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bobblehead overtakes


Active member
Glad to see someone around this joint can start some f*cking seeds!
On the serious, bobble, it looks like things are really comin' together. Looks like you've got full rooms, healthy plants..

I'm still anxious for a Headband try-me..

lol... I've never had much trouble germinating the beans... but keeping them alive after they're planted is another story. Give it a few more weeks and the HB will be ready for you. I have some fat, dense colas this time... Mega won't be calling my buds flat!

what it do bobble dude! things are lookin' greener bro! their is no doubt in my mind that your octagon is gonna be full full one of these days very soon....and i am lookin' forward to that day!:woohoo:

awesome man!:woohoo:

that honeywhite looks niiiiiiiiiice!:woohoo:

Thanks dude. When I saw my plants, I knew you'd be impressed! GREEN GREEN GREEN! I'm so happy I finally have the blumats working correctly.

HEY!!! I started a buttload of seeds..now a lot are male but..........

Great Job Bobbles! Looking good!

Thanks Mega. Just make sure you cull the males, or isolate any of the ones you want to collect pollen from... ;) You wouldn't want to pollinate everything! That would be tragic! :D

Looking good homey. I feel you on getting equal pressure to multiple levels. Wound up just using a different pump for each of my three levels. Little bit of a pain in the ass, but is a lot nicer not having to water everyday.

Keep it green dude.


Yeah dude it can be done with the ball valves.. but then if the tubing isn't level some drippers will squirt more nute solution than others... the drippers near the ends will always squirt more solution than the ones in the middle... There's a lot to consider. I'm happy you got it figure out!

Man those look great!!!! lol

Your sense of humor sucks.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
RE> Mega won't be calling my buds flat!

Well they BETTER not be too furry either!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Heya bobbles the Chem D/Straw DD and Headband are looking phat and dank there mate :good:
Stoked to hear you have got your blu-mats dialed in :D
:plant grow:

silver hawaiian

Active member
bobble, help a dirt guy understand; I love the HB stadium setup, if not for the variety + gadget-factor of the setup. but instead of bags of coco, if you're running DTW, why not rockwool slabs?

Or, I suppose the question could be, in what ways is coco superior to rockwool slabs? The dirt guy in me just sees 'em both as mediums to hold chemical nutes. ..

Is the root-zone texture/action of coco that much more superior? Just curious to know the difference - lookin' for an education.. :dunno:

(Is this setup blumat? .. Even so, .. Why not DTW w/ slabs?)
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
My new name for Bobblehead......."Inspector Gadget"



Active member
Less silver + more green = more gold

Yessir! I can't wait for the gold to start rolling in... Cause I've been dropping a lot of silver. lol

Heya bobbles the Chem D/Straw DD and Headband are looking phat and dank there mate :good:
Stoked to hear you have got your blu-mats dialed in :D


Thanks a bunch bOOm! Good to have you drop in.

bobble, help a dirt guy understand; I love the HB stadium setup, if not for the variety + gadget-factor of the setup. but instead of bags of coco, if you're running DTW, why not rockwool slabs?

Or, I suppose the question could be, in what ways is coco superior to rockwool slabs? The dirt guy in me just sees 'em both as mediums to hold chemical nutes. ..

Is the root-zone texture/action of coco that much more superior? Just curious to know the difference - lookin' for an education.. :dunno:

(Is this setup blumat? .. Even so, .. Why not DTW w/ slabs?)

Let me answer your question with a question... You being a dirt guy and all... Why don't you just fill your pots with coco? You can amend it with organics.. Water it like dirt or hydro...

Back in '06 when I started growing... (nothing like what I do now of course...) I started with coco because I read that you can treat it like dirt or hydro. It's a very forgiving medium. I've never switched. Coco is what I know and love. Coco has a higher CEC (cation exchange capacity) than rockwool... What that means is that coco holds on to nutrients, and rockwool doesn't. Rockwool will be less forgiving if you make a mistake. Oh yeah... and coco is easier to dispose of...

The Headband stadium is flood and drain. I'll be taking it down after this grow, and putting pots on the ground so that I can use all of the light instead of having 50% shine off into nowhere...


Active member
Hey bobble, my racks are built, filled, and flowering as we speak :biggrin:. Who's lighting a fire under who's ass now? I'll upload :kewlpics: tommorow :woohoo:


Bobble your girls are lookin great man! Glad to hear your getting those blumats dialed in, Im not looking forward to that myself,lol.

Hey bobble, my racks are built, filled, and flowering as we speak :biggrin:. Who's lighting a fire under who's ass now? I'll upload :kewlpics: tommorow :woohoo:
Ok its tomorrow! Lol, lookin forward to seeing your pics man!


