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bobblehead overtakes


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I'd probably smoke out of a f*cking newspaper, as long as it came with tips. :)

(cough) I've actually done that....one time we were desperate and had nothing to smoke in....horrible...would rather do the Coke can instant pipe trick and suck in burnt aluminum before I did that again LOL.


Active member
Octagon @ 10 weeks- remember this for reference.


Octagon @ 0 weeks- This is the last round. Either I hit the high gpw or I don't. There's 48 plants hooked up to a working drip system, and my pH and EC are in check. There's another plant hanging out in the middle of the floor to absorb runoff. IDK if plant #49 will make it to harvest... Hopefully not, cause if it does then I would be overflowing the drip trays. :)
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Active member
Horizontal room

Headband @ 8 weeks


Headband @ 2 weeks- this table is looking great! I took the 400's and swapped them with the 600's from the table on the left.

Headband @ 6 weeks- This one looks terrible imo. I decided it was under-watered in addition to the pH and EC issues, so I changed the feed manifold. I find that pvc with a bunch of holes in it works great. I decreased the light on this table, and increased the feed.


Active member
Straw DD @ 4 weeks. This room is the worst. Nothing to do about it though, at least the space isn't empty.

Straw DD @ 3 weeks- not so bad. I dropped the lamps in this rooms.

and just because...

and if you're smoking with Zig-Zags, you might as well be rolling with newspaper... yuck. RAW 300's are my pack.


lol are those plants growing in garbage bags on the floor???

and ive been meaning to ask : as a guy who does alot of vert but still keeps a horizontal room going, how do you find the horizontal room?


Active member
lol are those plants growing in garbage bags on the floor???

and ive been meaning to ask : as a guy who does alot of vert but still keeps a horizontal room going, how do you find the horizontal room?

Are you trying to get me in trouble Dave? lol...

The trash bags are actually landscape fabric. I filled up some landscape fabric with coco or peat, and tied it together.

The horizontal room is easy going Dave. For a long time my real world friends as well as some of my internet friends have been telling me that horizontal grows win vs. vert in regards to consistency and repeatability.

Don't shoot me yet guys... Cause vert lighting has its place. But I think its easier to create an even horizontal canopy vs. vert. Vert lighting is best used with tress or any sort of wall of green.

An advantage of horizontal grows I've found is that they take up less space... So if you're looking to maximize your real estate and not concerned about drawing extra power, horizontal might be the best for your situation... or maybe you have high ceilings and you can double stack your lamps vertical and grow some ginormous trees...

I think the biggest difference is the medium, where its located, how its being irrigated... You know, pretty much the roots. It's much more challenging to irrigate multiple pots up and down the walls. Its easier to irrigate 1 level donuts. It's even easier to irrigate a big bed. pH and EC are most stable in a shallow range... so big-wide beds win imo. Tree or SOG, I think that beds are the way to go. I've even built a vert bed with square holes in the middle to hang lamps and have cool air come up toward the lamp.

So anyway Dave... I guess my answer is that I like both horizontal and vertical lighting. SOG is easier with horiztonal lighting. Vert is easier with trees. Its all better in beds.

silver hawaiian

Active member
and if you're smoking with Zig-Zags, you might as well be rolling with newspaper... yuck. RAW 300's are my pack.


Now if only they made the 300s packaged w the tips.. :blowbubbles:

Nice cow/pig thing! Reminds me of the Animals cover..

Is that a diffuser in the water chamber, above the water level?

/one of my favorite albums FWIW


Well-known member
It's OK Silver.... I personally was wondering why that pig had moose antlers.

Is that black dot it's eye? And what the fuck is going on under its snout? Does that pig have a little tiny bird beak?

Did you take up glass blowing on us bobble?


Active member
It's OK Silver.... I personally was wondering why that pig had moose antlers.

Is that black dot it's eye? And what the fuck is going on under its snout? Does that pig have a little tiny bird beak?

