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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
This headline certainly grabbed my attention:

"Chronic Cannabis Use in Everyday Life: Emotional, Motivational, and Self-Regulatory Effects of Frequently Getting High"

With an intro like this, "People like to get high.", I was hooked so investigated the article and this is one hell of an enlightening study.

Here's the tl;dr version for the reading impaired, because it _is_ a hell of a long read:

"...when chronic users got high, they were no more amotivated, no less motivated for extrinsic or intrinsic reasons, and no less willing to objectively push themselves. Likewise, people who get high very frequently (e.g., daily) are not less motivated dispositionally than those who also get high frequently, but relatively less frequently (e.g., weekly); if anything, they are more motivated (at least for external and introjected reasons."

Here's some selected quotes I cherry picked, because they're applicable to me and probably most of the people who participate on this forum... chronic, heavy users:

"Here, we use experience sampling to understand the effects of getting high among chronic users going about their everyday lives. Here, we repeatedly probe whether chronic cannabis users are high (or not) and then examine whether within-person changes in cannabis intoxication are related to discrete emotions and specific states of motivation and self-regulation"

My heart kind of sunk when I read this part, and it is a small sample size, but their statistical analysis is solid. To me, this is the only red flag in the whole study:

"Participants were recruited from Reddit, an online discussion board with many sub-communities or “subreddits” focused on specific interests. Participants were considered eligible if they were over 21, resided in the United States or Canada, and used cannabis at least 3 times a week for recreational but not medical purposes."

Now for the surprising part:

" Again, countering the stereotype of the lazy stoner, people who get high multiple times per day are not less motivated than those who get high multiple times per week."

" Not surprisingly, compared with not feeling high, feeling high for chronic users was associated with a host of increased positive emotions such as awe, inspiration, and gratitude, as well as reduced stress and fear at the within-person level. Interestingly, getting high was not associated with increased suspicion/paranoia among chronic users, contrary to popular depictions and even medical symptom lists."

They were quite aware of their limitations going into this:

" Our participants were recruited from online forums that cater to cannabis enthusiasts and growers, meaning our results might not generalize to novice or to less frequent users. Not only were our participants very heavy users, but they also needed to show diligence and care to complete an effortful study protocol over 7 days. It is possible, therefore, that our sample was quite conscientious and not representative of the broader population of chronic cannabis users, meaning that effects might be very different in broader samples. Furthermore, as our study did not compare cannabis users to nonusers, or even frequent to infrequent users, our analyses can only speak to the experience of chronic cannabis use."

All those people who think of the classic stoner "Spicoli" in Fast Times at Ridgemont High never stop and think about Carl Sagan and Anne Duryun, discussing time travel and space exploration, while enjoying a joint at home after a hard day's night. :cool:

I will add to Bib when I can.
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Hope your convalescence is going well and you're getting back to normal.

The headline on this one is "Daily cannabis users now outnumber daily drinkers."

From the journal Addiction, alcohol is still more widely used but daily cannabis use has eclipsed daily alcohol use. 18 million people used cannabis daily or near-daily, compared to 15 million daily or near-daily drinkers. From 1992 to 2022, the per capita rate of reporting daily or near-daily marijuana use increased 15-fold.

Their conclusion:

"Nonetheless, the enormous changes in rates of self-reported cannabis use, particularly of DND use, suggest that changes in actual use have been considerable, and it is striking that high-frequency cannabis use is now more commonly reported than is high-frequency drinking."

" Far more people drink than use marijuana. Nonetheless, respondents reported almost two-thirds as many days of marijuana use as alcohol use (678 million vs 1096 million per month in 2022), because high-frequency use is more common with marijuana..."

My conclusion:

Pure Prairie League said it best back in '75 with their song, I'll Fix Your Flat Tire, Merle:

"Well Merle, if you're gonna call the world your home, you know you're gonna have to go out and get stoned and it's better with a joint than with a drink, I think." ;)
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Well-known member
Biotic stress caused by Tetranychus urticae mites elevates the quantity of
secondary metabolites, cannabinoids and terpenes, in Cannabis sativa

I will add to Bib when I feel better.


  • Biotic_stress_terps.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 34
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Well-known member
Biotic stress caused by Tetranychus urticae mites elevates the quantity of
secondary metabolites, cannabinoids and terpenes, in Cannabis sativa

I will add to Bib when I feel better.
Please forgive my ignorance if I am wrong but is this the same way that harpin protein and insect frass works to strengthen plants? Also, I hope you get better soon @Sam_Skunkman . The cannabis community needs pioneers like you. 🌈


Well-known member
Please forgive my ignorance if I am wrong but is this the same way that harpin protein and insect frass works to strengthen plants? Also, I hope you get better soon @Sam_Skunkman . The cannabis community needs pioneers like you. 🌈
Honestly it is novely approach to me as well. I see it as a plant stress response for the mites.

Effect of the mites on terpene content in flowers The effect of the mites on the presence and quantity of terpenes in the mature female flowers was tested by GC-MS. Quantitative data of the terpenes for the control and treatment groups are presented in Fig.

