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Breeding for the best stimulating effect


Well-known member

I've started picking some of the male flowers of the reversed TAM cut. I don't know if it will be easy to take the pollen out of them, but there are a crazy amount of flowers and some of them have started opening and showing the little bananas. I have read that it usually takes way more time to get the first pollen out of a reversed female than from a normal male, but I haven't got much experience myself.

If I am successful with these pollinations, I would like to see these crosses growing out there. These are some of the ones I've already made or plan to make in the next weeks with this reversed TAM.

1.- TAM F2, feminised and regular. I have already made the regular ones with the select cut of TAM and 4 different males selected from seed. Risk of endogamic features due to the Mextiza genetics. These are the F2 for what I find to be the best weed in the world

2.- {(Thai Angola)xMextiza} x Thai Angola. (25% Mextiza, 75% Thai Angola) Backcross made crossing this reversed selected TAM cut with the original Thai Angola cut. Feminised. I believe this one will have the high of a pure 100% totally high schizo sativa and some extra resin and growing energy from the Mextiza. I'd love to see this one outdoors. This could be a nice tribute for an unique Angola Thai distribution made years ago that has its own historical value: for some people, like me, this plant represents what a real sativa strain should be. Not a weak herma freaky landrace, but also not a hybrid as we know. Very little trichomes, very long pistils, very little flowers, very thin leaves, very slender plants. 12 weeker, all-in-the brain effect, subtle aromas to anise and lavender.

3.- TAM x Jack Herer (feminised and regular). I have already made the regular ones with the old JH cut and several TAM males selected from seed. Now I'm taking the pollen from the reversed TAM clone to pollinate the Jack. Wish me luck, I deserve to get this done. I could get a sativa leaning hybrid, fast, aromatic and productive, with the best of both worlds, production and stimulating effect. I have a felling of abundance (in the paleolithic mamooth-eating festing way) when I think about hundreds of seeds of it.

4.- Thai Angola x Jack Herer. Already made and grown a couple of times as you can see in this thread. Feminised. I was lucky, I got a result that is productive (of course, not as much as a Jack Herer, and not so aromatic) but the effect is good.

5.- (JH x Thai Angola)xJH. Another interesting backcross I plan to make, using some Thai Angola x Jack Herer selected some months ago for their compact bud structure. So the result would be something compact as a Jack, but with an effect more in the sativa side. For this, I'll have to STS the JH again. Remember that the Jack is a cut with more than 20 years of life, and getting something similar from seed would be very nice and much more vital, and a lifesaver in case I lose it. Maybe I should do F2 from this Jack as well.

If you have been around here for a while, you like this kind of weed, and you believe you could grow some of these seed soon and give back some opinion and pictures, let me know and I'll try to get them there.

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Well-known member
The plant I STSed produced a lot of male flowers and I starting harvesting them a week ago. I just shake the branches and gently rub them, and many flowers start falling in a bowl placed under them.

At the beginning it looked like no pollen was produced, but after several days drying and a little flower crushing, I believe there is some yellow powder. I used a strainer to filter it and I pollinated my Jack Herer and a Thai Angola, and I'll repeat the procedure in a week or so, to get a better harvest. Also, the Thai Angola is slow and it has very few flowers yet, after just two weeks of 12/12.

I also plan to use this pollen from TAM (Thai Angola x Mextiza) to pollinate the selected compact productive pheno of Jack Herer x Thai Angola. So I can get a female bunch of seeds that carry most of Thai Angola high with some indoor abilities, faster and more productive than Thai Angola, and probably stronger. Let's see what I get.

The flowers in the pic are the fresh ones I harvested today, not the dried ones I used to pollinate. I hope it goes well, these are some of the most interesting crosses I plan to make. Well, anything with Thai Angola Mextiza on it IS interesting for me.

By the way, I have already planted some dozens of seeds of TAM x Black Domina and TAM x Jack Herer, but in its regular version. I need to see what comes out of it.