Active member
Hey bobble, my racks are built, filled, and flowering as we speak . Who's lighting a fire under who's s now? I'll upload tommorow :woohoo:

DUDE....REALLY!? blumats? fuck it im buildin' some racks!:woohoo:

just not....not yet....:biggrin:

to the funny farm with me hoo hoo ha ha hee hee!!!:whee::petting:

"stick to the plan...we have a plan..."


okay.....im good.....
Blumats do work, and can work really well.


Don't let your guard down Bobble. Every eight days, one that hadn't caused you any problems the whole run is liable to just up and start acting up on you. That 3mm line is intolerant.

The longer you run the system, the more 'cholesterol' can build up... and then clots pop and its Blumat-attacks.

I liked 'em fine, but they weren't idiot proof enough for the projects I was working on.



Blumats do work, and can work really well.


Don't let your guard down Bobble. Every eight days, one that hadn't caused you any problems the whole run is liable to just up and start acting up on you. That 3mm line is intolerant.

The longer you run the system, the more 'cholesterol' can build up... and then clots pop and its Blumat-attacks.

I liked 'em fine, but they weren't idiot proof enough for the projects I was working on.

Let`s not go spreading falseitudes Ashes , cuz nothin could be further from the truth as long as constant down pressure is kept on the system friom elevated rez`s....and .....

As long as Dripclean is employed with whatever loopfield manifold chosen for optimum juice delivery to each individual plantsite , there`ll be no cholesterol buildup on the insides of the 3mm delivery tubes.......

Not that PPK`s don`t rock , but every setup has it`s place , and ppk`s are for bigger plants with longer veg times Ashes , so I`m not sure how apples and oranges compare on fliprooms tryin ta finish as fast as possible for more perpetual harveys per yr with increased plant numbers..... anyways....

Bobbles....You da man....Carry on....



Not that PPK`s don`t rock , but every setup has it`s place , and ppk`s are for bigger plants with longer veg times Ashes , so I`m not sure how apples and oranges compare on fliprooms tryin ta finish as fast as possible for more perpetual harveys per yr with increased plant numbers..... anyways....

Glad you could put it so succinctly for me. I've been reading a lot about PPKs and wondering if I was missing out. I love my blumats but delta9s results are pretty convincing. Anyway... I read that and it all clicked. Right now PPKs look good because I got 4 plants... however, bobbles setup is what I am aspiring to... vert sog with blumats.

Now as a programmer bobbles situation of remote growing intrigues me. I'm not sure I'd trust blumats if I was 3 hours away. Makes me think about the possibilities of setting up a web based remote grow. Security implications aside, I think with a drip system, lights and ventilation that you could program from anywhere in the world + a webcam to check in on things... amazing technology just continues to get cheaper and cheaper -> $35 computer


Active member
Blumats are fine 3 HRS away, 20 hrs away and everything in between. 1-100+ plants, 2-5-10 days away at a time, as long as u have a big enough Rez(elevated/pressure reducer/whatevs) to cover your plants needs while u are away.

I don't mean to come off rude, but I really can't understand why people have all these problems with them. As long as you follow the simple instructions included or the wealth of info on this and the blumat thread, there is no reason for them to fail.

That 860w room looks GRREEEENN Bobble. Keep up the good work.



Active member
The way I hear it Bobble your dropping copper.

Yeppers! Thanks again for the wire. The best is yet to come.

Hey bobble, my racks are built, filled, and flowering as we speak . Who's lighting a fire under who's ass now?

Still looking for the pics... Pics or it didn't happen. :hotbounce

Of course I'm sure it helped that I figured out how to make the blumats work correctly in a vert SOG... ha ha...

Bobble your girls are lookin great man! Glad to hear your getting those blumats dialed in, Im not looking forward to that myself,lol.

Dialing in the blumats isn't that bad once you know what you're doing... Just keep an eye on them for the first couple weeks.

DUDE....REALLY!? blumats? fuck it im buildin' some racks!
just not....not yet....
to the funny farm with me hoo hoo ha ha hee hee!!!:whee::petting:

"stick to the plan...we have a plan..."


okay.....im good.....

lol... Exactly Bonz! You gotta have some fun with this shit... I mean I bitch and moan a lot about all the problems I've had... but if I only did what was guaranteed to work, well that would just be boring... I mean I'd have to spend all of my time trimming instead of figuring out new creative ways to grow! ha ha... Stick to the plan... but have some fun on the side as well.

Looking good!

Glad you got the blumats working.

Thanks dude. It's about time I got this show turned around, huh?

Blumats do work, and can work really well.


