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Bogus Vape Cartridges Linked to Outbreak of Pulmonary Problems, Hospitalizations


3rd-Eye Jedi

The above pdf gives weight of Sovran 50WG per teaspoon and teaspoon measurements per gallon. By their numbers per acre translates to 400 gallons.

You know you're going to get those replies anyway. Like cooking bacon in a houseful of vegans. They're angry (poor diet) and opinionated (cranky from malnourishment) anyway, let alone when you remind them how much they miss bacon.

typical mikell


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I provided him the information he was looking for, objectively, while keeping my opinion to myself.

I generally don't shove my opinions down peoples throats. More often than not they will make decisions as they will and being combative or aggressive, as you should know, only causes them to dig in deeper.

Side note. On the bottom right of each post is a button labeled "Edit". Triple or beyond (turboposting) makes you look like a crank.

Why are you here?

To shit talk? Your original post was nothing but more staring down your nose at the masses below you. Got old years ago.

Move along ya angry little troll.
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soil margin

Active member
I provided him the information he was looking for, objectively, while keeping my opinion to myself.

I generally don't shove my opinions down peoples throats. More often than not they will make decisions as they will and being combative or aggressive, as you should know, only causes them to dig in deeper.

Side note. On the bottom right of each post is a button labeled "Edit". Triple or beyond (turboposting) makes you look like a crank.

Why are you here?

To shit talk? Your original post was nothing but more staring down your nose at the masses below you. Got old years ago.

Move along ya angry little troll.

You're the one spreading stupid bullshit. You move along douchebag. Weird is cool.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
How old are you?

It's also perfectly fine to swear here, no need to hide behind rep comments.


This is an organised takedown of the mom and pop vape industry by Altria and the deep state. We started this industry, we discovered all the products and how they worked, set up supply lines and efficiencies, invested millions of hours and millions of dollars only to have our balls cut off all due to lies and fake news.

NOT ONE vape shop is implicated yet we are going to get crushed because without flavors we cannot afford to stay in business. We make gallons of e liquid at our lab. Everything is FDA inspected. Who The Fuck is inspecting the distillate industry??

EVERY FUCKING CASE is THC pen related. EVERY ONE. NOT vape shop. Not nicotine. Yet we die

Here is what is going down. Altria bought Juul. Juul is the culpprit in under age vaping. Their products contain salt nic which allows higher nicotine levels in the pods. It is way too much nicotine. They are the problem. Yet... Juul is sold in every convenience store in the country. Get rid of the vape shops and flavors and you will have 2 choices for nicotine: Altria cigarettes or Altria vape pods. They get 100%. We get fucked.

We have 20 stores. We closed 5 today. Laid off 25 people between management, the stores and the distribution wearhouse. More to follow. It looks like we have 45 days to sell existing inventory and close shop.

We are always in daily contact with all the large and small owners and companies and they are all closing. Largest ecig co in the US is closing 25 stores immediately also.This is a catastrophe and its all just a bunch of bullshit and just wait until government gets control of cannabis.


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"THC pen" ...PEN PEN PEN related [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]n,[/FONT]


Active member
Man, I'm sure glad someone told me about that new definition of turbo posting. And here I always thought it was posting a lot in rapid succession. As the word turbo might imply.


Active member
Getting back to the point of this thread, it does seem people want somebody to blame and point fingers at. To me, this is entirely the governments fault for their total disregard/disrespect of cannabis and making stupid laws and preventing proper research. But the gubment will never accept blame and instead lays it all on the people just doing that "pursuit of happiness" stuff that our trampled on declaration of independence stated was one of our goals here.


Indicas make dreams happen
Getting back to the point of this thread, it does seem people want somebody to blame and point fingers at. To me, this is entirely the governments fault for their total disregard/disrespect of cannabis and making stupid laws and preventing proper research. But the gubment will never accept blame and instead lays it all on the people just doing that "pursuit of happiness" stuff that our trampled on declaration of independence stated was one of our goals here.
Agreed. Just more to add to the pile of problems with cannabis prohibition. Just like bathtub gin making people go blind or die during the 30's.


Well-known member
Cool..... now Drew has his defense all in line.......

"The government made me do it".

Guys, I hate to tell you but.... Drew did it, not the gov. LMAO

"It wasn't the planes that killed Kong. T'was beauty, killed the beast."

