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Bogus Vape Cartridges Linked to Outbreak of Pulmonary Problems, Hospitalizations


Good questions that I don’t have the answers to. I honestly don’t know one way or the other if it’s safe.

Can’t help but be suspicious of inhaling a carrier just to get the drug effect. Cigarettes were supposed to be safe in the beginning too.

I actually find it odd people are so accepting of vaping carriers to get whatever effect, has a lab rat sound to it in my opinion.

I don’t think it is unreasonable to question the practice, based on its short history.

Its totally reasonable to question it and on going studies are happening here and in Europe.
In the UK we have stringent rules about what ingredients are allowed in the juices. We have ingredients banned here that I believe are still used elsewhere in the world because evidence suggests they were harmful.
The juice lines have to be tested and produced in environments that are up to these codes.

Nobody but foolish people would believe that this vice of ours is harmless and advice is unless you smoke cigarettes already don't take up vaping.
Vaping has been here in the mainstream since 2007 and since it began we have employed a yellow card tatic. Any health conditions that could be linked to vaping has to be reported to the British health association by doctors surgeries and hospitals. As of yet none over a decade later.

I know smoking was promoted as being healthy back in the old days but we ain't in the old days anymore and things were learned. Hence all the precautions in place in the UK and Europe.

People need to look outside their boxes. what is happening in the USA is a USA problem, Not an international problem.
Why for instance is this only a issue now for vapers in one part of the world and vapers who have only been using vape devices for 2 or 3 years on average by their own accounts?

No not everybody has admitted to the use of of the thc cartridges but maybe not everyone is in the position to admit to using them.
Teens with pissed parents or what about them huge medical bills they would be left with if health insurance didn't pay out because of illegal substance being the cause?

I admit when this started I was concerned but as the stories kept coming it was clear to see something else was going on here.

To answer your question from my point of view. I'm happy to vape because it's well known to be a lot less harmful than traditional smoke.
I vape because I am hopelessly addicted to nicotine thanks to my teen years.

I know some people find that hard to understand. I have given up some of the most addictive substances known to man including cocain, alcohol and heroin. I have an
addictive personality and least harmful of all these addictions is nicotine but its the hardest to quit.
I know as I've tried at least 3 times in the past.
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Well-known member
Just a little something since the thread kind of went towards e-cigs (as did the blame for all this, simply from misinformation).

Blaming propylene glycol for the recent events. Or, including e-cigs and 'flavors' and all the other misinformation.......

Looks like propylene glycol has been used in e-cigs since 2003. First e-cig was invented in 1967.

Fuck, that's even a year before I was smoking pot.

The first smokeless, non-tobacco cigarette device was patented by Herbert A. Gilbert from Beaver Falls, PA in 1967. This non-tobacco cigarette was thought to be a safe and harmless method of smoking by replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated, moist, flavored air.<sup>1</sup>
In 2003, a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik, was credited with the first generation e-cigarette that used a piezoelectric element to vaporize the liquid containing nicotine diluted in a propylene glycol solution.<sup>36


Not sure how accurate the article is but I found it interesting that e-cigs have been around that long.




Active member
Its totally reasonable to question it and on going studies are happening here and in Europe.
In the UK we have stringent rules about what ingredients are allowed in the juices. We have ingredients banned here that I believe are still used elsewhere in the world because evidence suggests they were harmful.
The juice lines have to be tested and produced in environments that are up to these codes.

Nobody but foolish people would believe that this vice of ours is harmless and advice is unless you smoke cigarettes already don't take up vaping.
Vaping has been here in the mainstream since 2007 and since it began we have employed a yellow card tatic. Any health conditions that could be linked to vaping has to be reported to the British health association by doctors surgeries and hospitals. As of yet none over a decade later.

I know smoking was promoted as being healthy back in the old days but we ain't in the old days anymore and things were learned. Hence all the precautions in place in the UK and Europe.

People need to look outside their boxes. what is happening in the USA is a USA problem, Not an international problem.
Why for instance is this only a issue now for vapers in one part of the world and vapers who have only been using vape devices for 2 or 3 years on average by their own accounts?

