OK .. this woke me up more than my coffee.I agree that you have to be care ful with THCV.As CBD it is an antagonist of THC like you said earlier, but it could be useful for decreasing the appetite, but the THC much be higher in the plant than THCV.To much THCV makes you nausea, what i experienced or you will have the same side effect as Rimonabant!
I make Rick Simpson extract for cancer patients.
I have one patient that had his own starting materials. A strain that he had developed himself.
He found out that he had stage four non hodgkins lymphoma about the same time as he had a harvest.
This guy is a massive consumer. Smokes an ounce per day of high grade.
So my thinking is that the cancer would need to be jolted with a much higher amount of cannabinoids than his system is used to. After all the cancer is used to those levels of cannabinoids also.
So we hit him with 2000 mg per day.
I also start looking for another strain to swap out to hit him with a change up in cannabinoid profile.
Still have not been able to run into a different strain for him. But the cancer is shrinking.
Bad part: He has had to stop the extract. Why? Rapid heart rate. Which the doctors could not slow down.
I'm thinking THCV.
Does that make sense to you?
Simpson recommends working with an indica. This material was a little more sativa in nature.