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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Hello Respect :
Brother im so glad you put up your first post. The rest get easier after the first one :) Your seeking spirit has brought you here and that is a beautiful thing :)
Hey everybody this is my new friend Respect. He has a beautiful wife by the name of Smile and it seems they are going to be hanging out with us a bit and reading and adding to our discussion some of what they have been going through:) Respect heres another site you guys might want to take a look at . http://www.sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
So glad you have stopped by and put up your first post. Some awesome friends here :) Hope to see much more of you guys soon :)Keep reading !!and dont forget it all starts with chanting !!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
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Active member
hey everyone ,sorry i havent been around as of late but my world seems to be crashing down on me as i type this . i was wondering if i could get some vibes sent my way . my whole house was flooded during the 5" of rain that we got in 2 hours . i just ripped up all of the carpet in my familey room ... i watched water push through my walls and just roll into the familey room .it pushed in so hard there were worms under my carpet ..and the basement ... my god , there was around a foot in there .. so the grow room that i have been building for the last 3 months seems to be ruined ..for a man who does not cry , i have cried for 2 days straight ... when i bought this house they said in the discloser that they had water issues in the basement and rec. room , but all were fixed !!! well they are not ! so after talking to a lawyer i found out that im 1 week late . you can not sue after a year ... its been 1 year and 1 week . to remidy this problem looks like im going to have to remove my septic system and have the yard regraded ... $14000 . there is so much more to this .im just tired and i havent been to work in three days . lots of pinesol over here . im sorry for bringing this post to this upbeat thead , and i am sorry for asking for something selfish , but i do know the power of this thread and the people in it . so if anyone could find some time in there busy scheduals to think of me ... well you dont know how much it would mean to me .... again im sorry ... oh god here come the tears again


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

FallenAngel so sorry to hear about your misfortune. Best thing to do now brother is change the attitude. Look at this as a challenge that will make you stronger. All challenges that come to us are to make us stronger and renew our faith. Dont worry brother you are in our chants now and we will send all the good Daimoku possible your way. Its important that you chant though too. Im sure all things will work out for you and you will be looking back on this in no time. Keep a positive attitude and go forward and tackle the challenge in front of you with all energy. Wish we were closer I would come help. Chanting for you always :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!
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Active member
Morning my friends.

So i wanted to tell ya about my boss/good friend. When i first went back to work with him, at some point i told him i had been chanting and practicing Nichiren Buddhism and he said thats cool and we left it at that. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to know more but didnt say anything, i just went about my work. As the days past i would tell him i was going to a meeting here and there and the next day he would ask how it was, he was gettin closer to aking more. At one point he said he was thrilled at how i had changed, i didnt say anything but i thought to myself, you have no idea. Anyhow the other day he just out right said again how thrilled he was with the change he saw in me and it was like i " had no fear!!" It was spooky because i have chanted "no more fear" tens of thousands of times since i started and he picked it right out. So then he might want to attend a meeting sometime and thats when layed it out for him and invited him to the World Peace meeting. Later that day he told me his wife wanted to attend as well, i said the MORE THE MERRIER! I told em where to get beeds and there both excited about there first meeting.

So just through my own small victory that he could see as plain as day, more than i can see myself alot of the time, hes been inspired to give this thing a whirl. So in part i contribute his seeking to this thread and all of you as well, since i have gotten so much from everyone here.

I know i may seem a bit wacky and may seem like im just foolin' around in here with ya'll but thats just me, i want you all to know that i take this practice VERY SERIOUSLY, as i said sometime ago when i first sat down in front of my butsudan and opened the doors to reveal my Gohonzon, i truly felt i was looking at my destiny. Thats for real and it has not changed.

I dont want to lose who i am i want to improve who i am and to the best of my ability help others do the same.

Dont know why said all that stuff, its just what was in my heart right here right now.

NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO my Boddhisattva brothers and sisters!

deep respect and love to all of you!

have a GREAT day!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Excellent words PasstheDoobie, much appreciated and well received. Facing these obstacles will clear me going foward of this bad karma, my wife told me today that even if it gets rougher I am still laying a great foundation for the next life as well. My biggest pains come from those I love who are suffering very much too and growing past the hurtful history is another thing that I am just working through chanting a fighting daimoku. Your words Tom is the right guidance at the right time for me and fallen and everyone else.