No not everybody has admitted to the use of of the thc cartridges but maybe not everyone is in the position to admit to using them.
Teens with pissed parents or what about them huge medical bills they would be left with if health insurance didn't pay out because of illegal substance being the cause?

I admit when this started I was concerned but as the stories kept coming it was clear to see something else was going on here.

To answer your question from my point of view. I'm happy to vape because it's well known to be a lot less harmful than traditional smoke.
I vape because I am hopelessly addicted to nicotine thanks to my teen years.

I know some people find that hard to understand. I have given up some of the most addictive substances known to man including cocain, alcohol and heroin. I have an
addictive personality and least harmful of all these addictions is nicotine but its the hardest to quit.
I know as I've tried at least 3 times in the past.

Sounds like it’s regulated better where you are, as far as control of what is being used to be publicly available. Does seem kind of like the Wild West in the US with the ingredients used.
I’ve heard nicotine is hard to quit, was lucky not to have an interest in it. Is the nicotine gum not worth using? Seems like an option if it was any good. People like that smoking routine though, it seems, something in your hands and smoke or vapor to inhale.

Definitely possible that people won’t admit to vaping thc, lots of good reasons to deny it and few good reasons to admit it in most cases.


Sounds like it’s regulated better where you are, as far as control of what is being used to be publicly available. Does seem kind of like the Wild West in the US with the ingredients used.
I’ve heard nicotine is hard to quit, was lucky not to have an interest in it. Is the nicotine gum not worth using? Seems like an option if it was any good. People like that smoking routine though, it seems, something in your hands and smoke or vapor to inhale.

Definitely possible that people won’t admit to vaping thc, lots of good reasons to deny it and few good reasons to admit it in most cases.

I plan on using gum when I start work next month. Its working night-shift and seeing as smokers are not allowed to leave the premises during shift I won't be able to vape either. Gum will come in handy there.
Its totally all to do with inhaling something. That action of inhaling something and feeling it in the throat and lungs is a big hurdle when it comes to quiting smoking.

Yeah we have regulations called the TPD, it's a list of laws just for vaping. A lot of people moaned about these rules but I would rather TPD than a flavour ban.
Anyway I plan to quit vaping in April 2020, I would have quit ciggies for 3 years then. Vaping would have done its job and it will be time to quit it too.

I will start by mixing my nicotine levels lower in new year, I'm already at 3mg.
Im grateful to vaping for getting me off the cancer sticks and it just makes me a little sad for the USA smokers who will miss out on vaping.
Tobbaco flavours are disgusting, they don't really taste like tobacco.
That will put smokers off because it will taste nothing like the tobacco products they're used too.

At the moment I'm vaping a blueberry, pomegranate, aniseed and menthol flavour. It's delicious. If right now my flavours were taken away I would most likely end up smoking again in all honesty because I'm not ready.
Its very bad that teens are abusing this thing that was designed to help smokers quit. I've never understood why someone who doesn't smoke would take up vaping.

Again that's a very American thing because our teens here are still smoking. I see it when picking the grandson up from school.
I see plenty of kids smoking as they walk by the car.
I wouldn't be pleased to see any child of mine doing either but vaping is definitely the lesser beast.


Well-known member
I plan on using gum when I start work next month. Its working night-shift and seeing as smokers are not allowed to leave the premises during shift I won't be able to vape either. Gum will come in handy there.
Its totally all to do with inhaling something. That action of inhaling something and feeling it in the throat and lungs is a big hurdle when it comes to quiting smoking.

Yeah we have regulations called the TPD, it's a list of laws just for vaping. A lot of people moaned about these rules but I would rather TPD than a flavour ban.
Anyway I plan to quit vaping in April 2020, I would have quit ciggies for 3 years then. Vaping would have done its job and it will be time to quit it too.

I will start by mixing my nicotine levels lower in new year, I'm already at 3mg.
Im grateful to vaping for getting me off the cancer sticks and it just makes me a little sad for the USA smokers who will miss out on vaping.
Tobbaco flavours are disgusting, they don't really taste like tobacco.
That will put smokers off because it will taste nothing like the tobacco products they're used too.

At the moment I'm vaping a blueberry, pomegranate, aniseed and menthol flavour. It's delicious. If right now my flavours were taken away I would most likely end up smoking again in all honesty because I'm not ready.
Its very bad that teens are abusing this thing that was designed to help smokers quit. I've never understood why someone who doesn't smoke would take up vaping.