The effect of the mites on terpene content was determined based on their quantification by GC-MS. Similar to the cannabinoid results, terpene content was higher in the leaves of the treatment group at sampling times 7 and 8, after the considerable growth of the mites.
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Well-known member
My health is up & down now I am on oxygen all day as my blood oxygen levels are so low. My advice to all is DO NOT GET OLD. I will be 75 this month. I am a happy guy but my health sucks the last 2 years.
Hey @Sam_Skunkman . Hang in there brother ! You have a lot of good years left in you. Gettin old aint for pussies!

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
My health is up & down now I am on oxygen all day as my blood oxygen levels are so low. My advice to all is DO NOT GET OLD. I will be 75 this month. I am a happy guy but my health sucks the last 2 years.
It's been a while since you last posted, hope things are getting better and you're off the nasal O2 by now. Hopefully it's not COPD related but even if it's cardiac, it's got to suck. :(

I'm a RRT (registered respiratory therapist in US) so as long as your pulse ox stays above 90%, hopefully you won't need the supplemental O2 anymore. (y)


It's been a while since you last posted, hope things are getting better and you're off the nasal O2 by now. Hopefully it's not COPD related but even if it's cardiac, it's got to suck. :(

I'm a RRT (registered respiratory therapist in US) so as long as your pulse ox stays above 90%, hopefully you won't need the supplemental O2 anymore. (y)
I am still on O2 and not sure when I will get off it. When I left the house without O2 and I returned home my O2 was around 60, if I now go out with my portable O2 generator my O2 is over 90, big difference. I will use O2 as long as I need it. My problem is Pulmonary Fibrosis caused by my rheumatoid arthritis causing damage to my lungs, I am not sure if I can improve as auto immune diseases are not so easy to fight, they can be slowed down but not reversed. I will try to do everything I can to fight this.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I am still on O2 and not sure when I will get off it. When I left the house without O2 and I returned home my O2 was around 60, if I now go out with my portable O2 generator my O2 is over 90, big difference. I will use O2 as long as I need it. My problem is Pulmonary Fibrosis caused by my rheumatoid arthritis causing damage to my lungs, I am not sure if I can improve as auto immune diseases are not so easy to fight, they can be slowed down but not reversed. I will try to do everything I can to fight this.
My very best wishes go out to you Sam - you have done so much in your life to enlighten and teach others everything about cannabis - that we will all be very sad to lose you 😢 - so hang in there buddy - keep fighting - and I hope that you can still find plenty of quality in life - that will keep you going -

I've had a close call this year with my heart - having to have open heart surgery - (joining the zipper club) - now sporting a 12 inch scar along my sternum) - but the surgeons did fix my problem mostly - ( I still have atrial fibrillation) - by making me a Bionic man with a pacemaker - installing a new bovine Mitral valve - and doing a left coronary artery bypass - and now I have finally recovered - and am back doing alot of gym/swim and walking 5 miles per day - with a positive mental outlook - spending most all of my time around my two teenage kids and wife these days - seeing thru each day as a blessing - one day at a time -


Hey Gypsy,
I hope you are feeling well. Life is tough, you are born, you suffer, and then you die, is what the Bhudda said.
I am ok but it is hard for me to get enough O2 in my lungs. I am not a quitter, and I have plans to out live all my family & friends and will try and stick around. I am doing my best...
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CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I am still on O2 and not sure when I will get off it. When I left the house without O2 and I returned home my O2 was around 60, if I now go out with my portable O2 generator my O2 is over 90, big difference. I will use O2 as long as I need it. My problem is Pulmonary Fibrosis caused by my rheumatoid arthritis causing damage to my lungs, I am not sure if I can improve as auto immune diseases are not so easy to fight, they can be slowed down but not reversed. I will try to do everything I can to fight this.
Totally understand now. :( I thought you were post op like Gypsy and could be weaned off.

At least the 02 concentrator has given you a bit of freedom to get out of the house. :) Your condition is one of the most insidious and debilitating lung diseases but it sounds like in your post to Gypsy that you have the _perfect_ attitude.

Just take it a day at a time, do the best you can and things will work out the way they're supposed to! (y) ☮️


ICMag Donor
It messes with the metabolites
If i had any input on it, you can blow past the threshold too easily...just a bit of dryback is good enough.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
The headline:

Cannabigerol (CBG) Reduces Anxiety and Improves Memory

...In conclusion, results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over field trial indicate that 20 mg of hemp-derived CBG reduces subjective ratings of anxiety and stress in healthy cannabis-using adults in the absence of motor or cognitive impairment, intoxication, or other subjective drug effects (e.g., heart palpitations, dry mouth). Additional research is needed to corroborate these novel findings as well as to extend them to a clinical population of patients with anxiety disorders.

They're starting to understand its _medicine_!!! (y)

I will add whrn I am able to-SamS
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Well-known member
Hey Gypsy,
I hope you are feeling well. Life is tough, you are born, you suffer, and then you die, is what the Bhudda said.
I am ok but it is hard for mreto get enough O2 in my lungs. I am not a quitter, and I have plans to outlive all my family & friends and will try and stick around. I am doing my best...
Hey @Sam_Skunkman . I had read that you grew thousands of plants in order to stabilize “Skunk”. Do you have any advice for the guys who want to breed a great plant like you did? I mean, what do you think is the most important thing?

Large plant numbers, large plants, great parents, keep on trucking and do not be discouraged, understand plant genetics, the world of Cannabis breeding is changing fast, with breeders using DNA analysis to cut the work load. Soon it will be professional plant breeders leading the field. But it helps if you love & know Cannabis.

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