Fallen, I will sincerely chant for you, chant through this, go back a few pages and re-read when PasstheDoobie posted about Human Revolution, you can surely create value out of this situation, its not easy but you can try your best to work through this and win. I had the familiar feeling of defeat, something which has plagued me in the past, now I goto Gohonzon and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and there is no sickness or misfortune that will cripple me or cause me to fall deeper into the abyss. Man is it hard when the pressure/heat is totally toasting you, but Fallen we have this Buddhanature that helps us rise above those hinderances. good thing you recognize the universal effect of The Mystic Law, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as you suffer what we have to suffer then enjoy what you need to enjoy, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will be the constant and will help us find peace in reality. Thomas congratulated my obstacle, since it will help me climb the mountain of enlightenment further, and I congratulate you on facing your problems and your impending positive growth. We will surely chant for you on this end and you'll summon deep faith and overcome.

Bonzo you sir are a HUGE GINORMOUS INCREDIBLE inspriation to us all. Your shakubuku spirit is admirable and I am in awe of your dynamic change too. Your so empowered and rocking so well its totally inspiring for me to be involved in your practice in the sense that I am rooting for you every step of the way and know your profound strength and wisdom derived from your practice inspires the same in me and really keeps us going. I will stand by you Bonz, your a good friend to me.

Babba and Respect, its good you have a great dialouge flourishing, please continue to discuss Buddhism and take part in the ongoing meeeting/conversation of this thread since your such bright people I am happy to Babba's connection with The Mystic Law inspires great people to do great things. That spark of Babbas is just awesome. Keep it up dear brother!

Respect, just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Welcome, :wave:

Hello Always! Hello Socal! Hello Wags! Hello Baccas! Hello GordyP and SouthernGirl! Hello Scegy! Hello Delta! Hello to all reading this.


Fallenangel....My family has started sending all out positive vibes to your household....

To my friend Babbabud thank you for all your wonderful direction...Your life is a positive example for us all to learn from...Mrs.Babba especially!

Easydisco Bonzo Desiderata and everyone in this thread Thank you for the warm welcome and for the positive energy that we all learn and grow from.

Everyone is such an inspiration....I really felt a calm feeling come over me the first time I chanted outloud. It was like a big hug.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
I've got to give FallenAngel a real big hug for his sincere honesty that he shared with us all,,,,,, really felt your anguish bro! It sucks, but legally it's termed an "act of God," when wind, lightning, or water destroy property. It's a gigantic hassle, or a major disruption on ones whole surrounding, but..........you are exhausted no doubt and felt you have had enough...........just know "we all are chanting for you and yours, fallen." I love your truth bro!

Positive vibes with the 'Respects' as our new ICMag family members who are on top of Fallen's broken heart right now. Fallen, "no fear", you have shown enormous strength and courage many times here, with your humbleness too. Just take it one day at a time now. And one day at a time things will improve, especially with all of us supporting you. Love, Desi!


I visited my mother who was one of the two major sources of last nights unexpected pain and anguish and the results were incredible. She is usually in pain and down and she was encouraging me best she could and really showing growth and understanding, wow. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Active member
Fallen Angel, I'm so sorry that you had to endure such a crisis. Major Daimoku coming you way. Nam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge KyoNam Myoho Renge Kyo
You will prevail keep your head up and chant! Can't wait to hear about your future benefits!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Oh, ah Respect, you've been a meember for awhile, my bad......duh, it must ta been the Williams Wonder?.........yep, sho nuf..

Hitman, your kickin it bro, way to go!


Respect said:
Fallenangel....My family has started sending all out positive vibes to your household....

To my friend Babbabud thank you for all your wonderful direction...Your life is a positive example for us all to learn from...Mrs.Babba especially!

Easydisco Bonzo Desiderata and everyone in this thread Thank you for the warm welcome and for the positive energy that we all learn and grow from.

Everyone is such an inspiration....I really felt a calm feeling come over me the first time I chanted outloud. It was like a big hug.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

hey RESPECT I was chanting for you tonight at another meeting I attended and for Fallen and DG and Bonz and Hitman and Socal and Always and Treehugger, and Desi and Everyone even those that are not here, this site is very special. I get the feeling you are very special as well, I see the inheirant Buddhanature in everyone, the world is chock full of people and they all inheirantly have Myoho-renge-kyo.

