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Oh no my brotha, YOU blow MY shit away dude!! :D Fuckin heart of gold that you just open wide for all of us here to learn and grow from. Ive been thinkin, ive been to alot of meetings in the last couple months or so, big , medium, small, have met alot of District leaders and people with alot of time doin this and i have yet to come across ANYONE quite like you T. I can only speak for myself but i know when i have my head up my ass sometimes you'll post a quote directly related to my situation and let me seek the meaning and figure it out for myself, i fuckin love that! :woohoo: Its a challenge with such great rewards. Its like in school i was never just given the answers to my math tests, the teacher did his best to teach everything he knew and then it was up to me either listen and learn or say fuck it and give up! Well this here isnt a math test or any kind of test at all and were not gettin graded in any way but i kinda think the principle is the same: T lays it all out and i can either take it all in, get off my ass and take action or say fuck it and give up! If i gave up i would be giving up on LIFE!! FUCK THAT NOISE, I WANNA LIVE AND IMPROVE MY LIFE CONDITION!!! Its the only way i can be of any help to this world in our goal of Kosen Rufu.

Sorry if i went into left field their a bit but i just wanted to say that you are truly one incredibly special Buddha dude T.

One of a kind my brotha. Im beyond blessed to have you, this thread and everyone that participates in it in my life, and i mean that from you know where, THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!! no shit.

I need a pizza. :chin:

peace and love to you all!!!

Bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>>>


Active member
Man i gotta cut down on the swear words, sorry if i offended anyone with my foul language, ill try to cut down, but sometimes its absolutly neccesary.



>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Same goes for me....

Same goes for me....

Bonzo said:
Man i gotta cut down on the swear words, sorry if i offended anyone with my foul language, ill try to cut down, but sometimes its absolutly neccesary.



>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>

.....but this is the way I talk......


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Do not these interpretations make clear that, among all the teachings of the Buddha's lifetime, the Lotus Sutra is first, and that, among the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, that of women attaining Buddhahood, is first? For this reason, though the women of Japan may be condemned in all sutras other than the Lotus Sutra as incapable of attaining Buddhahood, as long as the Lotus Sutra guarantees their enlightenment, what reason have they to be downcast?

[ The Sutra of True Requital, WND Page 930 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Dude, as a favor to me....

Dude, as a favor to me....

SoCal Hippy said:
'The darker the night, the nearer the dawn'.......'The colder the winter, nearer the spring'

Have to share my 'meteor' over Tatsonokuchi beach experience when I have more time. gotta get to work....Love you all and thanks for everything!!!!

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!

I desparately need to hear this story today. PLEASE find the time. Please!

Thanking you in advance from the bottom of my heart,



Active member
PassTheDoobie said:
Do not these interpretations make clear that, among all the teachings of the Buddha's lifetime, the Lotus Sutra is first, and that, among the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, that of women attaining Buddhahood, is first? For this reason, though the women of Japan may be condemned in all sutras other than the Lotus Sutra as incapable of attaining Buddhahood, as long as the Lotus Sutra guarantees their enlightenment, what reason have they to be downcast?

[ The Sutra of True Requital, WND Page 930 ]

Good morning my friends.

I like that , ive learned so much from the women of SGI. I was talking to this Japanese lady, she coulda been 80 years young, at the center and she was telling me in her day in Japan only the poor people chanted, she started chanting as a kid with her family and they would chant for food and to heal the sick. Now however she chants for whatever she wants and is loving life. She even told me she puts a little list just below her Gohonzon to stay focused on what shes chanting for. I still see her there whenever im there, shes there all the time.

Women tend to react from the heart eh? More than men who react more from the mind? Somethin like that?

by the way T its how i talk too.....im a carpenter, thats how we all talk on the jobsite, we actually had a neighbor that could hear us complain to the homeowner about our foul mouthed ramblings. :yoinks:

peace and love allways

bonz :wave:

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"... we should recall the debt of gratitude we owe our mother ..."

(Gyobu saemon-no-jo nyobo gohenji - Gosho Zenshu, page 1398) Selection source: "Suntetsu", Seikyo Shimbun, October 12th, 2006


Active member
Babba you got it!!!!

Babba you got it!!!!

chant and trimm chant and trimm chant and trimm nam myoho renge kyo and buds nam myoho renge kyo and scisors nam myoho renge kyo and leaves....... yeeeha!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
None of you who declare yourselves to be my disciples should ever give way to cowardice.

[ The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, WND Page 764 ]


Active member
:dance: :dance: :dance: NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO :dance: :dance: :dance:

goodnite my friends

peace and love allways

bonz :wave:

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey SoCal! I know you will when you can. Sincere thanks!

Myoho must have had a weekend to himself. Hoping you come back safe, refreshed, and on course.

