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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)


Pagan Extremist
interesting thoughts... either way I can attest to some pretty good growth having just recently installing this bulb. I'm pretty pleased with it. I just flipped to flower under it instead of the ole eye... I'll let ya know what I think... I certainly like the 860 over the older 1000 MH and they seem just as bright


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor

Who gives a crap about luminaire requirements; I'm not an interior designer. It has no bearing on the engineering facts that make up the technology(the basic design of the arc and it's internals). I'm talking about arc wall temperatures not reflector design specifics? There's also 3 inches of space on either side of the 860 arc to the glass bulb, vs 1/2" on the elite. Of course the 'elite' glass is going to be hotter.

Either way....all of them are CDM's at their root. I'm kinda getting tired of the 'elite'(marketing name) being mystified as some magical wand designed by the elven kings.

CDM, CMH...whatever you want to call it...same salts more or less, same arcs more or less. Don't really care what ballast it is...yes, electronic(designed specific ones) are more efficient but have shorter lives, and besides, I have no plan on running 50 of them. Electronic ballasts are more efficient and extend bulb life...again, no mystery there.

Again, has nothing to do with the basic premise behind the arc that makes a CDM a CDM.

Interesting argument.

Luminaire requirements are not a reflection of the lamp engineering.

Salts are the same, but they are different.

Arcs are the same, but they are different.

One happily runs on high frequency ballasts, the other will self-destruct in short order on anything but a low frequency ballast.

Oh,yeah. They sound like they are just alike to me......


Nice Seafour.

I booted one up briefly a while back and was surprised at the nice red hue to it (3700k technical). Hope it goes well, and keep us updated with some pics! :)


Active member
I think the discussion has gone astray somewhat because the proper definition of heat isn't being used. Heat is energy. The lamp is a heater, converting electrical energy into radiant & convective energy which is then transmitted into its environment. In that, the lamp is 100% efficient- all of the electricity consumed is turned into heat at whatever wavelength, & some of that radiant energy becomes convective energy at the lamp envelope.

A 1000w lamp puts out 1000w of heat. An 860w lamp puts out 860w of heat. Wavelength doesn't matter in that regard, nor does arc temperature.

The big advantage to CMH over HPS is that the tech moves the energy that a HPS puts into an enormous infrared spike into the visible range where both plants & people can use it better.


Active member

2x 100w CDM-T


Active member
The comparison was being made between CDM and MH, not HPS.

It's the same deal, just to a lesser extent wrt taking energy out of the infrared & putting it into the visible spectrum. Otherwise, there's no way that an 860 CDM can put out as much visible light as a 1000 MH.
Siblings in the same family, or not? If I say that the Elite Agro is a magical bulb, will that make all the elite owners feel better? :)
Are two 150W Elites better than a 315? Or 2 35W better than a 75W Elites?
Nope, and I suggest it is because they are in the same family.

But 2@ 315W are sure as shit better than an 860W, while using 2/3 the power and lasting years longer on 5 year guaranteed ballasts.

That said an 860W is a great bulb. And certainly a step up from HPS or MH. And if you like it, I LOVE it.

I sure hope my facts are not harshing your mellow, as that is not my intent.


It's the same deal, just to a lesser extent wrt taking energy out of the infrared & putting it into the visible spectrum. Otherwise, there's no way that an 860 CDM can put out as much visible light as a 1000 MH.

What do mean JH, taking it out of the infrared. I would prefer if you referred to the proper wavelengths or terms so I could understand what you are referring to. I don't really understand what you are trying to say. :)

CDM generally has better efficacy(the ratio of light output per wattage), color rendering and color control than MH lamps.


If a lamp puts out more lumens per watt(luminous efficacy), it puts out more light per watt than other lamps that don't...meaning an 860watt CDM could theoretically put out comparable light to a less efficient, higher wattage MH. Much like a 1000w HPS at 140lpw puts out more light than a 1000W MH at 90lpw.


But 2@ 315W are sure as shit better than an 860W, while using 2/3 the power and lasting years longer on 5 year guaranteed ballasts.

2 - 315w med wattage lamps put out roughly 1200 umol/s of CDM Agro tailored light.

That would mean that to put out the same amount of umol/s(more or less), an 860 would only need a PAR spec of 1.45ppf...and I'm quite sure it is significantly higher than that.
2 - 315w med wattage lamps put out roughly 1200 umol/s of CDM Agro tailored light.

That would mean that to put out the same amount of umol/s(more or less), an 860 would only need a PAR spec of 1.45ppf...and I'm quite sure it is significantly higher than that.
if you are quite sure then ima guess the facts and sources are just gonna irritate you. so your right. That 860W is a heck of a bulb.