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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!



I have one question for you.

How much i should use weed to make cannabutter for one person?
I know that it depends from power of weed but when i want to make joint I know that i should use approximately 0.3 gram weed if I want smoke alone and I want to get moderate high for one maybe two hour

I hope that you understand what I want to ask mauger my not good english.


I am going to make butter on the 17th this month and decided to use schwag. I am going to get 2 oz of noncleaned schwag for 2 people. I'm sure once I clean the stems and beans it will only be about an ounce. Does that sound like a good amount for 2 people to get pretty baked? (I haven't smoked schwag in months so I'm not sure how the high is from smoking it that's why I ask you guys, maybe others have good experiences from schwag brownies?)
when you ingest cannabis theres no sure way to say how long your buzz will be. In my experiance it lasts alot longer,4-6 hours and start slow if you eat to much you could get sick. last year I ate to much the first 45 minutes was great but then headspins thought I was going to yak,not fun.

G. Sensi

busterbunny said:
I am going to make butter on the 17th this month and decided to use schwag. I am going to get 2 oz of noncleaned schwag for 2 people. I'm sure once I clean the stems and beans it will only be about an ounce. Does that sound like a good amount for 2 people to get pretty baked? (I haven't smoked schwag in months so I'm not sure how the high is from smoking it that's why I ask you guys, maybe others have good experiences from schwag brownies?)

How u doin bunny... I think you should take the whole 2 oz throw it in a blender and chop it to dust... then weigh the dust to see how much you have...

that way u wont waste even one trich that could be stuck to one of the beans.... only the fat soluble stuff (thc and cannabinols etc) will make it into the butter anyways, so you dont have to worry about munchin on seeds or stems... plus I think the flavinoids and terpines add a nicer taste to the butter...

The ratio of butter to dust is up to you... just remember its quantity or quality...

Once its done, find a recipe you wanna make and add I would say a max of 10g's more butter than the recipe calls for...



G. Sensi

octodiem said:
How about canna canola oil for us watching our diets?

How u doin octo?

To answer your question, Yes, it can be done, theoretically you could even use Hemp seed oil...

But the name of the game for using butter or oil is the FAT content...

Ever tried Soy butter?

Soy butter is at about 60% fat, where as most other butters are at around 80%

Best advice I could give you is make your butter as potent as possible... it might not taste that great, but you wont need to use as much to cook with... for instance if you were making brownies that call for 50 gs of butter, you could use 30 gs of super potent cannabutter and then add 20gs of lower fat Soy butter... That way your brownies have less fat, while your cannabutter is still chock full of THC.... it SHOULD come up to the same thing...


-G. Sensi
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New member
I just made some butter from leafs that I cut from my scrog canopy because it was getting too crowded. Then I made some muffins and they really work. Thanks for the great tutorial! :)


G. Sensi said:
How u doin bunny... I think you should take the whole 2 oz throw it in a blender and chop it to dust... then weigh the dust to see how much you have...

that way u wont waste even one trich that could be stuck to one of the beans.... only the fat soluble stuff (thc and cannabinols etc) will make it into the butter anyways, so you dont have to worry about munchin on seeds or stems... plus I think the flavinoids and terpines add a nicer taste to the butter...

The ratio of butter to dust is up to you... just remember its quantity or quality...

Once its done, find a recipe you wanna make and add I would say a max of 10g's more butter than the recipe calls for...



Thanks for the advice G.! I already started it before I noticed your reply. I bought a kief box yesterday and put 22 grams of swag in it, got about 1.5 grams of kief out of it, also threw in about 3 grams of nug kief :D (would have used all nugs if I could have, next time for sure though. I did eat brownies 2 years ago and it was swag and got me really laughy and hungry for a while, went mingolfing and was high for about 5 hours. A friend made them though so I hope I can duplicate his results.
ok so we all know our favorite holiday is coming up here on sunday. I've made butter twice, using it in place of veg oil in brownie mix, but the brownies always end up funky in texture (they def worked tho). All the brownie mixes call for oil rather than butter or margarine. Should I just suck it up or find a recipe that calls for butter, or would oil work? I saw the response to otodiem's Q, but what about other veg oils? And is it just saturated fat that is key or any fat?


Made 2 batches of cookies with 7 cookies each.
Used 14 grams of swag/midis and a couple grams of kief.
1 gram per cookie
Ate 1 and a half each at 12:30.
Went to the post office to ship a couple things at 12:45.
Got back and walking felt really nice and relaxing, no
other feelings besides thinking it made things a tiny bit
Ate another half.
Dylan Smoked a ciggarette said it made him shit.
feeling little hazzzy.
We haven't smoked since last night at about 8 pm or eaten since about 9 pm.

fuck the park was good... Before we left to go there I was having thoughts on if the cookies were even going to work or not.
We geeked the fuck out when we got across the street. a happy
walk a REALLY good happy feeling and huge happy grins on
our faces. the park is only 4 blocks and we got there and
got on swings and giggled like girls a tiny bit more.
We were there for maybe 45 minutes, swung on the swings, stared off at the clouds, talked a bit and soon left.

