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Bubba Kush = White Label BubbleGum X Sensi Hindu Kush?

Before everyone flames me to death let me say that the first time I heard this genetic makeup I almost spit soda out of my nose in laughter cuz it sounds so obvious and stupid. Most rejected this theory (as did i) and the genetics of Bubba Kush still remain unknown...

Recently I was looking at some old pics of some Bubble Gums I had vegging. I noticed a similarity in leaf shape/color and plant structure to the Bubba. This got me thinkin...

Then I stumbled upon a user named "BudZad7" who claims to have crossed White Label Bubble Gum with Sensi's Hindu Kush years back.

"Hi All!! Years ago I had White Label Bubblegum and some Sinsi Seeds Hindu
Kush and grew them and took the best of both strains female and male and
produced these babys"

And here are my Bubba's....

So...I'm concluding one of two things here.

1. Bubba kush = Bubblegum X Hindu Kush
2. I'm not actually growing Bubba Kush, but actually Hindu Kush X Bubblegum and I have been foooled!

Anyways, I wanted to see what you guys thought...or maybe someone has some more useful input.



yea a friend and i have been pondering possibilities, especially after sampling some bog sour bubble and how remarkably similar they were. when he first brought me the nugs i was like oh you got some bubba, sweet, but he was like no its SB and i thought bog had to have used bubba in his crosses to bumb the potency and it helps explain the shity yeild of SB but that was just me bs'ing. however it could have been a bubblegum simliar to bogs sourb clone that was used in the creation of bubba. i dont know i wasnt there and ill probly never know the truth but thats cool, i have bubba and i love it to death regaurdless, ill never let her go.

oh i also heard the real pure kush clone is just hindu kush selected over a couple generations but ill take that with a grain of salt. peace
Yeah inline6 I forgot to mention that the first time this thought popped into my head was when I was lookin at peoples Sour Bubble pics and reports. The way they described the plants and the way they looked I was almost convinced Bog crossed his bubblegum with some Bubba Kush and called it Sour Bubble :).

If it is true...Bubblegum and Hindu kush sure do make one helluva tasty combo...


I do remember reading somewhere regarding Bubba Kush and it having Bubblegum in it. Not sure how widely known/assumed it is, but I figured that that's all Bubba Kush was: a cross of bubblegum and either og or hindu kush..and a special lady was selected.

Guess it goes to show that an elite clone is only a polyhybrid away.


Active member
I'm not going to say anything about the lineage guys.lol
But alot of strains look similar.
Look at Deep chunk.
Are you saying Deep chunk is actually Bubba then?
Sour Bubble also looks like Bubba,like you said.
Does that make it the new Bubba lineage.
I don't think so.
I am telling you guys to believe what you want.
But I was told the lineage from the holder Old world Paki Kush.
He has had that Kush strain for over 20 years.Since the 70's when he went to Affy/Pakistan and found the seeds himself.
From a group of people who had been working with the old world Paki Kush for generations.
Thats why it's so good.
Because the the natives were working with it instead of leaving it to nature.
He went all over the world Back then and he only really uses two of the strains he found.
The OW Paki Kush and the afghani he found.Which is in the Mendoceno purple Kush(not the purps and not the sativa looking purple Kush from Garberville)
But like I said, believe what you want.
But remember it's all heresay.
I find it interesting to read these threads even though people get all moody on them.
I think it's fun ny when people get mad about something so unimportant.
Especially something that they will never know the real answer too.
If someone told you guys the truth.
You still wouldn't believe it. lol
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Active member
Bigmone357 said:
Good point lol

actually that is a very good point.
Everyone can find a keeper like this.
All it takes is a couple good packs of seeds and the space and time.
Also the ability to pick keepers from a number of plants.
Just remember that these Kush hybrids are just specific phenotypes.
Even if they did sell the seeds.
Not guaranteed that you'll find one that good.
JDOG6000 said:
I'm not going to say anything about the lineage guys.lol
But alot of strains look similar.
Look at Deep chunk.
Are you saying Deep chunk is actually Bubba then?
Sour Bubble also looks like Bubba,like you said.
Does that make it the new Bubba lineage.
I don't think so.
I am telling you guys to believe what you want.
But I was told the lineage from the holder Old world Paki Kush.
He has had that Kush strain for over 20 years.Since the 70's when he went to Affy/Pakistan and found the seeds himself.
From a group of people who had been working with the old world Paki Kush for generations.
Thats why it's so good.
Because the the natives were working with it instead of leaving it to nature.
He went all over the world Back then and he only really uses two of the strains he found.
The OW Paki Kush and the afghani he found.Which is in the Mendoceno purple Kush(not the purps and not the sativa looking purple Kush from Garberville)
But like I said, believe what you want.
But remember it's all heresay.
I find it interesting to read these threads even though people get all moody on them.
I think it's fun ny when people get mad about something so unimportant.
Especially something that they will never know the real answer too.
If someone told you guys the truth.
You still wouldn't believe it. lol

