Anyone ever hear of a Norwegian Forest Cat?
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They still spend all day every day playing and cuddling. They still have the same energy they had as kittens.
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I've never had a cat who does this.
lol, tough life being a cat...I hope to come back as one in my 2nd life
This particular batch of cats reminds me of that TV show Heroes where every character has one special power, or in some cases more than one.
I don't know if it's a superpower, but a kitten that cleans up after itself - better than I clean up after myself !
It's 4 months old, and I gave it a Kitty Potty Training test with a gray pot, with grow sand as kitty litter.
I saved 3 days worth of turds and put them on top of the sand.
Using my right hand. EWWWWWWWWWWWW
Anyway, it had them covered up with sand, mostly, within a day. Had everything clean-freak tidy at 2 days.
That is not bad for a 4 month old kitten !
She has no other apparent skills, but she has a sister that can frown exceptionally well.
And the feral mother is like a Jai Alai ball, she jumps all over the fvcking place, when indoors.
My cats clean up in a different way. I've spilled dry cat food all over the floor a few times trying to fill their bowl. The next day, the floor is spotless. It's magical.
It's a tough life being an outside cat, especially in a big city like San Jose. They might make it a few years on their own before they meet a tragic and violent end.
Being an indoor cat with a brother / sister who loves you and stays with you always, that's the life. I want to give them the best life I can give them. My last 2 cats (2 sisters I adopted in 2000) lived to be 14 and 16. I hope these two live even longer.