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Cancel Culture

Three Berries

Active member
When I was a kid one of the local farmer's bulls got loose and went on a month long rampage ranging up to 15-20 miles from its original location. .
The bull tore down fences trying to get at other farm's heifers. destroyed crops, attacked some steers at another farm. General mayhem . It had been shot at several times and wounded but the bull just kept going.
Finally a friend's dad spotted it in a pasture one evening eyeing his dairy cows with ill intent and he managed to end it's reign of terror with a .300 mag. It weighed close to a ton. They dug a big hole and tractored that bull into it and covered it up. A ten+ year old bull filled with testosterone doesnt make for very good eating.
I was driving down the local country road late one night and came across a cow out in the middle. The pasture was right there. I rolled down the window and ask it what it thought it was doing and that it should get back in the pasture. Damned it it didn't turn and go back across the fence. Probably had the conversation more than once. before......

Three Berries

Active member
Sloppy kills.

Those are not hunters.

They're just killers.

I'd wager they didn't clean any of those kills and left them to rot.
Well yes that's not hunting. That's ridding vermin.

I grew popcorn one year. There was the old style corn cob crib there and they emptied it out right when the popcorn was setting fruit.

Damn mice stripped the entire crop. I'd come home and shoot them with a BB gun.


Well-known member
Pig Brig is a better way to trap hogs.

They say that trapping is better for controlling feral hog population than hunting. Apparently hunting pressure causes them to spread out and increase their range while trapping does not change their behavior.

Blame Canada....


Well-known member

Three Berries

Active member

Cleanup in aisle El Salvador...​

MS 13 is a real worldwide threat and one that has been imported into the US. Gangs for hire, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.

And a bit of bitcoin too.....

How To Cut Your Country's Crime Rate By 97%.


Some Bitcoin maximalists speculated that this would make El Salvador a mecca for blockchain entrepreneurs, but I was skeptical at the time, noting the country's high homicide rate:

The challenge for Bitcoin enthusiasts is that El Salvador is, well, El Salvador. Salvadoran immigrants have struggled in the U.S., as Jason DeParle noted in a dispiriting New York Times article ("Struggling to Rise in Suburbs Where Failing Means Fitting In"). One might hope El Salvador's embrace of Bitcoin will attract talented immigrants to El Salvador, but that hope should be tempered by knowledge that El Salvador has the highest homicide rate in the world.

The astonishing thing though is that President Bukele has apparently solved his country's homicide problem.

A 97% Reduction In El Salvador's Homicide Rate
In 2015, El Salvador had the highest homicide rate in the world: 103 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. Last year, its rate dropped to 7.8. This year, it's on pace to hit 2.6.

President Bukele's One Weird Trick


Bukele's one weird trick to cut his country's homicide rate by 97% was to round up his criminal class, and put them in giant jails. He shared a video of his country's prison guards packing them in.

Three Berries

Active member
Good to see the last of the real Nazis are being eliminated in Ukraine. Not the ones in your head implanted by the MSM. Unfortunaly we are spending a lot of money to prevent it. Funny how that goes....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Good to see the last of the real Nazis are being eliminated in Ukraine. Not the ones in your head implanted by the MSM. Unfortunaly we are spending a lot of money to prevent it. Funny how that goes....

You believe that we are spending money to prevent Nazis from being eliminated.

I think I can let your logic speak for itself.

Three Berries

Active member
You believe that we are spending money to prevent Nazis from being eliminated.

I think I can let your logic speak for itself.
we are sending billons to Ukraine. Home of the last remaining Nazis. That is no secret though you may be terribly uniformed. Congress talked about it in 2014 when the US helped witht he color revolution.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The first crop of Nazis are gone or so old that they can't fight.

Neo Nazis aren't really Nazis but they are in many places including the USA.

I really doubt that a group of Nazis are going to let a Jew lead them.

Your "truth" is not a secret... it's not even true.

When we aren't spending billions on war we are spending billions on preparing for war.

Do you ever wonder why that is?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Ah yes, I often see similarities between Democrats and Nazis. Like their unwavering support of LGBTQ+ rights, wanting everyone in Germany to have Healthcare and a place to live. The Nazis were all about making sure everyone had a fair shot at reaching the German Dream.

Speaking of, apparently Rush Limbaugh has a gay cousin who was not a fan of Rush's rhetoric.