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Cali courts are in disarray because of supreme court ruling.



I don't give a shit if you hate. saying you need to smoke an eighth to 2 a day is out fucking outrageous. I didnt say dont legalize it. i simply said PEOPLE LIKE YOU, and I do mean liek you who want the law to have no limit are being REDICULES. You can make all the excuses you want for I need a quarter oz a day but, and i know more than enough growers and head shop owners, and people in general to know that a fucking eigth a day for your aligment, Unless like i said its a SERIOUS DELIBERATING ILLNESS, is absurd. People who abuse pills cant defend their shit either taking to claim they need it for their ailments. Don't give me the super stoner bullshit either how you cant get high unless you smoke that much. Ill say it agian, your TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SHIT AND MAKING WEED SMOKERS LOOK BAD BY BEING RIDICULES IN YOUR WEED USE CLAIMS. it would be different if you shared that weed with people. I noted your now saying you need 1-2 oz a month, what happen to your eight a day claim. I love marijuana, but people who think It can solve anything by smoking the shit by eigths a day and claiming they need it are abusing the fucking plant OBVIOUSLY, your no longer using it as a legitimate medication, your just getting retarded baked all day. I also call bullshit on the fact that you can smoke a eigth a day and your family members who hate it are non the wiser...... I would LOVE if they legalized it with no limit, Id still say your redicules for wanting a law to have no limit like that on the sole fact that you claim you need to smoke that much a day. Now how woudl you feel if a heroin junkie had the same claim to yours about how they needed it for their deliberating headaches. Now In the publics eye, don';t you think that person would sound like an abusing douche. my point is ridicules claims.... marijuana is still a drug and it can be abused like liquer and everything else. weed smokers start loosing credibility when they say they must smoke ABSURD QUANTITIES(notice I said absurd) weed all day every day just to function, how fucking absurd dose that sound. you wernt born with a fucking joint in your mouth, enjoy the sunshine once in a while without being blazed, good luck my friend. My grandfather owns his own buisness, he drinks whiskey all day long, means he is a functioning alcoholic. I dont understand i guess either in being stoned the ENTIRE DAY from wake to sleep, Im just missing something I guess. I smoke every day, after I get off work. i dont wake up and smoke, smoek on my lunch break, smoke on the way home, smoke before I go to bed. Just Like I don't wake up and crack a couple beers, and then have a couple at lunch and then a couple more when I get home, and then call people assholes for saying their judging me by saying i drink too much but my reasons are more than enough to justify drinking all day....


I love my life
I don't give a shit if you hate. saying you need to smoke an eighth to 2 a day is out fucking outrageous. I didnt say dont legalize it. i simply said PEOPLE LIKE YOU, and I do mean liek you who want the law to have no limit are being REDICULES. You can make all the excuses you want for I need a quarter oz a day but, and i know more than enough growers and head shop owners, and people in general to know that a fucking eigth a day for your aligment, Unless like i said its a SERIOUS DELIBERATING ILLNESS, is absurd. People who abuse pills cant defend their shit either taking to claim they need it for their ailments. Don't give me the super stoner bullshit either how you cant get high unless you smoke that much. Ill say it agian, your TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SHIT AND MAKING WEED SMOKERS LOOK BAD BY BEING RIDICULES IN YOUR WEED USE CLAIMS. it would be different if you shared that weed with people. I noted your now saying you need 1-2 oz a month, what happen to your eight a day claim. I love marijuana, but people who think It can solve anything by smoking the shit by eigths a day and claiming they need it are abusing the fucking plant OBVIOUSLY, your no longer using it as a legitimate medication, your just getting retarded baked all day. I also call bullshit on the fact that you can smoke a eigth a day and your family members who hate it are non the wiser...... I would LOVE if they legalized it with no limit, Id still say your redicules for wanting a law to have no limit like that on the sole fact that you claim you need to smoke that much a day. Now how woudl you feel if a heroin junkie had the same claim to yours about how they needed it for their deliberating headaches. Now In the publics eye, don';t you think that person would sound like an abusing douche. my point is ridicules claims.... marijuana is still a drug and it can be abused like liquer and everything else. weed smokers start loosing credibility when they say they must smoke ABSURD QUANTITIES(notice I said absurd) weed all day every day just to function, how fucking absurd dose that sound. you wernt born with a fucking joint in your mouth, enjoy the sunshine once in a while without being blazed, good luck my friend. My grandfather owns his own buisness, he drinks whiskey all day long, means he is a functioning alcoholic.

