OK Update time. I've been thinking about the two groups of LED growers. Some have grows that ripen well or even fast, while the other group have delayed harvest and few amber trichs. I'm wondering if the lack of 660 and 730nm in the Cree XM-L isn't setting me up for the delayed group:
In the above image, I'm using the WW (bright red line) and the NW (middle line), and not the CW (blue line). I have a 50/50 blend running right now. 300W output.
So now I'm thinking about adding a few diodes, each on its own little sink, and attaching them around the perimeter of the existing sink. I'm just wondering how many, and if I should stick to 730 or add a couple 660s.
Any opinions?
In the above image, I'm using the WW (bright red line) and the NW (middle line), and not the CW (blue line). I have a 50/50 blend running right now. 300W output.
So now I'm thinking about adding a few diodes, each on its own little sink, and attaching them around the perimeter of the existing sink. I'm just wondering how many, and if I should stick to 730 or add a couple 660s.
Any opinions?