wtf a consumer doesnt have a ideal of a resonable price because he doesnt produce? umm k , the price is only artificially high now because its illegal. and just because its illegal doesnt justifiy the price to ME.
If your idea of reasonable price for top shelf is $40 then you aren't a consumer. I do not consume a single fucking thing on this globe that is priced more than 10x a price I think reasonable.
And I guess your posts admits to not producing so I guess that 100 oz isn't available for me to pick up.
Again if the price were really UNREASONABLE you wouldn't purchase, but the fact is if you have been smoking for over a decade (getting close to two) like I have then you have been paying well more than $40 an oz for top shelf during every single one of those years.
Markets don't justify prices they discover them. And production needs no justification either. So why aren't you producing?