I hope you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and expirience the constant universal force of The Mystic Law and expirience benefits, build up your faith and overcome every obstacle successfully and emancipated. Be happy be free and create value in your life and for others as well! Thanks for coming in Respect! :wave:

This might help you RESPECT its from Babba:
Babbabud said:
Ten Points To Become a Person of High Self-Esteem

1) Chant to become a person of unlimited self-esteem.

2) Chant to awaken your own greatness.

3) Chant to appreciate and value your life.

4)Truly appreciate your life, including your flaws, accomplishments, defeats, losses, and victories and truly appreciate all that makes you a unique and wonderful person.

5) Chant to make the impossible possible.

6)Chant to consistently manifest your Buddha nature and rise above your basic tendencies.

7)Believe that you are a Buddha and create all the benefits for yourself.

8)Believe you are the Gohonzon.

9)Trust that in the Gohonzon, you have all the means to fulfill each and every desire of your and become extraordinarily happy.

10)Chant to display your Buddhahood and bring forth that strength, joy and vibrant life condition and faith.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

*Fallen and PTD you both got a couple hours of daimoku from this end, lets keep chanting and overcoming these obstacles creating value and serving The Law*



Thank you easydisco..for chanting for me and for posting babbabuds post. It helps so much.I really am moved by you chanting for me It really makes me feel good beyond words.

Also Bonzo your story is a good one. thank you for sharing...

Thank everyone that has contributed.....I have so much to read..but alot of what I have read so far is so positive and helpful....

Many things I have read are the same things I feel inside everyday.. and it is great to see them written down and people sharing the positive ways.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Fallen I have been chanting for you. I hope your doing ok and getting some much needed rest.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Where's SoCal? we need your buddah spirit in here soon bro.

I'll be chanting all day for Fallen, the Babbas, the Respects, Easy, PTD, Bonz, Hitman, DG, Gypsy, heck everyone for a better day for us all. It can only get better!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Nirvana Sutra teaches the principle of lessening one's karmic retribution. If one's heavy karma from the past is not expiated within this lifetime, one must undergo the sufferings of hell in the future, but if one experiences extreme hardship in this life [because of the Lotus Sutra], the sufferings of hell will vanish instantly. And when one dies, one will obtain the blessings of the human and heavenly worlds, as well as those of the three vehicles and the one vehicle.

[ Lessening One's Karmic Retribution, WND Page 199 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Welcome back Respect and fallen. You and everyone else are in my Daimoku as well.

Sicker than a dog with the flu from the kids,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra / WND pg. 1000

The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra / WND pg. 1000

I have carefully read your letter, in which you described the recent skirmish with powerful enemies. So they have finally attacked you. It is a matter of rejoicing that your usual prudence and courage, as well as your firm faith in the Lotus Sutra, enabled you to survive unharmed.

When one comes to the end of one's good fortune, no strategy whatsoever avails. When one's karmic rewards are exhausted, even one's retainers no longer follow one. You survived because you still have both good fortune and rewards. Moreover, in the "Entrustment" chapter (1), the heavenly gods and benevolent deities pledged to protect the votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Of all the guardian deities in heaven, it is the gods of the sun and moon who visibly protect us. How can we doubt their protection? The heavenly deity Marichi in particular stands in service before the god of the sun. When the god of the sun protects the votaries of the Lotus Sutra, how could the honorable one of heaven Marichi, who is his vassal, possibly abandon them? The "Introduction" chapter of the sutra reads, "[At that time Shakra with his followers, twenty thousand sons of gods, also attended.] There were also the sons of gods Rare Moon, Pervading Fragrance, Jeweled Glow, and the four heavenly kings, along with their followers, ten thousand sons of gods." Marichi must be among the thirty thousand sons of gods who were present at the ceremony. Otherwise, this deity could only abide in hell.

You must have escaped death because of this deity's protection. Marichi gave you skill in swordsmanship, while I, Nichiren, have bestowed on you the five characters of the title of the Lotus Sutra. There can be no doubt that Marichi protects those who embrace the Lotus Sutra. Marichi also upholds the Lotus Sutra and helps all living beings. Even the words "Those who join the (2) battle are all in the front lines" derive from the Lotus Sutra. This is what is meant by the passage "If they should expound some text of the secular world or speak on matters of government or occupations that sustain life, they will in (3) all cases conform to the correct Law." Therefore, you must summon up the great power of faith more than ever. Do not blame the heavenly gods if you exhaust your good fortune and lose their protection.

Masakado was renowned as a brave general who had mastered the art of war, yet he was defeated by the armies under the emperor's command. Even Fan K'uai and Chang Liang had their failures. It is the heart that is important. No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other. "All others who bear you enmity or malice will (4) likewise be wiped out." These golden words will never prove false. The heart of strategy and swordsmanship derives from the Mystic Law. Have profound faith. A coward cannot have any of his prayers answered.

With my deep respect,


The twenty-third day of the tenth month

Reply to Shijo Kingo


In the tenth month of the second year of Koan (1279), this letter was written in reply to a letter to Nichiren Daishonin from Shijo Kingo, informing him that Kingo had been ambushed by enemies among his fellow samurai, but had managed to escape unharmed.

The Daishonin teaches Kingo that faith must always come first, before any other tactic or strategy, and that faith in the Mystic Law is the ultimate factor that determines victory or defeat.


1. Possibly a reference to a passage in the "Entrustment" chapter of the Lotus Sutra, which reads: "We will respectfully carry out all these things just as the World-Honored One has commanded."
2. A quote from the fourth-century Taoist work Pao-p'u Tzu. Chinese soldiers believed that reciting this phrase while drawing four vertical and five horizontal lines in the air with their fingers would protect them from harm. This practice later spread to Japan and was widely adopted among the samurai of the Kamakura period (1185- 1333). Here the Daishonin indicates that the heavenly gods and benevolent deities form ranks to protect the votaries of the Lotus Sutra in all their activities.
3. Lotus Sutra, chap. 19.
4. Ibid., chap. 23. In the sutra, the sentence reads in the past tense. It was changed here to fit the context of this letter.
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Two perfect Goshos for me prove my theory that every post here is for me and everyone here should read each post as it written for them too. Thank you PasstheDoobie for the timely guidance and yes I refused to leave my house without completing a fast gongyo even though I was running late and know I will be protected accordingly. Thank you for the great posts, I will check in again very soon.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It is the heart that is important. No matter how earnestly Nichiren prays for you, if you lack faith, it will be like trying to set fire to wet tinder. Spur yourself to muster the power of faith. Regard your survival as wondrous. Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other. "All others who bear you enmity or malice will likewise be wiped out." These golden words will never prove false. The heart of strategy and swordsmanship derives from the Mystic Law. Have profound faith. A coward cannot have any of his prayers answered."


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Bonzo has only been able to accomplish what he has accomplished because of faith. The same is true for Babbabud and easy--for any of us. Fallen, it's time to develop your faith. Respect is seeking solutions, and they are there for you, but you must develop your faith to find them.

So fallen, I hope you will use this time of dispair to reach out to the power of your life and seriously resolve all of the issues that are confronting you from this Act of God (or karma?). Frankly it's time to be more than casual in your efforts to embrace your Buddha nature. Your ass is hanging out for the 14 G's and you have lots and lots of things that you will need to be "in rhythm" for, in order to put things right.

YOU CAN DO IT! But you must start being serious about chanting. Sit down every day and chant for as long as you can. Learn gongyo, even if you don't receive your Gohonzon right away. But my friendly, unrequested, advice for you is to make receiving your Gohonzon part of all of this and the reward toward the challenge.

Your new family room should be restored with having a place for an alter in mind. Trust me. Make this determination as you wade throught the crap of pulling this together and you will. Joyfully! Let your Buddha nature out!

Every issue we face is absolutely neutral in reality. If we see it as something we can deal with we are motivated to do what we have to do to mitigate it, and go about doing that. If we see it as something beyond our control we stress and dispair and waste our energy and life condition instead of appying the true solution--us. In our original state of Buddhahood which we achieve everytime we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can change anything.

Believe that and solve your problems!

Feeling real compassion for your plight but confidence in your victory,


(Desi! Make sure you make good on the cause you have made of deciding to seek out a meeting.)
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