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** Ch@ppers Grow Diary - Autoflowering AK47 **



Day 14

Day 14

Here's a pic from yesterday, the 28th September 2009 - Day 14


I transplanted all 20 sprouts into their final 5l pots on day 3 I think it was, I could identify some males on day 11 and had identified the rest by day 14.

There is still one plant as yet unsexed although experience tells me it's a male - 12 females, 7 males and one unsexed.

They grew fairly slowly for the first two weeks as is normal with autos (they tend to take off about day 20) so won't be long now before I'll be able to show you something interesting.



no wuckin furries!
looking good and sounding good so far...

Oh right so he's in Alaska, Greenland or somewhere right?

When I've used 24/0 in the past I've had great results but I do feel they perform better with at least a couple of hours of darkness.

I'm not sure I'm prepared to experiment with 24/0 anymore, it's too expensive (electricity wise) and I also don't like having the HPS on during the night (flying porkers could spot it)

I could try a 24/0 compact fluorescent grow perhaps! That's less risky.


yea Alaska probly...i dont ask really ....

yea maybe if your ever in the mood a cfl grow 24/0 would be an interesting test for a full length grow(maybe with different potential strains) ....but was more so hoping this thread my draw out a few more AF growers...that maybe have tryed it or have a veg area 24/0 that they may chuck a few in to fill spaces and found strains that have worked for them ?..

im guessing my mate has tried it b4 with bad results i guess cause he mentions he's "still looking" for a full 24/0 grow strain...but know what he's tryed was mostly from the original AF's before they started getting a bit better in newer breeders hands.HH. =]-~
These look really great choppers! Im impressed with their size! I tried to grow a few autos (ak-47) for the first time.. They didnt amount to much. I would attribute that to the small pot they had been in from the start. They were never root bound, but now I understand the importance of jumping them to a large pot from the "get".. Great job, cant wait to see these gals flower!



Active member
Hey Ch@ppers, I usually soak then place my seeds in paper towels and wait for the taproot to show.this time I just soaked them and placed them directly into peat pellets{no taproot showing}.
did you plant them directly or did you wait for the tap?.
if so how long before they surfaced?....its been 4 days and I'm starting to worry.
I'm usually more patient,but when I try something new{peat pellets} I tend to get anxious...
I agree with you on the dark period,they seem to grow better.
I think they need to rest a little to prevent stress and it also provides time for the roots work during the dark period..but thats just my opinion.


Day 20

Day 20

DIRT DIGGLER, I planted directly into the peat pellets. I am not a fan of pre-cracking with the paper towel method or indeed any other method as I have observed many times that they will crack and show a small root but will fail to fully sprout, why that is I do not know but I stopped doing that years ago. I only ever use that method if I'm using really old seeds as I don't want to waste a pellet on a seed that is too old to grow.

I think mine sprouted in 2 or 3 days, they can take quite a lot longer if they are too cold.

Hey Hashish! Good to see you man.

Here's an update...

Today (4th October 2009) is day 20 and they have recently been growing like crazy! I mentioned in my last post that autos tend to "take off" round about day 20, well these took off on day 15!

LowLife was absolutely right, I have noticed a HUGE increase in health & vigour. When I posted my last update, I don't think I had noticed much difference in this new Auto AK47 over the old one but now the difference is extremely noticeable.

The last time I grew Auto AK47 (earlier this season) they performed ok...18" and 20g per plant on average but these new ones are performing so much better...I'm really impressed by the increased health and vigour over the previous generation...if only all breeders did this when their strains started to get a bit played out *cough* KC Brains *cough*!


Sorry about that picture but you guys know how hard it is to get a good pic under a HPS.




Active member
Thanks for the info [email protected] thought I messed something up, then I found out the seeds didnt have enough time to harden.I ended up with 2 masterlow out of 10 sbr,5 masterlow,5 DR...
gonna start a second round soon,this time I'll be letting the seeds dry out a bit first.
Those ak's are taking off nicely..I definitly be keeping watch on this one.
LL's ak's are my favorite auto's so far..just chopped a couple down...love the smell from these ladies...thanks again.



Excellent thread Ch@ppers, your plants look stunning! Its great to see the auto scene develop so fast, great work indeed, really looking forward to seeing the mature plants! :)


what size light are you using?

600w HPS mate, 16/8 light cycle (to mimic natural mid-summer in the UK) 5l pots with generic cheapo compost, tomorite tomato food (only given one small dose so far) and they are flying!


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