Bud, I am sure, is in the same state of mind that I would be if I were him. Never stop seeking the protection of the Buddhist Gods until the landscape is level. Don't relax too much, dear friends. You are always in my prayers.

Bonzo! YOU are a votary of the Lotus Sutra my friend. I have heard the most clear, correct, and wonderful praise for the Law come from the golden words that flow from your heart. You inspire me dude. Our relationship is 100 pecent reciprocal, I assure you!

Tree so good of you to stop in! Don't ever stop chanting!

Here is a big hello to Scegy! I hope you get connected soon!

Hitman, stay close. Where are ya, Brother?

Desi, don't forget to get to the meeting. The Universe took note of your promise. It will be really good for you to keep it.

Meds, Fallen and Respect: Hang tough!!!

A big hello to BACCAS!

And Big hellos to Bartender, Sleepy, Wags, DG, Gypsy, MrsB, and MsG and anyone else that I have forgotten to mention!

Delta, where the fuck are you?

Anyone that has promised to themselves to make an effort to see the Gohonzon, that has not done so, needs to keep their seeking spirit alive and do so as soon as they can get the devil of the sixth heaven off of their back. That comes from nothing other than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the desire to see the Gohonzon in mind. I hope you will prevail.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Our determination is manifested in our actions. In essence, the strength of our resolve is demonstrated by what we are able to accomplish in a limited amount of time."

SGI Newsletter No. 6993, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 1, Rainbow of Hope 20, trans. Oct. 13th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Respect for parents, grandparents, and ancestors is a natural and important human emotion. But ancestors are not themselves a proper object of worship. The only way to attain Buddhahood is to embrace faith in the Mystic Law, the fundamental law of the universe. When people chant for their deceased relatives, their daimoku opens the path to Buddhahood for the latter. That is the ultimate offering one can make to the deceased."

SGI Newsletter No.. 6990, The New Human Revolution—Vol. 19: Chap. 1, Rainbow of Hope 19, translated Oct. 11th, 2006


Bonzo said:
Good evening my most awesome chanting Boddhisattva brothers and sisters!

I wanna share my day with you all cause to me it was quite a Mystic one indeed.

I woke up late and didnt have time for morning Diamoku with my Gohonzon so on the drive to work i chanted for a half hour while driving, my chanting heavily focused on driving out the darkness, it worked. You know after having your own Gohonzon for awhile you can picture it in your head, like ill be looking at a stop light and i see my Gohonzon, its a trip and it seems to help me keep my focus on my chanting.

So i get to work, all is good, good moods all around, and then the homeowner shows up and hes in a pissy mood. He has just thrown out his back so my boss says to him that i have to go with them to get materials cause he needs my help loading it, this just puts the homeowner in a tissy fit knowin he has to pay me for my time. By the way the homeowner is also a friend of ours (me and my boss) we surf together and hangout every now and again. We stop for gas and Mike the homeowner is just goin on and on about how fucked up his life is so when he stops whining for a second i said "Nam myoho renge kyo dude". He responded by reciting Nam myoho renge kyo completely wrong, so wrong i feel i cant even type the way he said it, and said "oh yeah that meditation stuff, i know about that , its good for relaxing" or something to that effect i dont remember exactly what he said but it wasnt what he said it was how he said it that kinda bugged me. I allmost corrected him and wanted to explain just a bit about it but i felt it would have fallen on deaf ears and probably created an argument so i let it go.....for now.

Anyway we cut out at 2 pm and i had planned on going to the Friendship Center at 7 pm for the monthly World Peace Prayer meeting that i look forward to so much. How ever when i got home i had a bunch of things to do and was dead tired so at around 4 pm i took a nap. I woke up at 7 pm, i needed a shower and it would take me 20 minutes to get there. So i sat and thought and thought untill it was too late to go. However, i also occasionally attend another meeting on friday night right down the street from me. An AA meeting and someday ill tell yall why i go to those meetings. Something popped into my head about Thomas telling me to "go with my gut" a while back and i coulda made at least half of the meeting at the Center, but my gut started tellin' me meybe i should go the AA meeting.

So im at the AA meeting and one of the people that shared conluded that Buddhism had helped him accomplish staying sober. For some reason i didnt think much of it right at that moment. After the meeting i happened to see him walking out and asked him what form of Buddhism he practiced and OF COURSE he said Nichiren Daishonin. So i said Nam myoho renge kyo, nice to meet you! As quick as i said that his friend said "were having a meeting tonite, you wanna come?" For a fleeting moment the darkness that loves to try to fill me with fear had me in its grasp and i was hesitant to accept thier offer. But, it was very fleeting and i said for sure, i would love to. I WOULD NOT HAVE GONE ANYWHERE WITH ANYONE I HAD JUST MET 6 MONTHS OR SO AGO, NO FUCKIN WAY!

