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bobblehead overtakes


Veg N Out

DHF countless university studies show plants leaves create sugar via photsynthesis, have you ever heard of Brix? Read about it. There isn't a single useful bit of anything in the verbose diarrhea you posted above. Sugars to carbs late flower? Sugars ARE carbs, they are a result of photosynthesis...the processing of light and nutrients. Something theyre doing the WHOLE life cycle.

Bobbles grow has SUCKED because he has tried to replicate your fictional success. Please, take a look at the difference between his trays of plants and octagon..the tray is going to yield 5 times as much!

The last grow I did I averaged 2.45 lbs per light in beds using organic certified nutrients and black gold certified organic potting soil. I vegged for 3 weeks including rooting and flowered for 56 days...what are your last stats? Oh yeah..theyre nonexistent.

The idea that there are people out there whose grow youve improved online are looking for posts that speak down to your greatness and neg rep them for you is delusional. Please...go read a book!


Active member
Well Freds thanks for popping in and clearing up the misunderstanding. All the same someone is trolling me and it follows the blumat/vertical rack issues. The same things we were always disagreeing about.

I really think its silly that we're so far apart on such small issues. When you look at the big picture of how you've influenced me, you've had the biggest impact out of anyone on my growing career.

Now that being said... Peer reviewed literature will always be more credible than what some guys on the internet claim. I've had to read so many peer reviewed articles in the past year for my medical studies, I can't see straight... and I'll tell you what, I will never look at my information sources the same again. Read some journal articles regarding peat vs. coco. What they suggest is that coco coir can be equally as good as peat if you compensate for the high CEC. So having read this, it basically suggests that coco coir is an accident waiting to happen. My very first grows in peat moss are turning out better than my coco coir grows running side by side.

I read another journal article where a grad student was using tensiometers to control an irrigation system. The tensiometers had the same malfunctions as I was having with the blumats. So if another grad student was having issues with his tensiometers, then I know its not just that I'm inept.

Dogging peer reviewed articles isn't a good idea. The studies conducted have something we call "repeatability". Respect the scientists. They are the ones who push us further than what we have already experienced. Scientists aren't always right either... because not everything in nature has an explanation. Yet.

Don't assume I'm switching everything over to organics... I have said I'm interested in trying it. I just bought 25lbs of jack's and 25lbs of cal/nit, I also have 16lbs of maxibloom. I'm not about to start experimenting on every crop again. That was some bullshit, shooting my own self in the foot.

Like I've said many times... Please feel free to bring YOUR experiences to the table. It's when you bring in other "grow bros" experiences that we've had problems.

Thanks for staying positive. I appreciate it. Thanks again for all the inspiration.

silver hawaiian

Active member


Too much to bother quoting vs. what I'm responding to, but I take a smidgen of offense to a) "your new organic friends," and b) the idea that an organic grow is somehow inferior to any other kind of grow.

It ain't a grow is a grow is a grow is a grow. There are different needs to be met for different growers. Different concerns to be addressed for different growers. Different concessions for different growers. Different schedules for different growers. Different goals for different growers.

What works for A might not work for B. B might not have the same circumstances as C. Blahblahblahblah.

There are many roads to Nirvana. A B and C are entitled to their own Nirvanas.

I could go on and on and on about this, but for the sake of not wasting too much of my time or attention on this horseshit conversation, that's it, in a nutshell.


Active member
DHF countless university studies show plants leaves create sugar via photsynthesis, have you ever heard of Brix? Read about it. There isn't a single useful bit of anything in the verbose diarrhea you posted above. Sugars to carbs late flower? Sugars ARE carbs, they are a result of photosynthesis...the processing of light and nutrients. Something theyre doing the WHOLE life cycle.

yeah... It doesn't take a degree or anything... I've only had a few classes.

Here's a representation of the cross section of a leaf.

Types of Parenchyma

In the different regions of the plant body parenchyma cells are involved in different functions. On this basis, following types of parenchyma can be recognised.

Chlorenchyma is the parenchyma in which the cells contain large number of chloroplasts. Chlorenchyma takes part in photosynthesis ( 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy --> 6O2 + C6H12O6 ). It occurs in the leaves and other green parts of the plant body.

Prosenchyma is a type of parenchyma where cells are elongated with tapering ends.

Arenchyma is the parenchyma in which the cells enclose large intercellular spaces that are filled with air. Aerenchyma helps in buoyancy and respiration. It is characteristically found in aquatic floating plants.

Vascular parenchyma is the parenchyma, which is found associated with the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. Accordingly, it is distinguished into xylem parenchyma and phloem parenchyma.