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Well-known member
I've started a test grow to see how these first regular seeds of Jack Herer x TAM and Black Domina x TAM behave. I used several TAM males. It will serve to have an approximation of the feminized cross, made with selected females.

I planted more from the BDxTAM, maybe too many, since I made this cross out of pure curiosity and it doesn't affect my breeding work with sativas.




Well-known member
This is the Thai Angola x Jack Herer I selected based on production and bud shape. Most of them were similar in taste. I've just potted it in a 3l pot, and now it is about 50/60 cm tall.

I like the slender shape and weedy stems. The stem still has this kind of polygonal twist shape, like her mum Thai Angola, but this one is greener while the Thai Angola cut is way reddish.

The high is quite strong now after 4 months curing. It tastes nice and I get high for hours.




Well-known member
These plants are the Thai Angola and the Jack Herer I pollinated some weeks ago with feminised pollen from the TAM cut. Now they are at 7 weeks and I've just started adding some extra PK. I love them.

I don't know yet if I got some seeds from the pollination. I believe some calyxes are swollen, but it is early to make a conclussion. I'll cut the Jack at 10 weeks, but the Thai Angola would need some more weeks to properly mature. These little tiny flowers and trichomes with the very long and thin pistils are very attractive to the sativa lover.


Some pics of the Thai Angola:


And this is the Jack:


Sweet smokes


Well-known member
Hi. Just some news.

While the pollination with the feminized TAM didn't look very effective (I just cut the pollinated plants but I can't see any grown seed in the pollinated Jack Herer nor in the pollinated THAI ANGOLA), the last pollination I made with Jack Herer feminized pollen looked good, and both the TAM and the Black Domina I pollinated had most of pistils browned several hours later.

It is still soon to make any conclussion, but it looks good. I'll upload some pictures.

Next pollination I'm planning involves some TAMs from seed, and I will use the males, several of them, to pollinate the original THAI ANGOLA. These TAM were planted some weeks ago and I plan to put them to flower before 1 month.



Well-known member
As I promised, these are the pictures of the Thai Angola Mextiza and the Black Domina I just pollinated. I swear that the pistil's color under the eye is darker than it appears in the pics. In a week or two, if the pollination worked, the flowers showld start swelling.

In some days I'll pollinate again both these plants and two more, a Jack Herer for S1 and a Thai Angola, since the feminized JackHerer x ThaiAngola seeds I made some months ago resulted to be very good and I want to have some more. And I'll also pollinate the JackHerer x ThaiAngola I selected by its bud structure and good production.

TAM (very thin and slender leaves):


Black Domina (look at these wide leaves)


Sweet smokes
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Well-known member
I just put this bunch of plants gone wild into a flowering tent. They are all from seed, Jack Herer x TAM and Black Domina x TAM. Since these plants come from regular seeds, I'll have to cull the males in a couple of weeks. By their general structure, they look like they inherited some of the TAM indomitable sativa energy


Sweet smokes.


Well-known member
After a lot of failures pollinating plants with reversed pollen, I have to say that finally I've succeeded. Although I couldn't cross my reversed TAM with the Jack before, I could now cross the reversed Jack Herer with the selected TAM clone, and that's the same cross, but done in the opposite way.

That's a cross I really wanted to do, a productive fast Jack with a vital powerful sativa like ThaiAngolaMexico, the one I like the most. So this cross would be called feminised JHxTAM and it is made from two wonderful selected clones. The Jack seems to be the plant that works the best with STS.

Similar plants made crossing males from the original regular TAM seeds (Jack Herer x TAM males) are already flowering, so I can compare the effect of parental selection. Also, there could be differences if I made the cross the other way, so I can also compare.

That's the TAM showing some callyx swelling:


I also used this Jack Herer reversed pollen in some other females I had ready, like
-the same Jack for S1
-Thai Angola to make more ThaiAngola x JH seeds, I planted a bunch and they are good
-The Thai x JH I selected in the last run for its compact buds and good production
-Black Domina to make a very Dutch 90's hybrid, productive and powerful.

This is the Black Domina, also showing calyx swelling. There will be great things out of these seeds.