Before i knew it i was doing Daimoku with 3 strangers, allthough it felt as though i had known them all my life, i was at total ease, beyaond total ease, i was FEELIN IT MAN!!! When we did Gongyo this girl that was one of the 3, sat right next to me with one of the bigger Liturgy booklets and asked the guy leading to go a bit slow and she went through each word, pionting to it as it was chanted, i felt such a huge amount of love and caring coming from her, it was allmost overwhelming. Noeone has ever done that with me till then and i needed it cause i am still having a hard time with Gongyo, it was unreal! It was like she knew i needed it. Major spinal goosebumps!!! We ended with her reading the short Expedient Means, it was perfect.

I dont like missing the World Peace Prayer meeting, but i gotta tell ya, what i experienced in its place shot strait to the core of my heart AND STILL AS I TYPE THIS HAS ME JUST OVERFLOWING with the most incredible gut wrenching happiness and empowerment that is really hard to describe. Basically its just about the best feeling ive ever felt in my life, no shit.

So was my lazy ass just lucky to have this encounter or is the Mystic Law for real?



!!!!!!!!!NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!!!!

KEEP CHANTING! DEEPEN YOUR FAITH!........and see what happens.

Peace my friends


!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>> Nam myoho renge kyo >>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!

Great post Bonz! Thanks alot for that great expirience.

Thanks for the encouragement Thomas, I have been depressed and downtrodden recently. Only things I feel going good for me are my friends, plants and a couple other intangibles such as my woman's love. My fundamental darkness has been wearing me down lately but I am still kicking. I spent over 4 months chanting for something I wanted really badly and when I got it I denied myself it and "took it back" so to speak because I thought with my buddhawisdom I may not be able to deal with the karma that will come with it, and thankfully my mentor gave me some much needed guidance to weather this storm.

Mentor Disciple relationship is important in Buddhism by working through guilt and sadness from the past is something I have to find from within with my Human Revolution. Practicing the Mystic Law in my everyday life is not a sprint like everything else I have done, its a marathon for life. I hope to be smiling at my final moments, but my good fortune is apparent since I did not die this weekend drowning in sadness, I have today to make things better and will keep that effort going forward on the forefront of my mind.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the answer. I will respond to my private messages tonight, thanks for your patience everyone I am gathering myself as I write this but a big thanks goes out to PasstheDoobie for reminding me where I stand, could be and want to go, sometimes without practicing with others we can quickly fall down that painful path in life. Embracing Myoho-renge-kyo unlocks your unlimited potential to be happy and thats what I'm doing today or trying to do right now as I write this.

Daily Encouragement by president Ikeda:

There is no need to be impatient. Anything that is accomplished quickly and easily will not long endure. Now is the time to concentrate on the construction of a solid foundation. I hope you will complete this work slowly but surely, filled with hope and joy.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/

Gosho Excerpt:

"None of you who declare yourselves to be my disciples should ever give way to cowardice."
(Had to post it twice since I needed to re-emphasize it for myself today)

The actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra,
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg# 764)
Written to Konichi-ama in 1276 from Minobu

Daily Encouragement:

Intellect will play a very important role in the coming age. By intellect I mean refined wisdom, clear reasoning, profound philosophy and broad-ranging knowledge. We are entering an age when people will develop their intelligence and wisdom, infusing society with their new outlook.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/


even though physically i was lost for the past few days, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is and has been in my heart. Its important to chant everyday, very important. Debts of gratitude are important to remember going forward as well. Much love


Hi everyone Thank you all for your encouragement and for your direction...I read through everyday and I try to chant in my garden as much as possible....

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Hi everyone. I feel like Easy is priority right now, so heavy chanting for myohoDisco's sadness to part ways, so happiness can jump in and kick that sadness to holy hell........I need to groove in on you Easy, for I have been working non-stop for two weeks, BUT, I did call the "community center" (SGI) and left my name and phone #. Right now it looks like there is one center in my state?

Love Desi!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Hey Easy got a big dose of Daimoku on the way buddy !! Gotta get back on and ride forward :) Hope everyone is feeling high and happy today. The Babbas have been a bit overmedicated for a couple days but seem to be coming around :) More time in front of Gohonzon today!! Much love for you all. Like the Roar of the Lion
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Therefore, I want people with seeking minds to meet and read this letter together for encouragement."

(Letter from Sado - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 306) Selection source: Q & A on Buddhism, Seikyo Shimbun, October 15th, 2006


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
In the eighth volume of Great Concentration and Insight and in the eighth volume of The Annotations on "Great Concentration and Insight" it says, "The stronger one's faith, the greater the protection of the gods." This means that the protection of the gods depends on the strength of one's faith. The Lotus Sutra is a fine sword, but its might depends upon the one who wields it.

[ General Stone Tiger, WND Page 953 ]
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