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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!


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Working at my first go of this right now using 66 grams of frosty trim and 2 sticks of butter. I'll give all the details and a full report when finished.



Active member
Alright, well I used 2 sticks of butter but only ended up with about 120 grams of butter in the finished product. I did lose some to spillage though as I was pouring into the cheesecloth. My cooking time was 2.5 hours and the temp was between 180-200 degrees according to a meat thermometer the few times I stuck it in there.

I wanted to give this butter a try tonight and didn't want to wait any longer so about 15 minutes ago I made a couple slices of toast cut off a chunk of butter (9 grams) lathered up the toast with the butter and some strawberry jelly and ate 1 slice. I thought about how much I'd be ingesting if I ate all 9 and that would be equal to about 5 grams of the starting trim so I think I'll let that other piece of ready to eat toast sit for a bit and see if I need it. This will be my first successful experience with ingesting ganja (assuming it works), I bought a brownie once that certainly tasted like it had ganja or ganja butter in it but it didn't do anything for me.

I'll let you guys and gals know how it goes. Thanks to the original poster for sharing this very easy to follow method!



Active member
Well I only ever had that 1 piece of toast last night and I was really wasted. It reminded me of some of my first times getting high, very intense. I took the dog out for about an hour walk about 2.5 hours after I took it and I couldn't walk straight. It seemed like if I would have had any type of pain issues that I smoked ganja for medically this method would have quelled ANY kind of pain. My body was numb. Overall I give the experience a 10/10, certainly the most high I can remember being in many years. I've got about 22 more doses worth the butter at the same strength so I'll certainly be making some cookies or brownies today. I'll report back after I do something silly like take twice as much as I did yesterday! Thanks again to the original poster and people of this thread, you guys and gals are the ones who got me motivated.



Active member
Just another quick update, I made about 45 cookies with the butter and my girl ate 1.5 and I ate 2.5 the first time. I got pretty high, she was WAY high, she got sick and threw up and really didn't have a good time, less for her next time. A couple days later I ate 4 cookies and now I know what she must have been going through, I was extremely sedated. I felt like a human sand bag, I could hardly move for most of the day, it was pretty intense. Can't wait to share with some friends!



Registered Med User
does it matter if u stir it with metal/plastic/wood? while your makin it that is....


Registered Med User
if you took this butter and melted it and had ANOTHER oz of bud and recooked it with more water would it make the butter double strength? Or is there only so much cannabis that can bind with the fat molecules?


Active member
Getmo, I used plastic but I don't see how it could really matter what you stir it with just so long as it is getting stirred. And yeah, you could recook the butter with more weed and make it even more potent although there is a point where the butter can not absorb any more THC. Couldn't tell you at what point that is reached probably depends on your starting product but I wouldn't hesitate to use 2 oz's of trim per stick next time or probably 1 oz of buds per stick of butter if I were to use buds.



Registered Med User
:canabis: Right on and good lookin on the info, If anyone want a recipe that uses a LOT of butter look no further, I took a bite of one of these things and was high all last night. my girl ate a whole one and she woke up still high!
:headbange Betty Crocker BaBY!! :headbange


:rasta: I used an ounce of unkiefed shake, 1/8 of fire, and some old crumbled buds from last year with 3 sticks of butter, and put most the butter in these things... Potent as fuck!


Registered Med User
Holey SHit........
I ate a single one of these brownies last night thinkin it would help me sleep....I Felt like I was on ACID for like 4 hours before finally goin to bed... outa this world. I woke up and could not move. I am finally coming down, so this shit lasted a good 24 hours, now I can move around without fealin like Im walkin on mars...
Fallowing this recipee will make some potent-ass butter. U have been warned...


Active member
I shared my cookies with a couple friends (both ate 4) and they were also both blown away. Both told me it was the highest they had ever been in their life. One of them told me today that the other friend told him he hasn't felt the same since and that was like 10 days ago. I'm diggin' the butter....Now I just need to start eating regular doses. Thanks again everyone for the inspiration and GetMo, I think I'll use that mix next time I make butter. How much butter did you put in total? You said you started with 3 sticks and you put most of it in the mix, what you you think, like 2 sticks worth? Thanks...


Registered Med User
Yeah Id say about 2 or maybe just a little less, maybe just a little under a whole bar for each part of the mix.
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Is it worth while to make canna butter with male plants, I have a 12in lr2 an a larger bagseed male I could use…. input?


hello everyone!

i made a nice glump of cannabutter the other day, here's how it all went down:

i had 200g of random green stuff, from yellow fans to lower budsites from trimming the canopy, 25g of frosty trimmings and 7g of nice potent bud.

i then heated the water and melted 400g of butter, threw the weed and bud in, let it simmer for 3 hours and then started straining the butter off.

here's what i was left with!

i made cocoballs from the half of the butter and got like 20 balls. i took 2 per person with a few friends the other nite and after 'bout 1 hour of eating those balls we were pretty much stoned to the bone! very nice and long lasting body stone!

now i'm off to a summer vacation, gonna drive south to denmark to catch the roskilde festival and after that just cruising where our noses will point us!

have a great summer everyone! :wave:


Great thread and pics everyone, I never thought of tossing in the old herbs left over from the Volcano, maybe ill just toss them in a tin instead of throwin em away after I vape.


Fantastic Thread

made some the other night, went and got some european butter, and whipped up 1/2 oz of ground bud, and 1/2 lb butter and holy cow that shit is potent.

Testing another 1/2 lb of butter with about 1oz of trim tonight to see the differnece. :)