Well-known member
These are the crosses I made with the TAM males. All the plants have inherited the extremely fast flowering start the Mextiza had: in just one week 12/12, I had the sex of all the plants figured out. I have 14 females out of 24 plants. Also, they grow quite fast.

They look very much like TAM, even the cross I made with a Black Domina (on the contrary as any weed in this thread, BD is a pure indica)

I believe that the cross between the TAM and the Jack will be fast, productive and will have a nice effect, so I am eager for finishing them as soon as possible to smoke them. I have also great expectations with the same feminized cross.


Sweet smokes


Well-known member
I just repotted in 3l pots these 15/20 Thai Angola Mextiza I am growing from seed. I am going to enjoy the smoke for sure, but I also plan to use the pollen from the males I get to pollinate the Thai Angola cut.

The objective is to grow plants that carry most of the distinct Thai Angola bouquet and effect, with a stronger punch, a faster harvest and some more resin. Also, I plan to select the plants with the stronger African bitter taste, because I believe that this backcross can enhance some of the most aggressive aromatic features, which, by the way, I adore and find unique.


Don't get fooled by its innocent slender weedy aspect. I spent a couple of months avoiding this weed (even if it is my favorite one ever) because I had plenty of different ones to smoke. When I smoked a joint yesterday in a park with some friends, I got much higher than expected. This weed has a strong stimulating sativa high that provides a very happy trip that's fantastic for partying, making music, anything. And the flavor... oh my!

This cross, Thai Angola Mexico, has been my holy grail since discovered. And it also is the perfect example of how an unique weed like Mextiza provides some characteristics to its crosses that allow real magic to happen. Very slow, stretchy and pain-in-the ass sativas become tamed, easy and tasty. TAM pollen is a gift from the nature that I plan to use.

Sweet smokes
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Well-known member
These are some pics of my last successful pollination using feminised pollen from a reversed JH from the 90s. Pollinated plants are in their 39th flowering day.

TAM. I didn't get many flowers pollinated, but I believe they will be enough, like I will get two or three dozens of female TAM x JH seeds. This strain really shows a wonderful amount of aromatic resin.


Black Domina. This one is growing a lot of big fat seeds. If my best wishes are accomplished, this cross will be a dirty super-productive hybrid in the 90's Dutch style. For sure a heavy body effect that has nothing to do with all the sativa energy I've been sharing in this thread. I just put some pics because I really want to grow this one and I'm proud of getting it done.



This one is the Jack Herer impregnated with itself to make S1 seeds. That's a nice hybrid that has consistently passed its characteristics to its descendants, that's why I really doubt it is a F1. I'll grow these seeds and I'll know what's inside this cut. It looks like I'll have a hundred seeds, that's enough for a while.


And this last one is the Thai Angola Jack Herer I selected for its compact productive buds. The amount of resin it produces is astonishing for such a narrow leaved sativa, she's been flowering for just four weeks, and she'll need a while to mature.


Sweet smokes


Well-known member

That's just one of the Black Domina x TAM, they've been 12/12 for 3 weeks and now they are starting to develop resin. In general they look like strong plants with a much more solid and symmetric structure than TAM, from the Black Domina indica genes. I'll picture Jack Herer x TAM in the next posts, because that one is the sativish interesting one.

What pisses me off is that many of the pistil tops are burnt. I have had this problem in several plants recently flowered, and I think that somehow I burned them with the lights, or maybe it comes from a ventilator failure. Lower pistils are less burnt, and some flower clusters are intact, so I don't think it was an accidental pollination. God, that'd be a total disaster, with the many difficult pollinations I just made.


What do you think? Sorry for the terrible lighted pics. I believe I'll harvest normal buds with normal amount of resin, but these buds will have a terrible aspect all along the flowering. Let's see how it goes.

Also, I got some new seeds. There are plenty of sativas I want to cross with my old ultraendogamic sickly freaky Mextiza clone in order to select fast productive tasty sativas. Along the years I've learnt what this cut tends to deliver, and it does magic crossed with long flowering sativas like Thai Angola, so I'm going to cross it with some weeds I got from, of course, ACE seeds.

