The Sun has these frequencies all day so it's not like all day red is unusual. Having way too much red out of ratio with the rest of the spectrum would seem to be risky, though
Lots of red can cause stretch, but folks deal with it, apparently.
The real question is one of necessity, I think. Is there any improvement with added hours of red? My interest in this has been exclusively centered around resin and finishing the flower. The added perk of 13 hours of light is cool, but the primary goal is to have the flowers finish properly.
Previously I was simply looking for LED growers that used red and those that didn't. Those that did tended to be happy with their flowering and resin, I found. Very loose appraisal obviously, with very few people polled over 3 forums. What I didn't track carefully was if there was the issue of all-day-red vs. AM / PM short periods
Well, there's red, and then there's red
I'm back in internet land. Thanks for the inspiration, Wheeze-man. Nice assortment of reflectors and lenses. I'm interested in how much optical advantage I'd gain using these on the panel I just built. I had 50 Cree XM-L Whites running under conservative power putting out 300W, could I use these and get the same bang with only 45 XM-Ls? Is there a typical % adder?