Agreed that it was good and working. Left a couple friends
messages cause they weren't answering their phones. We
decided we were going to go mini golfing and we left to
see if our friend was home. His car wasn't so we checked
his work and nope wasnt there. so we went to a thrift
store and i bought a couple puzzles, a clock with birds,
some glass thing with a brown bear on it and mountains, a
bird picture framed for my bathroom, muppet chrismiss
carol on vhs, some awsesome wooden bowls, we were there
until 2:30 so about a half hour because i looked through
all the shirts and didnt buy any. All 4 friends i called,
called back while i was there and i told one about my
cookies, did I mention how freaking delicious they were?
raisin oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips. i thought
they would taste bad but they were so good couldnt really
taste the cannabutter just a hint but it was so good and
great with milk.

Anyways, after the thrift store we went to another friends
and we told them about our adventures, we were so baked,
we were there until 3:15 and now back at my house about to
go get our friends car to go mini golfing outdoor awesome
place 30 miles away. its like 70 out and a nice breeze. :)
Time to leave! still feeling so relaxed and pleasant!
Still have not eaten but just ate a banana and my bud ate
a beef and cheese sandwich with mayo. Time to make a
sandwich and go!!

I ate a few grapes on the way and a turkey and cheese
sandwich. We got to mini golf and played 18 holes but got
a little bored because it was around 5:00 when we got
there and my buzz was going away and I started feeling
really tired. We were there for about 45 minutes then
drove to a headshop in a city I never been to but it was
too expensive for me. On the way home we saw an Arbys and
each got a roastbeef with cheese and curly fries and a
rasberry tea. We drove back home I kept closing my eyes
and then would wake up. Now we are home about to smoke
for the first time since last night.

The whole experience was great, I am going to eat 3 on Sunday, I can't wait!
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Wow that was a long sort of unorganized post. Wish I would have taken more time writing that log adding more detail in but oh well. That was definitely the highest I have ever been. I just ate another cookie tonight (1 gram bud) and am baking a firecracker with .2 of some afghani strain, .2 mids, and about .1 of kief. Going to see that new movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall in an hour at Midnight so I thought I'd enhance the night a little bit, work was a little stressful :)
Made four sticks of butter with an oz of homegrown Flo. Strained it with cheesecloth, the mix is cooling in the fridge right now. Going to make some brownies for 4/20.
I squeezed the cheesecloth with the leftover mj into the bowl. Licked my buttery fingers afterward, got a little high. Then I went back and sucked on the ball of cheesecloth with the buttery mj still inside. Yeah, I know, I'm a fiend, but it got me higher. The taste of buttery mj is gross, but eff me if it didn't give me a body stone.
I'm excited. This is my first time making edibles and I think I'll start making it a standard practice for me. Eating is so much better for your lungs than smoking...


king of the dinosaurs
i made some butter the other day...

after it had chilled in the fridge, it seems like theres a thin layer of a darker, more brownish than the rest on the bottom. is this normal? should i scrape this off or just leave it?


stankbud said:
man I love threads that are this simplistic and no frills. Great post. I can almost hear Julia Child in the background!!

Now, can ya do another one on how to make BHO? :chin:

LMAO @ Julia Child.

Great thread by the way, love the detail/pics with the steps.

great tutorial.. my friend is getting hash soon and making brownies with this cannabutter recipe... and seeing this thread made me really want to do this with the trim ill ahve left after i harvest within the next month... itll be much easier and cheaper than buying bubble bags.
bongasaurus said:
i made some butter the other day...

after it had chilled in the fridge, it seems like theres a thin layer of a darker, more brownish than the rest on the bottom. is this normal? should i scrape this off or just leave it?

I have the same thing: on the bottom of the butter is some darker material. I didn't scrape it off. I think it's just either unfiltered leaf/bud or maybe some burned butter. I just made a batch of brownies with a third of a pound of cannabutter and i don't notice any grittiness, although the brownies do taste like weed. :joint:
Not surprising, since the cannabutter smelled strongly like weed....


New member
...some questions...
..please don't think me a tard...

I've made butter a few times before but it hasn't been very potent. Also, I'm a little uneducated when it comes to weights and measurements. Math and I don't get along very well!

Haschishin said:
When the water has turned glossy and thick on top it should look like this,
In this picture the butter looks clear and almost clarified. Mine hasn't looked this way...problem? It's still a little cloudy.
When I make it, I throw the water and butter in together immediately and let them heat up together. Haschishin says to let it simmer on low, I leave mine at a rolling boil for a few hours while I chill around the house and smoke a few blunts.
Is this bad? How do you know if you're burning the butter?
I've also heard that you want to re-cook the butter as little as possible, supposedly it'll make it less potent?
I also feel absolutely horrible throwing away so much greenery afterwards. We dried out a batch once and my friend tried smoking it...not a very good idea! My bowl tasted weird afterwards and well, the thought of inhaling residual butter fat into the lungs just doesn't seem like a good thing!
Is there anything that can be done with the leftovers?

...I thought I had more questions, but I seem to have forgotten them!

p.s. If you haven't tried it, White Chocolate Canna Cookies are absolutely DIVINE! The flavors blend miraculously together! I couldn't stop eating them! Now, when I eat a White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie, all I can taste is bud!

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