Hey man I see where you are coming from here...but

You were told something by your friend that you beleive, everyone beleives what they want like you said...so why are you coming in here telling everyone that you are right and completely shutting me down?

1. I'm not saying deep chunk is Bubba...I don't think Deep chunk looks nearly as much like Bubba as this plant does.
2. Sour Bubble looks similar because it has Bubblegum in it...that's why I said that.

Also, I'm not SAYING anything...I posted a thread wanting input about my thoughts on Bubba lineage. No one's getting mad over it either...don't start unneeded drama in a clean thread.

I was even suggesting that my "bubba" may actually not even be Bubba because it looks so similar to this guys cross.

I have seen the old world paki kush pictures and it DOES look a lot like Bubba. Who's to say Paki kush wasn't used instead of Hindu Kush in a cross with bubblegum?

I've studied these pictures over and over and the similarities are too much to overlook. Keep in mind I'm not just saying "they look pretty similar"...I analyzed every part of the plant from the exact leaf shape, color and size, serration, luster to growth patterns.

Peace JDOG.


Well-known member


Ogstradamus said:
So...I'm concluding one of two things here.

1. Bubba kush = Bubblegum X Hindu Kush
2. I'm not actually growing Bubba Kush, but actually Hindu Kush X Bubblegum and I have been foooled!

Anyways, I wanted to see what you guys thought...or maybe someone has some more useful input.


Ogstradamus~ Ya crack me up...go read BudZad7's posts...starting with his first posts here at ICmag...then come back & tell me what ya think...HehHeh. :sasmokin:

IGT :wave:


Active member
Ogstradamus said:
Hey man I see where you are coming from here...but

You were told something by your friend that you believe, everyone believes what they want like you said...so why are you coming in here telling everyone that you are right and completely shutting me down?

1. I'm not saying deep chunk is Bubba...I don't think Deep chunk looks nearly as much like Bubba as this plant does.
2. Sour Bubble looks similar because it has Bubblegum in it...that's why I said that.

Also, I'm not SAYING anything...I posted a thread wanting input about my thoughts on Bubba lineage. No one's getting mad over it either...don't start unneeded drama in a clean thread.

I was even suggesting that my "bubba" may actually not even be Bubba because it looks so similar to this guys cross.

I have seen the old world paki kush pictures and it DOES look a lot like Bubba. Who's to say Paki kush wasn't used instead of Hindu Kush in a cross with bubblegum?

I've studied these pictures over and over and the similarities are too much to overlook. Keep in mind I'm not just saying "they look pretty similar"... analyzed every part of the plant from the exact leaf shape, color and size, serration, luster to growth patterns.

Peace JDOG.

Hey man, I think you took my post wrong.
I know it happens because it's hard to tell someone's intentions without hearing the tone of there voice.
But I'm not shutting anyone down.
I could be wrong.
But I am just saying my opinion as well.
The reason I so strongly believe the lineage I know.
Is because I've talked to the holder of Old world Paki Kush daily for months about this subject.
He told me alot of info that isn't on these boards and this is just what I strongly believe as the truth.
I've also studied those photo's the same way as you.
But part of the leaves don't look the same.
The part that comes to meet up with the stem is not spaced enough(like chemdawg/OG Kush) It's very sutle.
But all chemdawg hybrids have this trait. At least the chemdawg pheno's(like OG Kush)Bubba is an oG Kush pheno.
I've grown them side by side.
And it is so obviously an OG Kush hybrid.
Not alot of people have grown the original OG.
And thats whats in Bubba.
Infact Bubba tastes alot like the original OG Kush.IMO
If you've grown OG Kush and Bubba Kush.
The original clones.
You'll know that OG ispart of Bubba.
They are so similar.
More similar then the pic's of Bubblegum x Hindu.
Plus, you need to see that shit in person to really study it.
You can't say for sure just from looking at pic's. IMO.

But I was not trying to slam you in any way bro.
Just adding my 2 cents is all.

