resent the coworkers who obviously don't want to work and simply get in the way, but I don't dwell on these feelings as they are too negative. I just make sure it gets done before I leave, no matter what time that is. I think I would work my fingers to the bone the same way for any of you good people.

Anyhow, I'm going to go have a bit of this Martian I picked up the other day, it's super white almost like a white widow, and has a lovely skunky bubblegum smell. The high is very buzzy and heady, it's quite nice :D So everyone have a wonderful night!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
From here we are going to cross the sea to the island province of Sado, but at the moment the winds are not favorable, so I do not know when we will depart. The hardships along the way were worse than I could have imagined, and indeed more than I can put down in writing. I will leave you to surmise what I endured. But I have been prepared for such difficulties from the outset, so there is no point in starting to complain about them now. I shall accordingly say no more of the matter.

[ Letter from Teradomari, WND Page 206 ]


Daishonin was a very tough dude ( with totally indistructible unwavering conviction and faith in the Lotus Sutra), Gohonzon is therefore an indistructible beacon of hope and light in our world.

Stand up to yourself and the world like Nichiren always did and know that you will be protected within the all encompassing power of your faith. Its an honor to know this going forward.

Thanks meds, lets help you see the Gohonzon this weekend if possible. The sooner the better, hi there babba enjoy what there is to enjoy bud, Hi Bonz, your cruising over there bud keep it (that amazing faith) flowing, Thanks Teacher for being the groundwire to my battery through Gohonzon's immeasureable mercy I am so very fortunate to have your guidance rebuking my renegade ways and instilling The Daishonin's life into my heart and further propelling my understanding to the point of me finding it within myself to sustain my self reliant faith.

I will continue to climb "the mountain" towards living my life enlightened and truly embracing and propagating the Mystic Law everyday of my life in my present form.

Through these recent struggles new dreams and aspirations emerged, its a very exciting time to be alive.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Get after it then....

Get after it then....

easydisco said:
Through these recent struggles new dreams and aspirations emerged, its a very exciting time to be alive.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Let's all get after it! Congratulations MyohoDisco! It IS an exciting time to be alive!

“Prayer in Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism means to chant daimoku based on a pledge or vow. At its very core, this vow is to attain kosen-rufu." (The New Human Revolution, vol. 1, p.251)

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Much love to all my chanting friends. You all give me so much encouragement. Thanks for being here. Trim and chant chant and trim.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Active member
HI MY MOST AWESOME CHANTING BODHISATTVA BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!!!! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

In and out, busy, busy, goin to a meeting, but i have things to share and QUESTIONS!

ill be back!!


AND MAN O MAN, AINT IT AN AWESOME TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:




!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>> NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!


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Fallen and Babba, thats how we all feel to a certain degree I'm sure and really adds a great dimension into the internet. I know our teacher's heart is also strong enough to spark us up through this bulletin board, and we have to always take the initiative to take it where we need to take it and go where we need to go. Like Bonzo...

Watching you start your practice via your words and knowing who you are and are becoming is totally beyond words for me. I am grateful for you continued presence but especially your continued friendship.

PersonalMeds what can I say you totally rock!

Baccas, almost time for that meeting looking forward to hearing about it!

Hi there Mr.Wags and DG! Hello there. Hi there Ms.G and Mrs.B and hello to Gypsy.

Socal Looking forward to your expirience very much!

Hello to treehuggers, My boy alwaystotheleft!(where you go brother?), smiley (you too come back!), scegy (hope your jamming now in better conditions!), desi (your a gem! lets here more from desi!) Everyone I am forgetting except Hitman and Moms (whats up!) big hello to everyone.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The mind is like a skilled painter."*
It is very important that we try to visualise a picture of a hopeful future in our minds.
The images and perspectives we create in our minds are what will certainly determine
and transform everything!

Daisaku Ikeda

*a passage in the Flower Garland Sutra - WND, page 226, 259, 864

**"The Kegon Sutra says, 'The heart is like a skilled painter.' Like a great painter, the heart freely creates representations of all things. One's heart is the designer, the painter, the sculptor and the architect of his or her being."

"It is our spirit, our life moment, that counts: Our spirit is our hope, our prayer. And it can also be identified with the subconscious.”

"'What kind of future do I envision?', we may ask ourselves. 'What kind of self am I trying to develop? What do I want to accomplish in my life?' We should paint this vision of our lives in our hearts as specifically as possible. This 'painting' becomes the design for our future. The power of the heart enables us to actually execute a wonderful masterpiece in accordance with that design. This is the doctrine of a life-moment possessing three thousands realms.

The more specific and detailed the blueprint we have in our hearts, the better. The point is to continue vividly painting the target we have and to advance toward that goal single-mindedly. Then, at each instant, the reality of our lives will gradually approach the painting that is our aspiration.

