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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
What do you mean the tax implications? You have to pay property taxes... A land contract is between you and the owner of the house, so nobody has to look at your tax return unless you let them... The woman who is selling me my house did no sort of background check on me. I gave her $5k, we drove around town for about an hour filing paperwork, and she moved out of state.

How did you find your seller? Restricted your search to sellers who owned their property in full? Can you explain the land contract a little more? Im familiar with the typical, get financing/buy house model, but this seems easier than even getting an apt. Ive got cash but no tax history/tax returns.


The true way to prevent vacuum/air locks is with hard plumbed manifolds that stay completely level with no up and down areas of flex tubing Bro....and ....

I guess if yas have vapor locks then of course juice will sit in the tubes and develop residual salt buildup on the sides , but I`ve never heard of it with dripclean @ 1ml per gal ....

There are tophat grommets for cpvc that will accept the kent system barbs and tees for total manifold control without all the flex tubing , as well as holding more volume for better control over the cones for constant down pressure..... then....

The only flextubing to be dealt with is the 3 mm feedlines.....and....

As long as yas got yer air lock situation covered , yas should be golden from here on out.....



Active member
How did you find your seller? Restricted your search to sellers who owned their property in full? Can you explain the land contract a little more? Im familiar with the typical, get financing/buy house model, but this seems easier than even getting an apt. Ive got cash but no tax history/tax returns.

Just google it... I used craigslist, and searched for rent to own/land contract properties. I looked all over the state. Rent to own is owner financed. The terms of the contract are between you and the owner. You can negotiate to buy the house for 5 head of cattle if that makes the owner happy. I would have to agree with you, buying a house rent to own is easier than renting an apt. Money talks. If you can put down a sizable down-payment, a lot owners won't care where your money is coming from. On my second house, I've put $0 down and I'm paying $500 a month. Again, no background or employment checks. It's all about finding the right owner.


Just a high idea. My point was more about having solenoids and control mechanisms in place that could prevent catastrophes if you see or know they are occurring. For example an emergency water shutoff if you see your room flooding from 3 hours away. Or if you install moisture sensors in the medium and realize it is over watered you can adjust the drip times. etc..
Great ideas!
Hey, Im sure Bobble would love the option of receiving an email or text in the event a 300+ gallon reservoir is suddenly empty, the room temp/s get above 100f and a fail safe kills the power...
A lot of things that can be corrected in time to save loss with timely notification. Sometimes a smoke detector will go off several hrs before there is any flames.

A security camera at a grow location and notification upon every "event" (motion detection) could easily keep you from getting busted as well!

Makes more sense to use the tech at a location 3 hrs away than use the same stuff in your closet,LMAO.


Active member
Great ideas!
Hey, Im sure Bobble would love the option of receiving an email or text in the event a 300+ gallon reservoir is suddenly empty, the room temp/s get above 100f and a fail safe kills the power...
A lot of things that can be corrected in time to save loss with timely notification. Sometimes a smoke detector will go off several hrs before there is any flames.

A security camera at a grow location and notification upon every "event" (motion detection) could easily keep you from getting busted as well!

Makes more sense to use the tech at a location 3 hrs away than use the same stuff in your closet,LMAO.

I'm kinda hoping it just burns down... I have it insured.


Active member
The Headband came down at 9.5-10 weeks. I don't keep track exactly, it more of when is convenient to harvest. A few scorched buds and resulting rot. Not much.

Most of you are probably gonna call me crazy but I think my buds look like shit. I can do better.



Active member
I also cut the 860w room. Some of the plants were done, but same deal hardly and trichs except worse... and the rest I just culled. That's what I get for growing sickly plants. Root Aphids, russet mites, heat wave... Shit plants.

Then I get to the octagon... and the blumats aren't emitting nute solution. wtf... It's all of them too, not just some... So I keep backtracking to find the problem... and the 1/2" tubing supplying the manifold was clogged with some sort of brown slime. I'm pissed. My reservoir room is dark except for the green light I use to work in there. My nutrients are synthetic. I use drip clean and SM-90 for fucks sake! I'm really doubting the use of additives with the blumats. Blumat suggests running straight water or a light base nutrient. Going into this, I was concerned about cal/mag, silica, sm-90 all making my nute solution too thick. I think the SM-90 has to go, especially since I'm adding beneficial microbes now. It just kills them. I think that the cal/mag and silica need to be top fed by hand. Anyway... Once the blumats run dry... They have to be set up all over again. Truthfully not all of them... but a lot of them become runaways. I guess I'm going to beef up the supply line so this doesn't happen again... fml I hate these things.

All that being said... No plants died. They all actually look great except for the large usd that I pulled and put back in veg. 1 week flowering.


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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
blink...WTF? lol......ok thank god for insurance!

Yes I agree you can do a LOT better.....lol those look like shyte! Hehe I wish mine looked that bad!


Active member
Straw DD/Chem D @ 5 weeks... This grow is on track to turn out nice. Finally. The blumats are still working and I'm not gonna touch them or even look at them for fear they might stop.