These weeds I ordered are Golden Tiger, Zamaldelica and Nueva Caledonia, of course all regular to use their pollen in my Mextiza. And I also gave a last chance to Malawi and I picked some feminised ones. Last time, years ago, I didn't get anything resinous and enjoyable, let's see now.

I've already planted GT and feminised Malawi, along with three Guawi freebies. I have to say that the 12 GT, 6 Malawi and 3 Guawi have already sprouted, and that's an unbeatable germination index.

Zamaldelica and Nueva Caledonia are expected to arrive soon.

For some reason, this year has become the seeds restocking year.

Sweet smokes


Well-known member
Apparently, the pistils growing now aren't burnt anymore, so it seems that the problem I had got solved someway. You know, it isn't possible to pollinate a plant with its pistils burnt.

Seeded plants are going well too. This is the TAM impregnated with Jack Herer, some days before 7 weeks. There aren't many seeds, but I believe I'll get enough.


These ones are the 17 Thai Angola Mextiza brothers and sisters of my selected TAM, from the same seed batch. Thin, slender and fast growers. Just put them into flower, I've got a 80x80 cm tent for them, so they are a little crowded. I'll save some pollen from the males.


Sweet smokes


Well-known member
By the way, some posts ago I said that I had bought some seeds, like Nueva Caledonia, Malawi and some Malawi hybrids like Golden Tiger and Zamaldelica. These weeds have been very well received by the people and got a lot of nice reviews.

My idea is to keep going in the project of seeking for the best sativa effects, specially shortening the flowering time and increasing the flavor and the power with the outstanding Mextiza genetics.

But I have something to say. I've grown quite a lot of landraces, and I have to say that African and American landrace Sativas are very special and very characteristic, very distinct. But also very slow, weak and difficult to grow indoors.

What I mean is that for what I know, it is impossible that a strain that has a consistent +20% THC content could be a landrace, or a strain made mixing pure sativa landraces. That's just impossible. Also, the growing pattern of a strain that has enormous calyxes and seeds, and show enormous amounts of resin all around the buds and the leaves doesn't match with what a landrace should be.

I am pretty sure that Mextiza, the strain that got me starting to worry about conservation of special weeds and effects, is NOT a pure sativa, nor a landrace. Nor its original source, the Oaxaca '79. That's why it is so much better than any landrace. It is quite probable that some American strain was hybridized decades ago to widen the genetic pool, and after that there were decades of selection that ended in a strain with the best features of Mexican original weed, but much faster, tastier and stronger.

I believe that Malawi suffered the same process of hybridisation, not only for its raw powerful effect, but for many other morfological features. I bet the original strains from there are similar to these weird incredible and very authentic african strains like Ghana, Ethiopia, or some other American ones. These ACE Malawi plants stand out for being totally different.

You can check the ACE catalog, there are some plants that stand for being authentic landraces, while many don't. Check for the plants with less than 10% THC, these could be the original ones.

For example, the Nueva Caledonia strain supposedly can show more than 20% THC. I bet it is not a pure sativa, but I also bet that it will be much better, much tastier and much more like the kind of weed I look for.

That's why I chose these strains. They have already been hybridised in their original lands, and worked there for their adaptability and effects, having decades of selection over their origin. These weeds are the ones I like. Not the landraces with some 5% THC, bland taste, slow and low producer, but the transformed and worked ones to a point that everybody will get high and happy to grow them, while keeping an uplifting sativa effect.