Medullary parenchyma is the parenchyma, which is found radially arranged in between the vascular bundles in the stem. It is meant for storage of reserve food.

Conjunctive parenchyma is the parenchyma, which occurs in the root system. It is specially meant for storage of water.

Armed parenchyma is the parenchyma, which is found in the epidermis of leaves in some gymnosperms. The cells have many spiny projections. It is defensive in function.

Functions of Parenchyma

Parenchyma is mainly involved in functions like storage and respiration. It also takes part in other functions like photosynthesis, absorption, secretion and protection.


It's science.
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Active member
and fuck it, you know what really gets me... is that people will believe HGO's misconception because Freds says I'm wrong. Fuck that. Why do people choose to believe some redneck hillbilly behind a PC vs. a 10%er graduate student with documented grows and photo evidence?

I'm gonna go smoke another one...

Veg N Out

I had to pull my hat out of the ring after DHFs claim that every major horticulture program is wrong and he is the only source of credible grow information around, based on his experience..which no one has seen the proof of...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Well I just realized how stupid I am.......I don't know what's happening here....but I care about everyone here and just want to grow the best ganja I can and help my friends....sigh.


Well-known member
amen ta that.

proof is in the puddin'... lets see some blumat or PPK trees Freds. Ya got nothing to prove to anyone, but I'd love to see it and I'm sure everyone else would as well. I know you've tossed it around. Fire some shit up!.. just 1 monster even.


Active member
amen ta that.

proof is in the puddin'... lets see some blumat or PPK trees Freds. Ya got nothing to prove to anyone, but I'd love to see it and I'm sure everyone else would as well. I know you've tossed it around. Fire some shit up!.. just 1 monster even.

I would gladly make sure proven genetics were made available for such an event... Not that freds needs me for that!


Active member
DHF pictures i posted ..... is like how you say it in the pudding ?????? also this post is for you
I have to respectfully disagree that hydroponics will yield higher than organics. There is a difference between growth rate and the yield. Because something grows faster does not mean it yields more in the same space. If you factor in time for veg growth, hydroponics will have the edge in yield. If you have a separate veg area, that timing issue is irrelevant.

Having greater aromatics is a matter of opinion and relative to growing skill and methods. When done correctly, organics (organic nutrients, soilless mixes) produce buds that smell just as strong as those grown hydroponically. I will concede that hydro-grown plants do have a slightly faster growth rate, but to solidly state that they yield more overall, I believe is misleading.

The reason that I switched to organics was because I didn't see enough difference in either growth or anything else to warrant the need for so much monitoring and expensive meters and nutrients. I think that the only provable plus to hydroponics is growth rate.Whereas the cons are chemical aftertaste in the flavour of buds, extreme susceptibility to over/under fertilization, very high initial investment, many things to break and clog, etc.

If grown in a nice airy organic soil mix and watered with good organic amendments, growth enhancers and beneficial fungi (mycorrhizae), you will easily compete with that of a hydroponic system. Your end result will be full flavored, non-chemical tasting buds. They can be arguably, slightly more potent due to the fact that, as of now, science cannot compete with Mother Nature and naturally occurring elements.

Bottom line - unless you are obsessed with fittings, toys and technology (and many are) organics can grow nearly as fast, just as big (if not bigger), better tasting and IMHO more potent buds. And they do this with very little initial investment, and are very forgiving of newbie mistakes.


Redneck Hillbilly huh...at least I know where your head`s at BH.....and....

Not many science books dealin with or universities growin dope for yield VNO , and there`s MORE than enough foliage left on the colas/nugs left without a stem to perform proper photosynthesis in late flower cuz after all......

What do pot plants do during lights on in late bloomage ?......They suck juice and pump resin if the right environment to do so is provided for em so they can swell during lights off , so why`s all that leafy bullshit needed to drain the plant`s vital energy when it can be done away with and be more well served for night/lights off when swellage actually takes place WITHOUT the benefit of fanleaves.......I`m just sayin....

I`ll take first hand life experience and on the job training over science books and university studies every day cuz I know what I`ve done as well as many many others that pioneered takin pot plant production to the next level , but.....for the record....

I`m probably the most articulate , educated southern gentleman you`ll ever meet in person according to every client I`ve ever built a home for or done major renovations to in the real world Bobbles , so please refrain from the name callin aight ?......

Redneck Hillbilly behind a pc I`m not I assure you.....that said....

Didn`t come here for a pissin contest , but rather to clear up the bullshit about all this neg rep cuz not ONCE have I ever given it nor will I ever......

If yas ain`t got the balls to call someone out and deal with the consequences in an open forum , then why hide behind a "not helpful" rating when both mine AND Bobbles posts for the most part are by far some of the most helpful posts on this site....anyways......

