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Cannabis Cats


Well-known member
I adopted my cat as a stray or should I say she found me. At the time the vet thought she was about 4 or 5 months old. When I decided to keep her I thought I should de-worm her before I brought her in the house. I bought a small liter box, filled it with litter and got some de-worming pills. As soon as I put the litter box on the patio she jumped in and did a business and covered it up. I was impressed, she already knew the routine. That was 11 years ago.


Active member
My cat was sheltering under my mobile home and was skin-and-bones when I first saw him. He was alone and afraid. He was maybe eight weeks old then. I fed and watered him for three or four weeks so he gained weight and learned to trust me. Then I had him fully vetted, including neutering. I asked the people at the vet clinic to find him a new home but they basically laughed and said there are far too many stray cats in the area and no one would want him. They were right... no one wanted him. So I've been stuck with the little bastard for five years. He's okay but he's a cat... not a dog. I do miss my old pug, my best friend, gone two years now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's a tough life being an outside cat, especially in a big city like San Jose. They might make it a few years on their own before they meet a tragic and violent end.

Being an indoor cat with a brother / sister who loves you and stays with you always, that's the life. :) I want to give them the best life I can give them. My last 2 cats (2 sisters I adopted in 2000) lived to be 14 and 16. I hope these two live even longer.
hey m314//
thats some grand ages there buddy,,14 and 16 yrs!,,they must be some happy and content moggies:),,,,,

Our 3 burmese are kept in inside and we have one young male and two females,,one of the females is 14 and a half years and after having one of our other female burmese stolen around 7 years ago now makes it impossible to let them out,,,,,,
we have a liliac,,a blue, and a chocolate boy,,,,,s2


She's mouser from a large dairy farm who had her momma die accidentally in the hayfield. She loves pulse start ballasts!


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Thankfully she only did it the first week she was here from the farm!

Now it's cable boxes!


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St. Phatty

Active member
I like pets that have some degree of self sufficiency.

So you can leave for a weekend or a week,

with enough food prepared etc.,

and know they'll probably be OK.


There's something about female cats and me idk man. I had a weird uncle who was this Wiccan wizard or something(i never really understood it) who had a cat that was prob the most intelligent animal ive ever seen. She was mainly black with the similar calico pattern this cat has.............I'll never forget my uncle saying his cat was "watching over me" cause she found me appealing lol. I won't go into detail here but the cat saved me from a couple scrapes that would have been bad juju, there's something to be said for cats, maybe the egyptians knew, idk man but they are def top notch in this household!

St. Phatty

Active member
I'm new to cats.

I'm wandering around the house at 6:30 AM with an LED flashlight,
getting down on me knees to look under furniture,

saying, "Where's that little kitty ? Here little kitty !"

Sure sign, The Cat has Won.

Occasionally I see a streak as it races down the long hallway, then disappears into a hiding place.

I set up a trap indoors, in the bathroom. Afraid my place will smell like cat piss, not the Cannabis version.


Well-known member
I think my cat thinks she’s a dog, one of the reasons I adopted her. She even barks.

But yeah, she's a cat…she has that feline aloofness at times.


Active member
There's something about female cats and me idk man. I had a weird uncle who was this Wiccan wizard or something(i never really understood it) who had a cat that was prob the most intelligent animal ive ever seen. She was mainly black with the similar calico pattern this cat has.............I'll never forget my uncle saying his cat was "watching over me" cause she found me appealing lol. I won't go into detail here but the cat saved me from a couple scrapes that would have been bad juju, there's something to be said for cats, maybe the egyptians knew, idk man but they are def top notch in this household!


St. Phatty

Active member
So where did cats come from, anyway ?

I know I could do a web search. But I like the way information was handed down in the olden days. Like 1992, on the BMUG web server.

I figure a lynx was hanging out near the cave-man's campfire, and the lynx liked to eat the animal parts the cave men didn't eat.

Or was it further back, with the Scythians. When they burned cannabis in their fires, did the local felines come and enjoy the vapors ?


Well-known member
Domestic cats evolved from smaller wild cats and probably associated with people because of the waste we produce. Waste attracts vermin, vermin attract cats. Cats became tolerant of people so they lived where people were because of the food source we generated. People became tolerant of cats because of their vermin control.


Funny you mention the hanging around cause of the herbs man grew i am convinced its a symbiotic relationship where we give them top shelf edibles and they give us top shelf companionship and pest control! Pretty good at easing stress too ive found!


This is a great thread with some great looking cats! :cool:

It’s very interesting to read about other cats loving fan leaves. Count mine as another one. I’ve been growing since before I got her. I’ve had her now for sixteen years. So she’s been around cannabis her whole life. She’s loved fan leaves since she was a kitten. Saw her dart out my room once when I was moving plants in and out. Didn’t think much of it until I saw some wet gnawed-on fan leaves. She puked it up shortly after, so I thought that was that, but no, she knows what’s going on behind that door and always wants in to get at the fans. She’s pretty cool.

Don’t have a pic of her with plants but do have one I’d like to share. It’s one of my favorites of her. She woke me up one morning just going nuts. She was running up and down the hall, making all kinds of crazy cackling noises, jumping on the bed and meowing menacingly, and making some loud banging noise in the dining room and I had no idea what it was... got up to find her sliding between the blinds and the window and looking out and hissing and just making all kinds of noises I'd never heard from her before and then jumping back out causing the blinds to smack against the window. So I looked outside and saw a couple baby squirrels on the window ledge. I went outside to get pics of the baby squirrels and didn’t realize until looking at them that I had got one with her in it. It cracked me up when I saw it... it’s almost like the one baby squirrel had its arm around the other as if to say, “I’ll protect you!”


jerzu19: love that pic of your cat with its tongue out in front of the plants, lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ours wont eat fan leaves or flowers but stems they wll munch as i found to my detriment many years ago:biggrin:,,,
They love a little nug they can chuck about and play with hence my stash box is kitty proof,,,,
ours are indoors permanantly and when its a little cold i often wake up so bloody hot only to find the 3 of them are wrapped around my legs like they do so 3 hot water bottles under a big quilt:) and they will only move if its breakfast time and only with me,,the odd one might curl up between the backs of my wifes legs but " birds of a feather" means i usually cop the 3 of them:),,,,,,s2

St. Phatty

Active member
My smaller cat is in the "escaped" mode.

I see her mostly at night.

She comes into the bedroom, and pats her paws on my feet sticking out the bed.

If I look up, she runs down the hallway, to the Black Hole where there are too many hiding places to find her.

So I put a bathroom rug over the small trap.

She is meowing somewhere ... I think she wants food.

Life was easier when she spent all day hiding under a blanket.

Looks like God wanted me to learn the smell of Cat Piss. :woohoo:

Wonder if I should share that at church ?

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I had a old female cat in 1993. A boy came to pick up my step-daughter for a date.
That cat jumped into the boys car and took a shit on the front seat.
My step-daughter decided he was not the chosen one.

PS: she ended up with a guy that was a cross between Alan Jackson & Burt Reynolds!
...a real improvement in that family's genetics :D


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