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Busted: Police on film eating edibles during pot shop raid


Active member
The system is flawed. YOU HAVE TO WANT TO BE AN AUTHORITY FIGURE. No one in their right mind would WANT to be a police officer. It's a self defeating system, the only people who go into police work (and remain the for any period of time) are ones who are in it for their own personal gain. My advice is to always avoid law enforcement. Iv never called the police, iv never helped them. I never will. We can only hope that the evil people in the police get their comeuppance. Avoid, avoid, avoid.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
The vid is gone, but i think its funny. Maybe they will relax and take it easy on the rest of their victims. Maybe learn dopes not actually lettuce the devil grew

Fuck the police and anyone who likes em. The wold was better off when we could handle our buisness. Like shooting a theif... I live in cnada and theres so many theives cause no one kills them... God damn you should be able to blast a theif, or at the very least take them out back and beat them for a hour...

What if your teenage son stole something?
It just cant be that simple.
We deffo need some authority figures and laws and stuff, or else it would be mad max type chaos, where the strong only deserve to live.

But this system needs a major overhaul, a war is coming.


Active member
What if your teenage son stole something?
It just cant be that simple.
We deffo need some authority figures and laws and stuff, or else it would be mad max type chaos, where the strong only deserve to live.

But this system needs a major overhaul, a war is coming.

Its my opinion my neighbours to the south have it right, i someone is breaking into your place you have the right to shoot. I think that deterrent is excellent at stemming some of the crime...

If ihad a teenage son and they were breaking into someones home to stral from them id hope someone shot them. I hate theives man i dont care what you are stealing or what you are doing. They at least deserve a good ass kicking.

Ive also had rippers steal my whole crop, all of my gear and everything in my place. Bet your ass if i was there i wouldnt have let them out of the place alive... I cant describe how much i hate theives, thats as low as a human can sink. I work hard for my shit. So foes everyone else, so i think the punnishment for theft should be alot more serious than a couple days in jail.

I dont care who they are, cops, doctors, your teenage son or mine, a theif is a theif and i look at all of them the same way. Scum. If you dont agree with shooting them id settle for a good whipping. It works over seas. Places they cut theives hands off, i garentee the common mentality is alot more against theft.

Im proud that ive never stolen anything from anyone in my life. Not even as a kid and i grew up broke. I could never see a justification to take something i didnt pay for. Id always rather ask for something and even be told no rather than take something i didnt work for. Maybe im a nut, but i just hate theives man. It burns me people do that shit

Not saying there shouldnt be cops at all, i just think the common people have more right to justice than we get, especially when our protectors steal from us, get fucked up on our illegal shit and play around while ransacking our shit... Wanna get high with us? Dont be a pig


Active member
ICMag Donor
he ate that thing like HE SMOKES BUD AND EATS EDIBLES ON THE REGULAR.. laughing eating it and shit. . I doubt most cops even get tested.. while we get tested for jobs that don't even require the USE OF OUR BRAINS half the time.

Probably. I don't get tested for my job at all. They don't do drug tests in my line of work. I don't care if cops want to get high when they're off work either, if they're doing the right thing and buying it or growing it.

It's just wishful thinking that this cop ate a big edible without knowing what it's like. If that was the case, he'd feel guilty and realize he did a horrible thing when it kicks in. A strong edible becomes like a psychedelic experience if you don't have a tolerance.


Active member
Probably. I don't get tested for my job at all. They don't do drug tests in my line of work. I don't care if cops want to get high when they're off work either, if they're doing the right thing and buying it or growing it.

It's just wishful thinking that this cop ate a big edible without knowing what it's like. If that was the case, he'd feel guilty and realize he did a horrible thing when it kicks in. A strong edible becomes like a psychedelic experience if you don't have a tolerance.

He wouldnt be laughing if he got too fucked up and had a bad edibles trip. Maybe he knows it happens, hopefully je didnt and had a edible od and it scarred his worthless ass strait


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Trust me bro I dont have the answers.

I just have the questions and more questions.

Im not saying your teenage son would be doing home invasions. Something more like him stealing a book from a classmate. Watching ppv ufc fight on live streams or downloading music.

Imo, no person has any right to use their hands (or use weapons) against another person, unless it is in self defense or to protect your loved ones. Violence cannot be the answer.

I am not defending the police officers actions at all. Just the idea of authority figures.

Even Ghandi and MLK would have to admit we need a police, but they would also both openly violate any laws that were unjust.

The common peoples power is in our numbers, we can get the laws changed. If not, civil disobedience.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Cops are needed in society. In general. We need cops to fight real crime. Murder, rape, theft, assault, those are real crimes.

It's sad that we have to be afraid of the cops instead of thinking of them as the people who keep us safe. Part of that is from the drug prohibition laws. Part of it is from asshole cops like the ones in this video who abuse their authority.


I can't even imagine how that poor Volunteer in a wheelchair must feel like, the female officer deserves the karma coming Her way.

Having two prosthetics myself....

I would not rest until that bitch was behind bars, the judge ordering her to have her leg duct-taped at the knee, so she can live what she cold-heartedly refered as a "fuckin nub".