This all stems from simple human greed.



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Man, I'm sure glad someone told me about that new definition of turbo posting. And here I always thought it was posting a lot in rapid succession. As the word turbo might imply.

Or beyond re: turbo posting.

Triple posting angry rants always makes me envisage some crank mercilessly pounding away at their poor keyboard.

What did the keyboard do.


Active member
Or beyond re: turbo posting.

Triple posting angry rants always makes me envisage some crank mercilessly pounding away at their poor keyboard.

What did the keyboard do.

please, PLEASE add to the discussion or STFU with your personal attacks bullshit


This has been the most informative discussion lol.
Jokes aside let the health organisations do their investigations and await the results. I vape nicotine, I'm hopelessly addicted to nicotine.
Many failed attempts at giving up cigarettes in my rear view mirror. Vaping has let me banish tobbaco from my life for years now.

I'm under no illusion that it is harmless, that would be foolish. I know it's less harmful than tobacco though, that's enough for me. My lungs are in better shape now because of it too. I no longer have coughing fits bringing up gunk from my lungs.

I can't speak for the vape oils containing thc because that's just not a thing here in the UK yet.

I can say though that what's happening in the USA has spurred the British health association into an investigation. They're scouring for reports in our hospitals of similar conditions but I believe they've found nothing yet as the national health service is still standing by its advice that vaping is a great way to give up smoking for them that already do.


It's just so bizarre that the story being told is that kids are vaping and they are dying, and that banana strawberry, or any other fruity eliquid( which by the way, is being made to purposefully addict little kids to nicotine and must be immediately banned) is the culprit, and therefore all vape shops must die, when every single case involves the same products: vape pens, thc

Being pretty familiar with both the nicotine products as well as being a lifelong grower of pot I know I cannot be bullshitted on either topic. I don't know everything by any means but I know I/we are being bullshitted hard here.

I ask everyone to read the rolling stone article about this topic " Three Companies Subpoenaed In Weed Vape Illness Investigation"

These fillers, thickeners, thinners, all this shit is being WIDELY used. They put vitamin E oil in it. YOU CANT VAPE OIL. Fucking lipid pneumonia. This topic, this thread, this issue, should be the number one discussion occurring in the thc industry, on this forum. This SHIT is widespread. Fucking kids, think about how old you were when you first toked up. I was 13. Think about how easy it would be to peddle this shit down to the kids. What do they know?

There is the possibility that almost all the bootleg and who knows how much in the legal world concentrate products being sold contain this shit. The three companies mentioned in the article have gone dark or removed all references to the products they were selling.

It's all so stupid and sad. We were selling pre rolls and grams of pretty decent looking cbd buds at all the stores when the state cops came in and said they were going to treat it like it was pot and let the courts sort it out. Of course we folded. If it were not illegal it could be watched, or at least treated like a restaraunt, or maybe a licensed lab, which is the reality. As long as its illegal and completely unregulated who the fuck knows.

Just dont make me close our vape stores for this. We need flavors. Our customers like flavors. You cant buy anything at our stores unless you are in the system with a scanned ID. We have banned multiple Juul pod sales for over a year. No kids buy shit from us. We run a tight ship. All the vape shops do. You have to. But go to a c-store and they don't give a shit about nothin. Every fucking c-store in the US carries Juul.


ICMag Donor
Drew Jones - guy who was running one of the companies with a product in question, out of Oregon.



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
please, PLEASE add to the discussion or STFU with your personal attacks bullshit

Like your comment on my visitor page, hippocrite?

What exactly did Weird contribute beyond his usual condescending baloney?

Happy Times

Well-known member
Man this vape thing is messed up. I started vaping for a healthier option than smoking.

I guess vaping flower is probably safer, loving the Arizer ArGo I got last year. I recently purchased a bunch of Magic Pipe brand vape cartridges from a store in LA, haven’t had any issues or noticed any health - related effects from them, luckily.
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Active member
Could still vape tobacco leaves like people vape canna bud. Could probably make a concentrate and dab nicotine somehow.

Carriers were just for convenience, people have a personal responsibility for using it because there is no history of vaping various carriers.
The sellers in my opinion should be bled dry financially and imprisoned if possible for knowingly using the public as lab rats for their financial gain.