Please either neg rep me or this wortless pos!!!!!!!! above. He is not with us he is against us! I hate losers and ideas like this are losers. Please neg rep him or me.

Pick a side.

Peace, :joint:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I don't give a shit if you hate. saying you need to smoke an eighth to 2 a day is out fucking outrageous. I didnt say dont legalize it. i simply said PEOPLE LIKE YOU, and I do mean liek you who want the law to have no limit are being REDICULES. You can make all the excuses you want for I need a quarter oz a day but, and i know more than enough growers and head shop owners, and people in general to know that a fucking eigth a day for your aligment, Unless like i said its a SERIOUS DELIBERATING ILLNESS, is absurd. People who abuse pills cant defend their shit either taking to claim they need it for their ailments. Don't give me the super stoner bullshit either how you cant get high unless you smoke that much. Ill say it agian, your TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SHIT AND MAKING WEED SMOKERS LOOK BAD BY BEING RIDICULES IN YOUR WEED USE CLAIMS. it would be different if you shared that weed with people. I noted your now saying you need 1-2 oz a month, what happen to your eight a day claim. I love marijuana, but people who think It can solve anything by smoking the shit by eigths a day and claiming they need it are abusing the fucking plant OBVIOUSLY, your no longer using it as a legitimate medication, your just getting retarded baked all day. I also call bullshit on the fact that you can smoke a eigth a day and your family members who hate it are non the wiser...... I would LOVE if they legalized it with no limit, Id still say your redicules for wanting a law to have no limit like that on the sole fact that you claim you need to smoke that much a day. Now how woudl you feel if a heroin junkie had the same claim to yours about how they needed it for their deliberating headaches. Now In the publics eye, don';t you think that person would sound like an abusing douche. my point is ridicules claims.... marijuana is still a drug and it can be abused like liquer and everything else. weed smokers start loosing credibility when they say they must smoke ABSURD QUANTITIES(notice I said absurd) weed all day every day just to function, how fucking absurd dose that sound. you wernt born with a fucking joint in your mouth, enjoy the sunshine once in a while without being blazed, good luck my friend. My grandfather owns his own buisness, he drinks whiskey all day long, means he is a functioning alcoholic. I dont understand i guess either in being stoned the ENTIRE DAY from wake to sleep, Im just missing something I guess. I smoke every day, after I get off work. i dont wake up and smoke, smoek on my lunch break, smoke on the way home, smoke before I go to bed. Just Like I don't wake up and crack a couple beers, and then have a couple at lunch and then a couple more when I get home, and then call people assholes for saying their judging me by saying i drink too much but my reasons are more than enough to justify drinking all day....
jeez dude,relax and smoke a bowl or something...or is venting your thing?...


wow, i can stir some shit up. Sorry, i shouldent be judging people. My mananger is a douche and is wacked off zanex and god knows what all the time, fuckign walking moron lazy piece of shit and she talks about how she needs it for her anxiety and painkillers for her back ect ect. I guess This is a lost argument that should have never started in the first place. I guess I just like arguing too much. I think this went too far, I hate the people I work with too much to come home and hate people on this forum I go on everyday, just too many people to hate in one day. Maybe you just caught me on a bad note yesterday. I think giving neg rep is funny tho, Its kinda like you want to punch the person in the face some times but all you can do is send a neg rep with a note attached lol.


I love my life
Nan, it is all good. Many of my friends said they wouldn't neg rep even when I asked them to. Life is a journey and ICmag is a community so long as we don't kill growers we're all good. If you want to kick the Xanax bitch cool and if ICmagers want an OZ a day cool. Just no need to call in pigs over what anyone is doing on their own land.