What do you think?


atomizing haze essence
I agree oaxacan79 is not pure sativa at all.

ace malawi is selected from african seeds malawi. I grew african seeds malawi, and some phenos are very broadleaf. I think they have more varieties than one around Malawi Lake. some more broadleaf, some more narrow.


look what breeder Derrayld from African Seeds Co. says about their malawi:

"Malawi -
Most Malawi is still to this day found in cobs which is the malawi heads wrapped in a Mealie leaf and cured like this.
Awesome stoning, very cerebral while incredibly powerful at the same time.
A trait of many SA strains is the powerful sedatory effects.
Not like an indica but more of a very warm positive stoned feeling.
Very relaxing
Malawi is great, with a positivly amasing earthy, hash smell.
Like good Red or Gold Seal.

he says sedation, stoned feelings...

also their description says 10 - 14 weeks. there is no reason for pure tropical cultivar to be 10 weeker:

Famed by travelers across Africa for its potent 'up high' and mythical gold colour. The sativa ganja tops are bound tightly in banana leaf and cured to form the well known Malawi 'cob'. High yields from big buds loaded with THC. These are wild seeds selected from some of the most learned cannabis growers in Malawi. Best grown outdoors, high germination rates.

Flowering Period Outdoors: 10-14 weeks (condition dependent)

new caledonia - in sense of adaptation and isolation it could be landrace. some have great smell, but it doesn't translate to taste. some are very tasty. 14 weeks plus phenos are very interesting imo. one reminded me Laos, and one fruity long flowering one with pink pistils reminded me Vietnamese. so it is more genetic mix, not long time enough isolated to be called landrace. not sure about it.

new caledonia5.JPG

I dont agree that content of thc shows if it is landrace or not. although it can seem that 20% thc landrace is myth, there is always probability of mutation, that some freaky individual can appear. not consistently though.

I dont think that landrace is some strict term, some people use it in more free meaning.

but if we can agree this definition:

"A landrace is domesticated, locally adapted, often traditional variety of specie of plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture , and due to isolation from other populations of the species"

then anything you do with it: take it from its place from origin, select it, or reproduce it at different place, it stopped to be landrace and it is worked line based on landrace, not landrace. as landrace is specialized to specific environment of certain valley or island.

so when you grow landrace, let say, thai out of its original valley, you cant achieve same results as you would grow it in original environment. as it is specialized for only one specific environment.

that definition lacks important info though, how long cannabis variety needs to be in process of adaptation and isolation, it can be called landrace? 100 years or more?


Well-known member
It is great that some seedbanks spend some years selecting specimens from a landrace to offer a good sample of that kind of weed. That's something I find great, you get to taste the best specimens you would ever find of a special herb from a place, without hermas, and without the worse ones.

I've grown enough of them to realize that while they are special and nice, there are things I like more. There is a reason for that: I'm a seasoned smoker and I can't keep my smoking habit growing low productive, low THC 14-weeker Ethiopians, 16-weeker Ghanaians... I just don't get high, just a hint.

So I really like that there are out there some strains, like Oaxaca '79, that have the best characteristics of taste, smell and effect you would dream to find in a Mexican weed. And I can smoke them and get very high, since it has about 15% THC. Not like the 4 or 5% you would find in an original landrace. So we can agree this one has been hybridated at some point in the past.

I believe (just believe, because I think there are physical features that support my point) that some other strains have a similar origin because of their hybrid characteristics. Malawi, of course, is one of them. I wouldn't buy it if wasn't superstrong (let's see that, I'm on them). That unusual THC content is just one of the factors that make me believe there has been hybridisation (maybe decades or centuries ago), but just one. There are plenty of factors.

Let's see these Caledonian seeds. The plants look gorgeous, the flavors seem to be great, and the effect has to be superb, stimulating sativa effect with near 20% of THC. That's too fucking good to be true! I suppose it could have been hybridated and selected for generations, but I don't care if it was hybridated or not. My best plant, Thai Angola Mextiza, is got the best effect I've ever had and its special sativa tasty nature has been enriched by some resin making genes.

I really want to try these Caledonians.

Sweet smokes
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atomizing haze essence
I dont think all plants of New Caledonia have 20% thc. most plants I got were mild in potency. there are some exceptions though. a lot of them shorter flowering ones remind me mexicans. dubi was talking about mexican hashplant.. like this one:


smelled great! fruity lemony.

crossed with mextiza, it can be good weed, better than most "mexicans" available today. and very uppity stimulating. I recommend it for your stimulating effect breeding.