Straw DD

Chem D


Well-known member
Straw DD is looking awesome..

Weird you're having slime issues with such few products...if that is all you're using it has to be related to the SM-90.

For what its worth I use the following and have zero problems with slime. GH Micro/Bloom, Grotek Pro-Silicate, Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus, & DripClean. I do not have clogging or slime....and due to laziness and lack of outlets near my elevated barrels I don't even have air-stones or pumps keeping my blumat reservoir mixed/aerated. It still stays pretty clear and fresh using only the above products. Oh..I add bloombastic near the end and it doesn't cause any cloggin either despite it pouring a little thick.

Either the combination or SM-90 has to be the root of your problems. SM-90 isn't normally thick stuff so maybe its just not playing nice with the others.

EDIT - also .. I make sure to add silica 1st before anything else. Adding last to an already nuted res causes precipitation and clouding. This can lead to "crusty" stuff in your res which may clog the small 3mm line.


Active member
My mixing goes as follows: cal/mag (first few weeks), micro, bloom, silica blast, sm-90, drip clean. Seriously my mind is blown. I have about 25' of 1/2" black tubing that picks up nute solution from the middle of my 55gal, and any solids should fall to the bottom... Anyway the tubing drops to the floor and runs to the room and back up to the top of the manifold. I think I should invert the manifold... B/c when I dropped the 1/2" tubing to the ground there was enough pressure to blow out the slime... But I can't have this happening cause eventually it'll just clog a blumat. I suppose a filter could help...


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
I also cut the 860w room. Some of the plants were done, but same deal hardly and trichs except worse... and the rest I just culled. That's what I get for growing sickly plants. Root Aphids, russet mites, heat wave... Shit plants.

Then I get to the octagon... and the blumats aren't emitting nute solution. wtf... It's all of them too, not just some... So I keep backtracking to find the problem... and the 1/2" tubing supplying the manifold was clogged with some sort of brown slime. I'm pissed. My reservoir room is dark except for the green light I use to work in there. My nutrients are synthetic. I use drip clean and SM-90 for fucks sake! I'm really doubting the use of additives with the blumats. Blumat suggests running straight water or a light base nutrient. Going into this, I was concerned about cal/mag, silica, sm-90 all making my nute solution too thick. I think the SM-90 has to go, especially since I'm adding beneficial microbes now. It just kills them. I think that the cal/mag and silica need to be top fed by hand. Anyway... Once the blumats run dry... They have to be set up all over again. Truthfully not all of them... but a lot of them become runaways. I guess I'm going to beef up the supply line so this doesn't happen again... fml I hate these things.

All that being said... No plants died. They all actually look great except for the large usd that I pulled and put back in veg. 1 week flowering.
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I share your concern about additives clogging shit up. I have gone to foliar feeding most of my additives. Keeps my nute solution stable and clean, and less chance of lock out etc... Absentee growing definitely poses difficulties with foliar feeding, but maybe you could try it in one room, once a week?


Active member
what it do brotha bobble :)

im not gonna call ya crazy...i agree you can do way better bro...and your on your way to that REAL soon...this aint about "settlin'" for sub-par harvests and "any harvest is a good harvest" horseshit! this is about OVERTAKING goddammit! this is about oodles and oodles of top shelf AAA nugs...run after run...DIALED...thats why you got the house....its why i poured everything i had into building my place...you have overcome some serious adversity with this place...now its time to get PAID!:woohoo:i say this cause i feel the same way about my current grow...I'm gratefull the bugs and humidity and all my other fuck-ups didnt kill my crop but am i satisfied? no...i have learned and will take what ive learned into my next crop...i cant afford to be "satisfied"...sorry for ranting and raving :D

dude...your plants are lookin' HEALTHY:woohoo: and HEALTHY cuts that root well come from HEALTHY plants...

i cant wait to see whats comin'...and i KNOW its comin'...:woohoo:

peace and love my brotha...


Active member
DUUUUUUUDDDDDEEEE, im so sorry to hear you are having so many problems with the blumats gunking up.

Personally, I use base nutes, hygrozyme, sm-90, kool bloom(when needed) and a homemade clear Rez. coming on almost a year with 100+ sensors working properly.

hope u can figure out the problems. I would go with the Cal-Mag. it always gunked up my rez when I used it, now i just use it as a foliar and top feed when needed.

that last room looks hella healthy. keep up the good work.



Active member
Thanks FF and RBDF. I think I'm going to get a digital in wall light timer and wire up some outlets for the pumps. They don't need to run 24/7. Obviously the extra oxygen has caused me problems... I'm gonna pull all the additives except drip clean. I can top feed a heavy mix of silica and cal/mag weekly/as needed... The SM-90 is out except for a surfactant for foliar sprays.

And thanks bonz... But I think you can understand when I say it just doesn't pop like something grown proper.


"brown gunk" does not sound good. is it in your rez too? is it solids from nutes or "live" gunk?

silica runs just fine through a blumat bobble ......... i have no clue what is wrong but i would scratch that off the list.