Again that's a very American thing because our teens here are still smoking. I see it when picking the grandson up from school.
I see plenty of kids smoking as they walk by the car.
I wouldn't be pleased to see any child of mine doing either but vaping is definitely the lesser beast.

Not sure what it’s like over there but in England lots of people smoke when they’re young and just grow out of it.


Well-known member
Is there any new news on vape cartridges? The media is blaming black market THC carts. I guess 100% of black market carts tested positive for something which breaks down into Hydrogen Cyanide when burned. That might be why lung damage is just now showing up I guess. If true that is some nasty shit. People have been vaping for a long time with no problems.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
The big Distillate guys offer all their product in Clean or Dirty.... Ive seen tested batches of the dirty break the scale for myclobutanil... it tested 2x as high for anything they've tested b4...

The Hot Dog Juice scene is dirty ...people are inhaling mad Poison


The big Distillate guys offer all their product in Clean or Dirty.... Ive seen tested batches of the dirty break the scale for myclobutanil... it tested 2x as high for anything they've tested b4...

The Hot Dog Juice scene is dirty ...people are inhaling mad Poison

Clean, as in, the dirty with one extra coffee filter over the nozzle?

The white privilege market ruined the jail-for-minorities market by creating the de facto dumping grounds for the type of immoral operations that honestly never existed under prohibition.. Oh well, killing their own people now. I suppose possessing blackmarket weed will carry a manslaughter charge, like the kids say about mdma, soon after federal legalization..

Blaming lipids, blaming vitamin e.. For fucks sake even Cali weed in the 60s-2000s was loaded with lipids and the oh so scary tocopherol. Who dead. People just aren't educated enough to see, or strong hearted enough to accept the agenda behind legal Cannabis. "Opium bad fentanyl good " rings familiar.


Well-known member
Yet another study that references "Mustard Gas".

I wonder if anyone has figured out that mustard gas was made from the rapeseed plant. Same as the canola oil we eat every day. Now, vaping Canola Oil?

I claimed that canola oil might be the culprit back when Extract Ninja first exposed True Terpenes' Viscosity for being mineral oil. At that time, I posted that I suspected the oil might be canola oil.

I say my horse is still in the running. Perhaps last place... LOL But, still on the track.



Well-known member
Not true. Cannola oil comes from a breed of rapeseed plant that was bred to have low erucic acid. Still a rapeseed plant.

Rapeseed is a member of the mustard family, one of the most toxic of all plants, and is shunned by insects. Mustard gas, which was banned in war because it blisters lungs and skin, is made from rapeseeds.



Well-known member
Not sure I trust Dirt Doctor as a source. Everything I have read says mustard gas is only called that because it smells similar to mustard plants but it actually has nothing to do with mustard plants at all and is synthesized in a lab.

Even the CDC website states Sulfur Mustard is not found naturally in the environment.


Señor Member
I even just now tried to find some evidence of this rapeseed connection and came up empty. I've never heard of that before. I was an o-chem major in college for a little while, and I had always understood that these agents do not occur naturally, are entirely synthesized from a sulfuric molecule, and are only called mustard agents because they kind of look and smell like mustard, or maybe horseradish.


Well-known member
I wonder if anyone has figured out that mustard gas was made from the rapeseed plant.

No, it's called Sulfur mustard because in an impure form, for instance when it's weaponized, it's yellow brown and smells kind of like mustard plants, garlic, or horseradish. No connection to the plant. Military humor, they should have called napalm tabasco sauce..


ICMag Donor
Not true. Cannola oil comes from a breed of rapeseed plant that was bred to have low erucic acid. Still a rapeseed plant.

Rapeseed is a member of the mustard family, one of the most toxic of all plants, and is shunned by insects. Mustard gas, which was banned in war because it blisters lungs and skin, is made from rapeseeds.


Nope. As for being the source of mustard gas - it's not canola/rapeseed. Mustard gas is made in a chemical factory from chlorine, sulfur and ethylene. Dow chemical made it during WWI.

Mustard gas got its name from its SMELL -- similar to that of mustard, or garlic.

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