Peace, :joint:

Neo 420

Active member
any one who needs to smoke an eighth of marijuana a day for med reasons better have some crippling disease because your full of shit saying you need a eighth a day. you are either smoking shit weed, or you are a down right fucking stoner.
This hurts the movement is so many ways. Most of us here feel there should be no boundaries with quality or quantity. This plant has amazing medical and recreational effects with very little if any negative baggage. It should be shared with all and not limited. If you can give me reasons why it should be limited I am all ears.

I cant imagine needing to smoke a eighth of top shelf nugs a day. Youd have to be blazed out of your fucking NOODLE all day then, and im sorry but like I said unless you got some PAIN, then you don't NEED to smoke a eighth a day, thats fucking ridicules.
This statement in other words is saying A) If you have serious medical issues you are allowed to smoke around a eight a day. B)If you don't have serious medical issues the limit is a gram? Maybe 2 grams? This is IMO gives the nay sayers more ammo. Why the limitations? WHAT IS THE RATIONALE OF YOUR STATEMENTS?

l Think like stated before people are taking advantage of the law and realy making people who would like to grow some bud for themself, look like compleate drug abusers by telling the public they need a oz a week or more.
Drug abuser? Advantage of law? Abuse MJ, you must be joking. THE LAWS ARE UNJUST. You are unwittingly siding with the very people who would wish to keep MJ illegal.

What the fuck do you think the public will feel like after some long haired dreded hippi comes on tv or read an article in a news paper saying, med users think laws unjust, they need a oz of potent marijuana a week. Or the hippi going, hey man. the laws totaly unjust, I need a oz a week for my cluster headaches man or I cant funnnnnncccttioonnn. It makes us loose all credibility twords safe, responsible cannabis use by your everyday American.
How do we lose credibility? I really could give a flying fu(k to someone who shares your views on how much I should be smoking. The amount law is unjust and that was proven in cali with the revocation of the amount limitations on SB420. You go argue with them on your limitations.

Its the same as if you read in the paper about a guy or group of people saying they think its redicules that their should be a limit as to how much booze they can purchase and drink in a week, hypotheticaly speaking, if they argued they should be able to drink 7 bottles of vodka to make it threw the week, how would you lable them?
There are people who drink 7 bottles of vodka a week and as long they ain't driving drunk i gives owls @ss. There are no laws on the amount of alcohol you can drink so this is a moot point. (unless driving) You seem to be just throwing out whatever comes to mind. Doesn't even matter if it helps your point or hurt it.

so all these humboldt cash croppers and gurilla gangsters need to realize they are just too fucking greedy, tuff shit if you cant make a living anymore selling bud, other peopel want to fucking grwo and smoke too and not have a couple BUG BUSINESS growers fuck it up and make EVERY one look bad.
I can't stand how your are referring to the Humboldt grower as gangsters and mobster. I think you have them confused with the latin gangs down south. They are the ones who introduce violence and negativity into our scene. This is just another reason to legalize because it rips the power from their hands. But your so confused I doubt you understand. You should seriously hang out with like minded friends. I respect your freedom to express but your expression ain't well liked in these parts.


Active member
speedcat is a douche because the law currently states that it is up to the doctor and the patients current medical needs so whatever your prescription states, like any other script, is your allotment. and yes, my script allowes me over an 1/8th a day, i don't usually look "sick", but then again, i don't know anyone who can see cancer or other crippling illnessness. so i guess under speecats logic you have to be visibly physically crippled to smoke more than a J after work. Of course he forgets that millions wake up and take prozac, xanax, oxy, ritalin, take it before work, on their lunch break, after work. their brain receptors are saturated in pharmaceuticals 24 hours a day.

maybe he should just quit smoking grass and go on pharmies. by the looks of his posts he is hyper manic at least.

PS Speecat smells like bacon.


I love my life
I personally use a QP or 4 OZ a month, i.e. an ounce a week.

I have SEVERAL friends (a dozen or so here on ICmag) that smoke an OZ a week.

The sad truth is we are just trying to live through the shit, none of us are out gang banging or knocking over liquor stores.