The Bling

Jdog could you give us some of this info on old world paki or ask your friend to come and tell if this is the fact singe we dont know where OG really came from since no one has just come forward its also more than likely that we will never know which OG is the original OG is like a really hot woman you dont need to know what her parrents look like cause your kids will be damn fine if they look like her any way.


Well-known member
BudZad7 said:
03-17-2005, 10:36 AM #69

Original OG KUSH from HUMBOLDT cica late '70's

This is a pic of OG KUSH (OLD GROWERS-over 50 yrs old) I lived in Northern Cal
in the early '80's ('80-'81) going to college, met these botanists from Humboldt
county, I told them I was taking botany as well as an elective just for extra credits, they realized that I was a good gardner from all the beautiful house plants in my apartment...I also told them that I was in the Army overseas,and
I traveled to various countries including Morroco, Holland...etc...I told them stories of little boys with 1 pound size chunks of hashish for sale to the tourists
it was low quality, but still about 10% thc... Anyway these botanists said
that they would give me a cutting of this Gov't Gold Seal Afghani strain that they had a hard time trying to root...so I did my thing an presto! They said that when it was bigger to take another cutting and give them back the original cutting, so I did and here it is 23 yrs later and it almost died 3 different times
thru the years .....I still have 2 cutting mothers 1 is flowering,and then I
harvest some MONSTER KILLER NUGS!!!! ...then put it back into veg
mode and have kept it going for 23 yrs....also my other Purple Khyber Afghani
mother strain started from seed in 1986 is 19 yrs old, been regenerating it all these years.....these strains are adapted to the latitude 36 degrees...look on
a world globe at this latitude and the countries are prime KUSH Growing regions....GEEZ there's Afghanistan, the Hindu Kush region, Kashmir..etc..
high altitude combind with high UV light those bushes are oozing with resin to
protect them from the INTENSE UV (for every 1000' the UV is 4 degrees more
intense) also if u have a 2000' above sea level and combined with hot dry arid weather this OG KUSH GUSHES with resin..... Northern Calif has beautiful weather also, but to much moisture in the air,which make for BIG bushes, but here the OG is smaller but, with more intense resin production...
humidity 40% or less....and over 100 degree weather...Yeah babyyyy!!!
Here's a pic of OG only 1 wk into flowering and look @ all the resin already!! Anyways this is just 1 of my lil adventures in life....PEACE!

Here's BZ7's Original 'Story'...HehHeh...from back in March. :chin:

Enjoy, IGT
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Active member
The Bling said:
Jdog could you give us some of this info on old world paki or ask your friend to come and tell if this is the fact singe we dont know where OG really came from since no one has just come forward its also more than likely that we will never know which OG is the original OG is like a really hot woman you dont need to know what her parrents look like cause your kids will be damn fine if they look like her any way.

He won't come here. But I can tell you just as easy as he can. So whats the difference, right? Unless you think I'm just lying.
Which is just not true. That would be pretty lame.lol

And I've been giving you this info.
Everyone just chooses to ignore it.
Which is fine.
But you do know you have the original if you get it from the right people. My first cut was from a club owner.
And my second cut.
The Larry cut.
I can't say who I got it from.
That wouldn't be cool at all.
But you get my point.
They aren't random clones I bought at a club or something.
The first cut from the the club owner was the OG he used to grow to sell as bud at his clubs. But he didn't sell the clone of it. He got busted though not too long after me and my friend got the clone. My buddy worked at the club, thats how we got the clone.
But I've also had it verified.
But the new one will really tell me if the first was the original or not.
Because like you I have my doubt's about all of this.
But I'll know for sure once I grow out this Larry cut.


Active member
By the way any Kush phenotype is going to have that look to it.
Thats the main reason that Bubblgum x hindu even looks like Bubba.
Phenotypes are everything.

For all we know, that could be Bubba in that pic up there.
This dude might just be messing with everyone or just doesn't know any better.
Or was misinformed about what clone he got.Who really knows.
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"kush" from the region have a splayed out bud structure, flat, planar groups of flowers making up the bud.


Active member
My OG Kush grows perfect buds.
They aren't all random and flat at all.
More structured like mighty resin coated solders. IMO

But maybe your talking about Pure Kush?

Bubba is a little more random then OG.
But I don't know if I would use those words to describe them.


because you are under the impression that og kush has kush in it. not saying the buds are flat, i am saying the smaller flower clusters that make up the entire bud of kush, are flat.
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