Everything depends on what is in our hearts. Heartfelt prayers will definitely be answered. If we decide that something is impossible, then consistent with our minds in thinking so, even things possible will become impossible. On the other hand, if we have the confidence that we can definitely do something, we are already one step closer to achieving it.

In accordance with the principle of a life-moment possessing three thousand realms, pessimistic thoughts or feelings take form, just as they are, in reality, producing negative results. People who have negative thoughts create effects for themselves that perfectly match their thinking." (Learning From the Gosho by Daisaku Ikeda, p. 128)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In accordance with the principle of a life-moment possessing three thousand realms, pessimistic thoughts or feelings take form, just as they are, in reality, producing negative results. People who have negative thoughts create effects for themselves that perfectly match their thinking." (Learning From the Gosho by Daisaku Ikeda, p. 128)"


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"And if the mind of faith is perfect, then the water of wisdom, the great impartial wisdom, will never dry up."

(Letter to Akimoto - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 1015) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, October 19th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Something uncommon also occurs when an ordinary person attains Buddhahood. At such a time, the three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat."

(The Three Obstacles and Four Devils - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 637) Selection source: "Myoji no Gen", Seikyo Shimbun, October 20th, 2006


Happy Page 300! We have discussed & takenpartin many shakubukus within these 300 pgs!

Happy Page 300! We have discussed & takenpartin many shakubukus within these 300 pgs!

Thank you for that great guidance!

Holy shit its so true, last night one of my dreams came true, thru a good friend and the results have led to great thinking which has flooded over into some of the best sex this Discodude ever had! I was suffering a self induced "midlife crisis" upon seeing my dream come to fruition through a friend after I suffered so much for that result, I feel soo grateful for Gohonzon's protection and my efforts even after I really feel I lost all hope in that situation. Positive thinking leads to more positive efforts for more positive results.

Pt(hinking) + Pe(ffort) = Pr(esults) (P=Positive)

:woohoo: Fuck yeah! I weathered this storm, I talked to everyone about it PasstheDoobie, Personalmeds, Babba and Bonz and I am just so glad you guys supported me while I was really down and I could also goto my meetings and chill with the coolest family I could have ever become a part of and keep working toward widely propagating and sharing the positive aspects of my life reinforced and ready for further growth via my positive relationship with Gohonzon! In a less verbose mishmash of verbiage " KOSEN-RUFU ROCKS LETS KEEP JAMMING!" :dance: :sing: :dance:

I am so pleased! Elated is a better word.

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Active member
PassTheDoobie said:
"The mind is like a skilled painter."*
It is very important that we try to visualise a picture of a hopeful future in our minds.
The images and perspectives we create in our minds are what will certainly determine
and transform everything!

Daisaku Ikeda

*a passage in the Flower Garland Sutra - WND, page 226, 259, 864

**"The Kegon Sutra says, 'The heart is like a skilled painter.' Like a great painter, the heart freely creates representations of all things. One's heart is the designer, the painter, the sculptor and the architect of his or her being."

"It is our spirit, our life moment, that counts: Our spirit is our hope, our prayer. And it can also be identified with the subconscious.”

"'What kind of future do I envision?', we may ask ourselves. 'What kind of self am I trying to develop? What do I want to accomplish in my life?' We should paint this vision of our lives in our hearts as specifically as possible. This 'painting' becomes the design for our future. The power of the heart enables us to actually execute a wonderful masterpiece in accordance with that design. This is the doctrine of a life-moment possessing three thousands realms.

The more specific and detailed the blueprint we have in our hearts, the better. The point is to continue vividly painting the target we have and to advance toward that goal single-mindedly. Then, at each instant, the reality of our lives will gradually approach the painting that is our aspiration.

Everything depends on what is in our hearts. Heartfelt prayers will definitely be answered. If we decide that something is impossible, then consistent with our minds in thinking so, even things possible will become impossible. On the other hand, if we have the confidence that we can definitely do something, we are already one step closer to achieving it.

In accordance with the principle of a life-moment possessing three thousand realms, pessimistic thoughts or feelings take form, just as they are, in reality, producing negative results. People who have negative thoughts create effects for themselves that perfectly match their thinking." (Learning From the Gosho by Daisaku Ikeda, p. 128)

WOW!!! Funny you put that up T, I went to a meeting on thursday, and it was a tribute/documetary about the the life of Daisaku Ikeda.

This exerpt seems to me to describe Ikeda himself and how he has chosen to live his life and make what he sees as the best possible future for all of mankind to become a reality, Kosen Rufu!

I learned alot about him and was amazed at what he has and is acomplishing, i really had no idea the scope of what he has done for SGI, i do now, hes an amazing, enlightened, Bodhisattva, Buddha dude, i was blown away!

I love that whole exerpt, its gettin printed and pinned on my wall of inspiration :woohoo:

To me those are words to live by, again, im just blown away by him! Really, i cant find the words to describe it.

peace and love


>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>
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