The oz a week seems to be a nice stoner plateau, but if someone wants to be supper champ and go for a QP a week that is their business.


Garden Nymph
Maybe my cannabis use is for my mental anguish/ailments...who's to say that I shouldn't be using this natural thing? I want to feel peaceful, or creative, or social - whatever. Everyone's got their own problems, physical or not.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I personally use a QP or 4 OZ a month, i.e. an ounce a week.

I have SEVERAL friends (a dozen or so here on ICmag) that smoke an OZ a week.

The sad truth is we are just trying to live through the shit, none of us are out gang banging or knocking over liquor stores.

The oz a week seems to be a nice stoner plateau, but if someone wants to be supper champ and go for a QP a week that is their business.

Maybe my cannabis use is for my mental anguish/ailments...who's to say that I shouldn't be using this natural thing? I want to feel peaceful, or creative, or social - whatever. Everyone's got their own problems, physical or not.

wow, i can stir some shit up. Sorry, i shouldent be judging people. My mananger is a douche and is wacked off zanex and god knows what all the time, fuckign walking moron lazy piece of shit and she talks about how she needs it for her anxiety and painkillers for her back ect ect. I guess This is a lost argument that should have never started in the first place. I guess I just like arguing too much. I think this went too far, I hate the people I work with too much to come home and hate people on this forum I go on everyday, just too many people to hate in one day. Maybe you just caught me on a bad note yesterday. I think giving neg rep is funny tho, Its kinda like you want to punch the person in the face some times but all you can do is send a neg rep with a note attached lol.

Nan, it is all good. Many of my friends said they wouldn't neg rep even when I asked them to. Life is a journey and ICmag is a community so long as we don't kill growers we're all good. If you want to kick the Xanax bitch cool and if ICmagers want an OZ a day cool. Just no need to call in pigs over what anyone is doing on their own land.

Peace, :joint:

everyone is allowed to have bad days and opinions,no reason to go tossing neg rep around,no matter how much i may disagree with what you said speedcat.


Well-known member
getting back to the very start, the court decision was about the lack of clarity on what is necessary for a person's medical needs
understanding that many here want absolute, complete legalization
but in the current context, it's a prescribed medication
for any prescribed medication, there is normally a dosage that is adjusted for a given patient
just seems like a very common sense decision, and only took 15(?) years to get there - the courts are a marvel of efficiency


I love my life
getting back to the very start, the court decision was about the lack of clarity on what is necessary for a person's medical needs
understanding that many here want absolute, complete legalization
but in the current context, it's a prescribed medication
for any prescribed medication, there is normally a dosage that is adjusted for a given patient
just seems like a very common sense decision, and only took 15(?) years to get there - the courts are a marvel of efficiency

Dosing is between the Dr. and patient no state legislatures.

Michale Jackson
Rush Limbaugh
Bret Favre (years back)

the list could continue for pages; however mj is way WAY less dangerous than aspirin or cigarettes, so if you want to talk about logic lets start at the beginning. This is a fucking flower with NO poison and NO toxicity, safe as a tomato. My use of it is NO ONES business but my own. And MJ is not a prescription medication because it is ILLEGAL to prescribe a schedule one narcotic.

MMJ is a RECOMMENDED herbal treatment in some cases but it is not a prescription narcotic.

The courts have no common sense and life is not fair, it is immoral to surrender your freedoms and abdicate responsibility to the government. My body my choice. END OF STORY!

Peace, :joint:


Well-known member
Dosing is between the Dr. and patient no state legislatures.

Michale Jackson
Rush Limbaugh
Bret Favre (years back)

the list could continue for pages; however mj is way WAY less dangerous than aspirin or cigarettes, so if you want to talk about logic lets start at the beginning. This is a fucking flower with NO poison and NO toxicity, safe as a tomato. My use of it is NO ONES business but my own. And MJ is not a prescription medication because it is ILLEGAL to prescribe a schedule one narcotic.

MMJ is a RECOMMENDED herbal treatment in some cases but it is not a prescription narcotic.

