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Brazilian Seed Co officially folded

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id like to be on that list for one :D at the moment im mostly checking emails and Pmes


hi, i can vouch for brazilian seed co's columbian gold. i grew one outdoors in the uk and she very nearly finished by mid november, her structure was airy but that kept the mold out. she also was a wonderfull high with sedative qualitys that lasted a couple of hours. :joint:


Ok here's the tentative schedule for bsc releases. Seasons listed are for nothern hemisphere

Spring 2007

Manga Rosa
Santa Marta Gold
Opossum #1 (smg x acapulco/deepchunk)
Puna Budder

Summer & Fall 2007

Highland Oaxaca Gold
Acapulco Gold
Brasilian Green
Punto Rojo
Aracaju Red
Burmese (different from reeferman or visc)
Greengenes cherry bomb (I only have ten seeds but a kind soul is offering us more. We will only reproduce these in pure form f that goes thru)
Cochabamba (bolivian)
The first of Redrider's Lines
Angola Red (this comes from lmn. Will only be released with his permission)

Xmas 2007
Kona Gold (a very special old hawaiian that possibly dates back to the infamous brotherhood of eternal love most well known for their following the teachings of Dr. Leary and their exploits in the smuggling of afghan hash)
More work from redrider
Brasilian Lemon (possible ancestor of leda uno)

Spring 2008

Colombian Black
Foxtail Sativa
Brasilian Black (bengala)
Brasilian Gold
Oaxacan Pelo Rojo

These are just the pure strains. We will also have indica sativa hybrids, elite xutting x sativa hybrids and pure sativa hybrids but those will be more played by ear and won't really be our focus. If there's anything that you can't wait for and would like to see moved up in the schedule let me know. It is very likely that some of these may be dropped to a lower priority.
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"Spring 2007

Manga Rosa
Santa Marta Gold
Opossum #1 (smg x acapulco/deepchunk)
Puna Budder"

I´ll buy all those...let me know when they´re ready!! :wink:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Looking forward Zam... :woohoo:
I want them for my seed collection.


I quit buying seeds But you got my attention now...I would love to get ahold of some Colombian...I love my Acapulco gold I have...need more landraces...I'll keep an eye on this thread...thanks Zamalito


Hehehe excellent list, Zamalito. I think I'll start to collect funds, hehehehe :sasmokin:

Good vibes :)



Active member
Colombian returns

Colombian returns

This is what I will be sending BSC to work with in January 2007, and I hope to add more as I find them here is Colombia.

Domestic Colombian:

Santa Marta Gold, collected in 2005
Santa Marta Green (green bud from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta zone)
Corinto Monster
Andina Punto Rojo*


Colombian SMGreenXAfghan
Colombian SMGXAfghan

I also hope because I don’t have them at the moment, to get some Manizales black that is suppose to be the original “Wacky Weed”.

All these strains will need to be worked by BSC but they are pure, authentic and rare.
Peace from Colombia


I can't wait redrider. I also can wait to see you grow some of the manizales black. I hope you have the resources to devote to it. I'm not certain if I do but I'm gonna gice it a shot.
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looks like an amazing line up, i cant wait to get some for my collection. its about time for some pure earth stock, no more worn out dutch hybrids.
thanks for all the hard work.
many blessings


Yeah I sure will, bodhi. When are you going to crack those old smg's from nyc. Nyc was one of the last places you could get good imported bud. I'm too young to have tried many of the imported landrace in their heyday but thankfully when I used to visit and eventually lived in nyc lots of stuff was still available. The only times I'd ever gotten charas outside of holland were in nyc. I believe from the Herb Chambers service it was like 200 for an 1/8 oz of good nepalese temple so I could rarely afford it but fortunately I had a few wealthy friends. The 3 services I knew of mostly catered to the wealthy then (I guess the going service rate now is 50 for 1/16th oz they still seem to but I have a few struggling friends who still use them) I also remember colombians and thai sticks were available in the first few years of the 1990's through the services.

Anyways I just wanted to mention that we will be selling our seeds through the homegrown 420 auctions. The charity auction for Lu will be there also. I still haven't heard back from seedbay or reeferman. Hopefully we can get them among others to carry our seeds also. I'd like to find canadian distribution. If anyone has any ideas for distribution let me know.


Zamalito do you have the flowering times for Punta Rojo and Manga Rosa?


The manga rosa is about 10-12 weeks. I'm not sure about which pr line we'll have first but the different puto rojo's range from 14-20 weeks.
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