I think the main problem with LED is there overall coverage which sucks period when you think as a comercial or under ground big yield grow op you really don't care about efficiency nor heat you worry about cops and pulling huge yieldsRrog, something to keep in mind with LEDs is that most of what you have read is bullshit. They are potentially able to be more efficient than HIDs, but the claims of 2x - 4x are wildly overstated. I think that most of us have found that you can pretty equivalent results at somewhere around 70% (+/-) of the HID wattage.
The other thing that sounds like it might be entering the equation right now is the idea that LEDs don't make any heat. They do. They are roughly similar to HIDs in that there isn't that much difference in the relative efficiencies of either light source - they both range from 20-30% efficient at converting electricity to light, and the rest of the power gets converted to heat. Where LEDs do have the advantage on heat is: a) the 30% savings in the overall power means that much less being converted to heat, and b) they don't create infra-red heat like HID lamps do. HID lamps "cast" IR and heat up the surrounding objects - this isn't a factor with LEDs. The downside is that it is sometimes more difficult to do the heat extraction on LEDs because they don't lend themselves well to devices like vented hoods.
Starting your own thread would probably be a good idea - I think that you are about to get caught up in the rip-tide of LED technology! It would also be good to document this for others.
i personally can't see LED jumping or taking HId's place in the comercial end for atleast 20 more years hahahaha
xmobotx: I'm building three panels almost exactly as you describe, but not for a micro grow. I'm hoping to build a 100W spotlight for over the canopy, but I've already built three panels of 36 under driven 1W LED's as side lighting (~30W per panel, everything on a 330mA driver). They are very thin, completely passive (cooling isn't a huge deal at this wattage) with a Pink/White/Red sorta tinge to them. Everything in a 2'x2' space.
At just a fifth of their maximum output power. Sound like a waste to me. With proper cooling he could easily achieve more PAR lumens per square foot if driven at 3/5 or even 4/5 of the max power.
I dont get that. How can I drive them at 3/5 or 4/5 of max power? Use mor LEDs in the line and get the voltage limited by the driver?
I dont get that. How can I drive them at 3/5 or 4/5 of max power? Use mor LEDs in the line and get the voltage limited by the driver?
Maybe more XP-Gs (total of around 30W) are better because of the lower lumens.
Vertical was the way I wanted to go with my cfls. However I could imagine a smal panel with 4 XP-Gs on the left side wall (see pic in original post).
I'm just not sure about the U3, etc nomenclature (yet)
The current is the factor which decide the light intensity, not the voltage. LEDs maintain a relative constant voltage (forward voltage) but they tend to over burn if the current is not limited by the driver.
The maxim current for a XM-L is 3000mA, but with active cooling can be raised a little bit (decreasing the light efficiency and the life of the LED itself). As far as I know, the 700mA drivers actually limit the current to a lower value ~650mA, which mean a little more than a fifth of the maximum current.
Must keep in mind that the forward voltage also vary with the current, but not to much (from 2.8 at 700mA to 3.3 at 2800mA).
So you don't need aditional LEDs, but a more powerful driver, preferable dimmable, able to deliver a maximum of 2800mA.
I am waiting some XM-L U3 driver to arrive in the mail, together with this constant current step-up boost driver http://www.ebay.com/itm/181031410566 and this gadget http://www.ebay.com/itm/290700266076 to display the value of the current. In addition I will also have this monitoring the output voltage of the driver with this digital mini voltmeter :http://www.ebay.com/itm/170846281102
Thank you all for the very patient mood as most time on icmag.
I think,...I slowly get it.... thank you all for the clear answers. May I sumarize and see if I understand:
1) The max. light output of LEDs is at their maximum current (normally at 3000mA)...got it..
2) underdriving LEDs (eg. 30V driver with 31V LEDs) is better then to have unused power (eg. 30V driver with 20V LEDs) which results in additional heat(for dummies)
So I think I go this route:
11x 2W XM-Ls with dimmable driver = pot+driver 2800mA+power supply(could you suggest one from this site? because I am having problems with the dependencies between electrical power/current still, and was not able to find a 30V power supply)
xmobotx: Due to my cfls are used vertical I was thinking on a small Al-profile with dimable 4 WW XM-Ls on a seperate driver for flower, too.
My decision to use XM- over XP-LEDs is that they bring double power (W/lm wise, no need for a big array in my situation) for the same power consumtion (do I see things right?) and with the pot I can dim the driver to max (or lower) light out-put of the XPs anyway. And that at same costs.
jcmjrt: I am sitting in Europe. US shop means shipping fees explode, taxes and bureaucracy. EU ftw. in my case
My last OT-question: Has anyone tried intra-canopy or bottom lighting? I always thought that our plants only can work with the light which hits the top-side of the leaves. Anyone has some information or link for learning?
tenthirty and all: sorry for hijacking, will open a seperate thread if requested. Maybe I will start a report on my HML when I start but not sure I am a lazy stoner