I`ll bow out gracefully and stay outta your thread , but I`d appreciate a lil more respect in the future instead of mudslingin when members find my posts more helpful than you and your new friends.......

This is Vert-ville and by any means necessary with bare bulbs be it a flat grow or up the walls , I`m all for it and respect everyone`s opinions and input , but......

Drawin a line in the sand with VNO`s bullshit and science books that ain`t got a damn thing ta do with growin dope other than botany is at best inexperience without runs under yer belt IME......so....

Hope all works out for the best for yas Bobbles....always was pullin for yas and tried ta help you a WHOLE lot more than ANYONE else in a while......

You just never listened and did it your way for the bigger better bobble deal....and....How`d that work out for yas.....Live and learn..Life lessons rule....books help but proof`s in the doin , NOT the readin bout it ...guaranteed....regardless.....

Good luck in all you do Bro....DHF.....:ying:.....
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Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Truly another sad- stain on a otherwise wonderful EPIC thread..

Friends tossing out hurtful vibes all in the name of misery loves company..

Aqantinces edging on the the hurt for somethin to read..

Real life's pain and sorrows reflected upon the (reality escape) oasis that is ICMAG and ones personal threads.

All will lead to loss in yields-time-friendships and $$$... In my humble opinion...

Otherwise just a great thread bobbles.. 96% good read is a rare thing..

2 cents from a dude in the crowd. .


----- :alien::ying::alien: -----



If yas ain`t got the balls to call someone out and deal with the consequences in an open forum , then why hide behind a "not helpful" rating when both mine AND Bobbles posts for the most part are by far some of the most helpful posts on this site

yeah that.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
yeah that too

Third votes a charm..:yeahthats

Never really thought about Neg reps..
Though I've gotten a couple :moon: Wankers. :biggrin:

Thinking about it a second cause im really stoned and in the mood.

The only place I see the use of neg reps is...

If ya come in my thread and fill it with trash/hate or whatever and have been asked ta leave a couple times.. I'd neg rep every post in my said thread you post and tell ya in ya face- every time- till ya be gone..

Beyond that.. Why not be a man.. Speak up..
Sorry ladies-Dont know how ta say be a man -for ladies..
Be a dyke seems a little over the top...



Astronaut Status
You guys are all the shit!!!!! I changed my growing style to vert after 15 yrs of hoods and table's. The debate over defoiliation will go on until the end of time. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Really depends on the strain and conditions. I have however seen the difference on both sides. I've had plant's that i took every big fan off and it greatly helped the yield compared to the same strain, same size plant with no defoiliation. Then i've had plants that it slowed the fuck down and they yielded shitty compared to the non-defoiliated ones. I have even killed a few plants by taking all the suckers off(i really hate admitting that too!!). Imvho environment and strain are what make a difference when defoiliating.
Now about growing methods. I have done both soil and hydro. There is in my OPINION, no faster rates of growth and flower building than in a perfectly dialed hydro set-up. I've even had side by sides in my old room with a 4x8 ebb and flow, and a 4x8 dirt set-up. The hydro side always did better. Sure i cant veg for two months when i'm packing a table, but the sheer numbers made up for the difference in container size when they were in dirt. The table got better yields with more plants and a faster turn around time. The plants in the table usually finished a week before the dirt . I was running perpetual and having a week of fuck off time before replanting sure was nice. Every cycle was like that. I will say though that the taste of some strains was definetly better in dirt, and my whitest deadhead og plant came from a soil run. Sorry if i rained on anyone's parade, i'm just calling it how i see it, and when your growing for production and circumstances allow, hydro is the way to go.


Active member
After growing thousands of plants to completion, both defoliated and not. Properly defoliated plants always produce more quality nugs (less larf) and usually more yield than non-defoliated plants (As with all techniques implementing it in the wrong way will lead to less than satisfactory results). I don't give two shits if someone produces a hundred studies stating the contrary, I know from first hand experience Not in anyway saying scientific studies aren't usually very valuable. Just that they don't always apply to growing herb.

Oh and stating that hydro grows faster, but doesn't yield better is an oxymoron. If it takes you 3 weeks to veg in hydro and 4 weeks in soil you lose a week of potential veg/flower time with each crop. Over the course or 8-10 crops (depending on flowering time) you could have had a whole other crop finish thus upping your yield over the non hydro garden.

Veg N Out

The amount of bro science you guys perpetuate in the vert growing forum is hilarious


Active member
The "bro science" seems to be well documented though...(some painfully critical with attention to detail) ...and not just here in vertville either. :2cents: