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** Ch@ppers Grow Diary - Autoflowering AK47 **



Great job Cheesey! I might have to do some playing with the canna and coco if I'm not thrilled with dutchmaster gold a/b + canna terra soils results. I guess the only downside is more frequent watering/feeding?

i feed 6 days aweek then flush on a sunday . autos love coco no need for big pots .


Yeah I noticed they looked small. What size are those?

So you only need to feed/flush once a day? That would be manageable for me.
How about when they are babies? Then do you need to water them more than once a day?


Yeah I noticed they looked small. What size are those?

So you only need to feed/flush once a day? That would be manageable for me.
How about when they are babies? Then do you need to water them more than once a day?

1 use 3.6 ltr pots . same all the grow feed 1 time a day and flush 1 time a week.


your girls look great man, good growing. you will have yourself a nice little sack o buds for Christmas. :deadxmas:


LowLife' New Auto AK47 Harvested On Day 74!

LowLife' New Auto AK47 Harvested On Day 74!

Its been something like three weeks since any updates ?

Longer than that now I'm sure, real life gets in the way sometimes and updating grow diaries get moved to the back burners unfortunately.

yea, how come there are so many interrupted or incomplete auto diaries?

Seedling has the answer for that...plus I get easily distracted with other things in my life.

Maybe its because AFs are so fast... When starting your grow, beeing used to regular strains, you plan out to make this really good grow diary, as you have sooooo much time on your hands til harvest. But then before you even get time to do it propperly, take photos, write and all that.... your sitting in the sofa with some superb bud in your hand.... and the grow diary kind of doesnt get finished....

You know it mate! :joint:

But I have returned! And I intend to finish what I started...

Before I get into the pictures, can I just say that 16/8 is awesome! Seriously, we've been wasting our time (and electrical energy) on 20/4 and 24/0 all these years when 16/8 is absolutely fine.

In the UK, the longest day is about 16hrs long so I figured I'd simulate that indoors and let me tell you, I don't think they'd have grown any better under the extra hours of light. So if you don't need to, you may as well start saving some power/money/the environment and switch to 16/8.

Just after my last update I swapped my 600w HPS for a nice, new 600w Metal Halide! I tell you guys, MH is the may to go! Not only can you take better pictures under MH but the plants definately responded to it. They started reaching towards the light enthusiastically within a few hours.

As I mentioned earlier, life distracted me somewhat from the grow diary and I'll be honest...the plants were neglected a little bit. A couple of times I let them get a bit too dry and they drooped, some leaves went crispy and I ran out of tomato food about day 35 and didn't get any more for quite some time...and that's too long for a plant that loves to eat!

So as you can see by the harvest pics, there is substantial yellowing but with all my neglect, it didn't seem to harm the yield none.

So let's get busy with some pics...

I left the grow diary hanging on day 20 so we now skip ahead to day 37 and flowering is only now just starting to move into high gear. (that's good, the later they really start flowering, the bigger the end yield)



And then I pretty much neglected the sh*t outta them until harvest...so here's the final pics taken on November 27th day 74, just before I pulled the fan leaves off and chopped them down.



The shortest was 18" and the tallest was 22"...I reckon if I'd have started them off in 10l pots then I'd have seen even more improvement as they wouldn't have dried out so quickly and they'd have had more access to food.

So I can honestly confirm that yes, the new Auto AK47 is definately new and improved. Seed to harvest, it's still roughly the same speed but increased vigour is clearly noticeable in the early stages. I've been curing them for a couple of weeks now and initial testers are identical to the original version with maybe a slight improvement in the flavour but of course that is all down to the opinion of the individual lucky enough to be smoking it. I think the buds have a slightly thicker coating of resin too.

So yeah, I'm very happy with these as always and I fully intend to give them another go early next year and this time I'll grow in bigger pots and I won't neglect them...I reckon it's gonna be special!



thk for the update m8, im still quite doubious, but in my next grow whit a know strain i give it a try! thk again and happy smoking!


Doing what we do because we are who we are
dammmmmmmmm you and mozzy.... the hudini twins :)

glad to see you back and they look amazing... have you crossed them with anything yet... sorry i just had to ask :)


thk for the update m8, im still quite doubious, but in my next grow whit a know strain i give it a try! thk again and happy smoking!

What are you dubious about? They're easily the best autoflowering strain currently available. Or do you mean dubious about autoflowering? If that's the case, seriously man, you don't need to be!

dammmmmmmmm you and mozzy.... the hudini twins :)

glad to see you back and they look amazing... have you crossed them with anything yet... sorry i just had to ask :)

Why's that? Has Mossy been away for a while too?

No I haven't crossed them with anything, I've got dozens of my
own autoflowering projects on the go and the last thing I need is another but I have got some seedstock to play with.

16/8 works? Great Job, man! This is an important information, because now it's more affordable.

Oh yes it works a treat mate! No more wasting electricity.

i feed 6 days aweek then flush on a sunday . autos love coco no need for big pots .

So you water your coco everyday?? How are you able to do that without over watering?? LoL...

Do you water with full strength or half strength?

Those plants are amazing for such small pots..lol..as always cheesy..watching you grow is always pleasure :tiphat:


Great job with the growing and nice of you to finish this grow log up even with all the distractions we are all subjected to. Your job with the camera is top notch to mate, its nice to see some really good auto pics out there. Hopefully it wont be to long until we get an Auto as Picture of the month, that would be a finger in the eye on all the auto-haters out there!!! Keep on doing what your doing mate and stay safe.

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