The courts have no common sense and life is not fair, it is immoral to surrender your freedoms and abdicate responsibility to the government. My body my choice. END OF STORY!

Peace, :joint:

good point, not a prescription medication by federal law
by the original wording of the Cali MMJ voter proposition, 'use as needed' might be consistent for MMJ
by modern medical practice, it is usual for a physician to try to optimize the effect by prescribing dose
which may be the view the court was taking, these 2 points of view are not clear from the law's wording


Legend ⭐
Unbelievable what some people think is a lot of Cannabis, an eighth or a quarter Oz a day?
This guy has no idea...
If you make dry sift it takes a Kilo of dry bud to make 100 grams of farmers hash, or 10-20 grams of the very best.
I can easily smoke a few grams a day. It is over 50% THC by dry weight, so a gram or two of THC per day, about the same as 10-20 grams of 20 % THC buds, but with no rope, just pure resin.
This is easy to do and I know lots of others doing the same. For anyone to tell me how much is to much, is absurd, and anyway the folks doing the calls for limits have zero idea of what they speak.
I know that I personally think that most people that smoke bud are lightweights, but I do not go around telling everyone what pussies they are to smoke bud. Just because I believe resin is for men. But I also think people should be free to do what they like the best.
People that can't see that what they think is so, so limited, by their own history, will continue to say such foolish things as an eighth a day is to much, that is only 3 1/2 grams, nothing in my world.
I can't help but wonder what the hall monitors will think of next, maybe limits of stupidity?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I would LOVE if they legalized it with no limit, Id still say your redicules for wanting a law to have no limit like that on the sole fact that you claim you need to smoke that much a day. Now how woudl you feel if a heroin junkie had the same claim to yours about how they needed it for their deliberating headaches. Now In the publics eye, don';t you think that person would sound like an abusing douche. my point is ridicules claims.... marijuana is still a drug and it can be abused like liquer and everything else. weed smokers start loosing credibility when they say they must smoke ABSURD QUANTITIES(notice I said absurd) weed all day every day just to function, how fucking absurd dose that sound. you wernt born with a fucking joint in your mouth, enjoy the sunshine once in a while without being blazed, good luck my friend. My grandfather owns his own buisness, he drinks whiskey all day long, means he is a functioning alcoholic. I dont understand i guess either in being stoned the ENTIRE DAY from wake to sleep, Im just missing something I guess. I smoke every day, after I get off work. i dont wake up and smoke, smoek on my lunch break, smoke on the way home, smoke before I go to bed. Just Like I don't wake up and crack a couple beers, and then have a couple at lunch and then a couple more when I get home, and then call people assholes for saying their judging me by saying i drink too much but my reasons are more than enough to justify drinking all day....

Basically worst post ever. You've probably figured that out by now. I highlighted the one part you did get right.

I should be able to smoke as much f'ing weed as I want to whenever I want to. It's my right as a human being and it's really none of your damn business judging what people do to themselves if it's not harming you. It's not for you to control homeboy. It's crap thinking like that is why this country is in the shitter. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Power tripping little man no doubt. Eh.



love machine
ICMag Donor
one of my friend smokes about 7 - 8 grams a day, thats an oz and 3/4 a week. It is his business to do so and no one as has any right to tell him how much to smoke, i, personally smoke about an 8th or so a day sometime more but i do try to limit myself not because its bad for me but because im running low on weed :D


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
come on people speedcats right. if we want to smoke an ounce a day then junkies will want to slam an ounce a day and jeez people wont someone think of the junkies!!!!:

Open Eyes

An 1/8th of weed once you have developed a tolerance is fuck all. They struck down these limits because there was no mention of these limits in the initial props and the Leo's/prosecutors illegally tried to amend the law without going through the people who voted on it. Since when can the gov arbitrarily change laws to their choosing without going to the people first?


Active member
who cares how much anyone smokes except for cops?

but back to the topic, it's probably best to get explicit amounts from your doc on your rec for plant count and weight. Then if the pigs are too fucking stupid to read your rec you can have the whole case thrown out at the prelim hearing as long as you don't have more than your doc prescribed you.