The body language, and demeanor of these asshats flipped a 180 as soon as they thought the cameras were off, revealing their true selves

My hatred for those sworn to Serve & Protect is stronger than ever.

Guns drawn at real patients?

If I were in there, I would be physically unable to "get on the ground " due to my disability..

Would I have been shot?

:cuss: the PO-Lice.


Active member
Trust me bro I dont have the answers.

I just have the questions and more questions.

Im not saying your teenage son would be doing home invasions. Something more like him stealing a book from a classmate. Watching ppv ufc fight on live streams or downloading music.

Imo, no person has any right to use their hands (or use weapons) against another person, unless it is in self defense or to protect your loved ones. Violence cannot be the answer.

I am not defending the police officers actions at all. Just the idea of authority figures.

Even Ghandi and MLK would have to admit we need a police, but they would also both openly violate any laws that were unjust.

The common peoples power is in our numbers, we can get the laws changed. If not, civil disobedience.

The power violence has over people sometimes is the only answer. Its alot more of a deterrent than 10 days in the can... Unless you starved them for ten days but i imagine you would object to the morality o that. I object to the lack of morality of theft, and would see it go away at any cost.

I dont have a teenage kid, or any kids for that matter. Im too young. Im to busy and i like growing and smoking dope better than the idea of kids. If i had kids tho, and they stole and i found out, trust me it would never happen again. Id punch my hypothetical son dead between the eyes and tell him next time it will be a roll of poly and im digging a fucking hole if you get catch my drift. Like i say maybe im a nut but i just wish all thieves disappear... No children of mine would disgrace my name or reputation with their lack of dignity and respect for others


Active member
I can't even imagine how that poor Volunteer in a wheelchair must feel like, the female officer deserves the karma coming Her way.

Having two prosthetics myself....

I would not rest until that bitch was behind bars, the judge ordering her to have her leg duct-taped at the knee, so she can live what she cold-heartedly refered as a "fuckin nub".

The body language, and demeanor of these asshats flipped a 180 as soon as they thought the cameras were off, revealing their true selves

My hatred for those sworn to Serve & Protect is stronger than ever.

Guns drawn at real patients?

If I were in there, I would be physically unable to "get on the ground " due to my disability..

Would I have been shot?

:cuss: the PO-Lice.

I wish i had seen that video its gone now because the poster deleted the account.

Ive seen cops order handicapped people out of wheelchairs onto the ground, WHICH IS AGAINST PROPER POLICE PROCEDURES IN ANY DEPARTMENT! I Have read several police procedure memos on dealing with shspects in wheelchairs. They are supposed to handcuff suspects infront of their body (which they never do) and they are mandated to not remove the suspect from the chair unless they pose a danger or are harbouring a weapon or evidence...

Cops treat anyone like shit. Its messed up someone would mistreat a handicapped person. Oh you are stronger than them? Great i can lift 300 pounds... Come fight me ill take some of that action! Fucking pisses me off.

I like a few cops ive met, but because they were moral and legit.

Also someone said we need cops to deal with rapists nd murderes... Yeah i think if someone raped or murdered my wife its taking justice away from me not letting me handle it my way. If it ever happend to my wife i dont think id let the cops handle it.

Im off topic anyway. Fuck im just ripped...


if it smells like fish
its too bad they didn't eat too much ... then have to call 911.... help I think I am dying lol....yeehaw

Bob Green

I wonder how many officers that conduct raids like this would test hot for steroids? High percentage most likely.


Active member
its too bad they didn't eat too much ... then have to call 911.... help I think I am dying lol....yeehaw

Yeah thats what im talkin... I heard a police call where a cop made brownies and called 911...

Also my ex had a edible od... Second day i was with her, she wanted to go to the hospital. I calmed her down but they can be scary. Never happened to me, i ate a half tray of the same brownies and laughed my ass off... I have a wild top end tollerace... Besides it was a bunch of indica dom weed... None of that stuff is psychoactive enough to scare me... That ive found anyway


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Yeah he was munching on that shit like a pro no doubt. He has to have a heavy tolerance.

The second one that ate the candy bar would take a bite, then look at the candy bars puzzled. You can tell he very leery about it. He even put it down on the counter to come back for another bite later.
Such a noob.

In all honesty, even tho the comment about the disabled womans nub (who I heard was the dispo owner) was distasteful. It was clearly a joke and not illegal.


they need to change their motto to "to protect and serve ourselves." The thing that bothers me is there fukin robots that do what their told with no real morals or sense of right and wrong .if they had been ordered to come in shooting they would do it just cuz their boss told them too.ive known many cops thru functions such as little league baseball and without a doubt they were most rude fuking jerkoffs and most of the cop wives are either alcoholics or have serious substance abuse problems.MD


Active member
they need to change their motto to "to protect and serve ourselves." The thing that bothers me is there fukin robots that do what their told with no real morals or sense of right and wrong .if they had been ordered to come in shooting they would do it just cuz their boss told them too.ive known many cops thru functions such as little league baseball and without a doubt they were most rude fuking jerkoffs and most of the cop wives are either alcoholics or have serious substance abuse problems.MD

To protect and serve ourselves... No shit

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