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Bubble Buckets a Cheap Alternative to Bubble Bags Pic by Pic

Hey thanks. I actually thought you used 3 and just had cut the top and bottom out of just one.

Has anyone done this with standard 5 gallon buckets like you'd get at HD that could supply their dimensions on lid cutting and the cutting of the buckets?

Great thread, smily!


Take Five...
Excellent guide and idea smily, thank you. This is just what I needed to go bubblehash without coughing up $300 for bags.

I love DIY!


Occasional User
Thanks for the link to this AWSOME DIY HeadyPete .... mmmm x-mas is gonna be hashtastic

Great thread smily....I'll be lurking you from now on to see what else you come up with....cheers

ben ttech

Active member
ya guys...
high time the making of this is better explained...
it takes two buckets to construct the ONE which traps a screen...

and yes... this screen holding collandar of sorts has been made with 5 gallon buckets... but as screen was the cost to speak of involved... stepped down to SEE if smaller sections were viable...

the buckets are cut so that the top one .... which holds the polymesh trapped, slides inside of the bottom one... which in turn is held down to the lid of whatever sized bucket your going to be using for trim mixing...

you can get crazy and use nylon bolts and nuts; stainless steel sheetmetal screws work well... or hell... even 4 drywall screws will do...

all it honestly needs is a single drain hold in the middle... all that hole drilling pictures is just supurflorous OCD's on the part of the assembler... heh.

ok... back to the cutting part...

ANY buckets molded with a taper so that they nest together will work,

what you need is for the bottom bucket to be several inches tall... 4 or 5 is good... you need room for the screen to droop when trapped...

so you cut that bucket off [ all you carving pumpkins with the dremel artists can drag that tool out for ONE more great job... ] tape a marker to a chair leg real securely 5 inches off a hard floor surface then, with this bucket sitting flat on the floor... press it into the marker tip and spin the bucket... the easiest way to get the straight line around...

cut off and discard the top portion... cut or drill a hole a couple inches in diameter in this short buckets bottom... cut a hold a bit larger than this one... in the lid your gonna mount it to and screw it down... a few 1/2" holes in that lid OUSIDE this screwed down bucket finishes this part.

now... take a SECOND bucket and set it down into the short bucket you just cut and mounted...

reach down and mark a spot on the inside wall which is an inches and a half below the line of the short buckets top rim...

you can use a tape measure to do this... or just use a flashlight to see your hand inside from the outside...

pull that bucket out... transfer that mark to the outside of that bucket... reset your marker on the chair leg... mark that line around the circumference and cut that bottom off of it and discard...

clean those edges up a bit and your done...

thats it!

the closer your comes to having an inch overlap or less... the more difficult it is to fit the top into the bottom section... and the less area of friction you have holding things in place.... so err on the side of more distance there rather than less....


WOW that place ships quick! ordered online sunday and got the silk screen today!
Tommorrow, time to experiment!!!!!!!!!
got some 27 micron in..

got some 27 micron in..

got some 27 micron today.. waiting on the rest from another supplier.. man that 27 isn't cheap. $60 shipped for a yard.. too bad ya can't just buy small square.. maybe I can ebay the rest..


Voluptuous Trichomes
ben ttech said:
well that all depends on what your trying to accomplish...

want to duplicate the bubblebags??? match those screen precisely....
want to just get the plant material out of your smoke??

2 or 3 will do...
Which 3 sizes?

ben ttech

Active member
im not the person to ask...
i built this merely to make the water process more affordable and easier...
im not experienced enough WITH making bubble to comment further on what screens to use...



what the hell happened to betterboy?!?!?!?
he should have been done and making hash before brunch!!!!

THATS what happened....


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Active member
Bubbleman's bags are 220, 73, and 25. Not a good choice in my opinion. The 220 will still let contaminants through to the next layer, in this case the 73. Some of those contaminants look like this (yucky plant material): :badday:

However, after the 120 it looks like this (just pure trichs): :yummy:

So my suggestion is to get the 195, the 120, and the 57. The 195 will get rid of all the coarse contaminants, the 120 will add an important filtering step between the 195 and the "good stuff". The 57 will catch all the good material, and let very little go through.

Remember that almost all the trichs are in the range of 120 to 60 microns (depending on strain and growing conditions) so I'd choose screens in, or just outside, this range.

I hope I've helped more than I've confused.



Got tied up finnishing up a prior project,now to start this new one, just wasnt expecting that screen as quick as shipper got it to me.
Thinking bout ordering some 27 micron screen, found some thanks to bontanicalbill, right now I got the 195,120,79,57 mesh. never tried making hash before so this is gonna be a try and see project. when I get it done Ill snap some pics. going to get the buckets today and try it tommorrow.
oh yea , case anyone is interested 1piece 42"x36" screen of each of the 4 screens cost $72.00 shipped and at the door

ben ttech

Active member
thanks keefhead.... thats great info!

im tops on building stuff... figuring ways too...
my processing experiences is little in comparison...

never had the access to trims enough to learn THAT side of things well enough to offer substanitive advise... like i said.

this is just the tool... holder...
you pic the steel...

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So the 195 and the 120 will just be scrap? Also im using dried trimmings so how many grams can be done at one time with 5 gal. buckets? im thinking the bubbleman uses 200 grams with his bags
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Active member
Yeah, the 190 goes straight into the garbage. The 120 will get you through times of no hash, so keep it, but put it at the back of your shelf.... LOL What comes after that is good table grade hash. With a few more screens you can refine it even more if you'd like. Your call.

As to how much I have no clue. I haven't made my buckets yet, so I have no basis in fact. However, with the 5-gal bubble bags I put in 1 or 2 1-gallon ziplock bags of trim, two if fresh, usually one if dried. I have no idea by weight, I just know that its not too much to trap the trichs when they settle, and enough to give a decent yield.

ben ttech - thanks for the compliment, however you are to be congratulated for a great system. This thing will put hash making into the hands of everyone. Great "tool holder".

A thought if I may... Last time I was in Home Depot I saw small, what looked to be just under a gallon paint pails. For folks with small yields that might be an option, a smaller version for single-plant grows. Just a thought.....


ben ttech

Active member
yes keef!

ive made a set with the 1 gallon sized buckets... i mentioned it somewhere i believe... at that size... you can cut a square yard of mesh into 15 screens... as opposed to the 9 you get IF you size them for the two gallon buckets...

certain ideal for the smaller guys....

peace yall!


Now all you guys need is a washing machine and a place for the bottom bucket to drain into(example: basement sump pump hole).
Then it is all automated for large scale production from your white widow X lowryder auto flower plants that allow the grow room to stay on 16 hours a day for PERPETUAL HARVESTING..

No drying just throw all the plants that are done every two weeks in for a cycle...

Sounds like these f3 will have a great use in about 5 more generations..alot of variations in size still....blue