Don't let your guard down Bobble. Every eight days, one that hadn't caused you any problems the whole run is liable to just up and start acting up on you. That 3mm line is intolerant.

The longer you run the system, the more 'cholesterol' can build up... and then clots pop and its Blumat-attacks.

I liked 'em fine, but they weren't idiot proof enough for the projects I was working on.


I intend to change out the 3mm tubing once a year for just that reason... I hear you on the idiot proofing though, being why I'm making almost everything DTW at the remote location.

Thanks for dropping in ashes.

Let`s not go spreading falseitudes Ashes , cuz nothin could be further from the truth as long as constant down pressure is kept on the system friom elevated rez`s....and .....

As long as Dripclean is employed with whatever loopfield manifold chosen for optimum juice delivery to each individual plantsite , there`ll be no cholesterol buildup on the insides of the 3mm delivery tubes.......

Not that PPK`s don`t rock , but every setup has it`s place , and ppk`s are for bigger plants with longer veg times Ashes , so I`m not sure how apples and oranges compare on fliprooms tryin ta finish as fast as possible for more perpetual harveys per yr with increased plant numbers..... anyways....

Bobbles....You da man....Carry on....


I agree with everything you said... except for when there is an air-lock... because then the nutrient salts left behind will hold the 3mm tubing closed... Luckily I've figured out the air-lock issue. As long as everything is working correctly, SM-90 and Drip Clean should keep the tubing nice and clean. Still, like I told ashes, I'll change out the tubing once a year for peace of mind.

Glad you could put it so succinctly for me. I've been reading a lot about PPKs and wondering if I was missing out. I love my blumats but delta9s results are pretty convincing. Anyway... I read that and it all clicked. Right now PPKs look good because I got 4 plants... however, bobbles setup is what I am aspiring to... vert sog with blumats.

Now as a programmer bobbles situation of remote growing intrigues me. I'm not sure I'd trust blumats if I was 3 hours away. Makes me think about the possibilities of setting up a web based remote grow. Security implications aside, I think with a drip system, lights and ventilation that you could program from anywhere in the world + a webcam to check in on things... amazing technology just continues to get cheaper and cheaper -> $35 computer

Even if you installed the cameras... What would it matter if your grow is 3hs away and you have things to do? I suppose you can watch your plants die... ha ha... Your money would be better spent on high quality equipment and spending the extra time to design/set thing up right to help prevent failure.

Nobody around here is doing what I'm doing... So this is all experimental and things are guaranteed to go wrong. I'll tell you what though, when it's all said and done, I'm a better grower because of it. I have to come up with creative solutions to my problems. I've received and gleaned great ideas from other growers. It's only going to keep getting better.

Blumats are fine 3 HRS away, 20 hrs away and everything in between. 1-100+ plants, 2-5-10 days away at a time, as long as u have a big enough Rez(elevated/pressure reducer/whatevs) to cover your plants needs while u are away.

I don't mean to come off rude, but I really can't understand why people have all these problems with them. As long as you follow the simple instructions included or the wealth of info on this and the blumat thread, there is no reason for them to fail.

That 860w room looks GRREEEENN Bobble. Keep up the good work.


I agree with you RBDF, once the blumats are dialed, it doesn't matter how far away you are... Most of my troubles have been with air-lock. Some people have it, some don't... and it seems that there can be multiple reasons for the air-lock to occur. Now I know how to build my manifolds to prevent the air-lock from occurring... Maybe I should have read the blumat thread in full before setting them up... but real men don't need instructions. :biggrin:


I don't mean to come off rude, but I really can't understand why people have all these problems with them. As long as you follow the simple instructions included or the wealth of info on this and the blumat thread, there is no reason for them to fail.

I hear ya... I have only experienced 1 or 2 floods in my 2 or so years of using them. However all my experience has been running less than 6 drippers. I was just imagining setting up 50+ blumats how easy it could be to mis-set one and if you can't be around for a few days to make sure there okay.

Even if you installed the cameras... What would it matter if your grow is 3hs away and you have things to do? I suppose you can watch your plants die... ha ha... Your money would be better spent on high quality equipment and spending the extra time to design/set thing up right to help prevent failure.

Just a high idea. My point was more about having solenoids and control mechanisms in place that could prevent catastrophes if you see or know they are occurring. For example an emergency water shutoff if you see your room flooding from 3 hours away. Or if you install moisture sensors in the medium and realize it is over watered you can adjust the drip times. etc. I know in a perfectly ideal, dialed environment it should just all work... but we all know that's not always how it plays out. By all means tho I am an advocate of keeping it simple.

Anyway your absolutely right that no one is doing what you're doing and it looks like you are really going to start rollin now. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.