Did you take up glass blowing on us bobble?

Lol... Yes that's the eye. The bird beak is its lower jaw. No I didn't take up glass blowing,, I don't have the time for that shit. I paid money for my ridiculous flying pig slide. I decided some frivilous spending was in order....

silver hawaiian

Active member
a. I said cow/pig thing

b. FF pointed out it has antlers

c. Cows are white, pigs ain't

d. I do appreciate that the good lord mutated this particular livestock with a lone udder, 14mm in diameter, ground, y'dig?

:D I dig it! Though I've noticed lately, there seems to be a trend/movement towards fitting upon fitting into doodad into doodad. Is it just me, or could that whole rig consist of a single ashcatcher and a single slide?

I'm old. Get off my lawn.


1) awesome
2) it has wings not antlers
3) it is sticking its tongue out at you
4) im not qualified to use such advanced equipment
5) and dogs was the best song on animals


Well-known member

I wanted an ash catcher and seemly no local stores carried anything like that, but they could "blow one custom for me". I said awesome and get a call a week later to pickup my new ashcatcher.

Maybe I didnt explain what I was after, but they had blown me a ashcatcher built into a bowl slide. I could clear the bong by pulling it out, but it had no carb or anything to clear the ash catcher part itself...... so now it sits. Need to get a diamond bit and try to drill a carb into it.. at least then it might be somewhat usable.

...came across a pretty amazing deal on one of these badboys. I'm not a huge bong smoker, until I hit this mother fucker. Smoothest hitting bong ever. Top part slides out and you can put it in the freezer. It's filled with glycerin or something and cannot freeze.

I don't always smoke bongs, but when I do I say "fuck ice". Or a, we don't ever have fucking ice cube trays so $800 bong will have to da the trick. lol


Just don't pick it up by the top like a normal bong.

Disclaimer - I didn't spend anything close to $800 on it, but apparently that is what they sell for online.
PS - that amazing cow utter is now engraved into my mind.. thanks.

Pyrology Glass though, they make some insane nice shit. Go to their website and look at Zii x Pyrology Stew#1.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"

Now if only they made the 300s packaged w the tips.. :blowbubbles:

Nice cow/pig thing! Reminds me of the Animals cover..

Is that a diffuser in the water chamber, above the water level?

/one of my favorite albums FWIW

You mean like this? Now I need a rolling machine that works with these!

How is the blumat mod working? If I understand correctly, you guys are trying to turn them into maxis, without tossing the patio kits?
I ask because one of my clone clients has 100 if the maxis that she is not comfortable taking the plunge. I can pick them up if you guys think they are worth it...

silver hawaiian

Active member

...no local stores carried anything like that, but they could "blow one custom for me". I said awesome and get a call a week later to pickup my new ashcatcher.

I'd have said "Which customer? How about this one?"


...came across a pretty amazing deal on one of these badboys. I'm not a huge bong smoker, until I hit this mother fucker. Smoothest hitting bong ever. Top part slides out and you can put it in the freezer. It's filled with glycerin or something and cannot freeze.

View Image

Saw one of these at the spot down the street, .. My first thought was "Okay holy gimmick, that's ghey." .. And then I thought about again, and I was like "I want one."

They were asking $350 +/-, which is still too rich for my old man blood. But it's awesome to hear they work as advertised..

I've got me a trusty 18" 6-arm percolator with the pinch for ice cubes. I don't use it terribly often because I try to be somewhat aware of abusing my lungs at that level.. :D But a blaster of some Nightmare dry sift tickles me brain cells oh so good..


Well-known member
oh.. you caught that before the edit...lol
customer blowjobs and crappy asscatchers. I guess everything comes at a price. They went out of biz shortly after opening.

I paid $350, but will sell to a friend for the same after a few weeks of use. I like to stick to the cano. My chick (who hardly ever smokes) can rip this thing without coughing.

Dry sift and bubble hash pucks have got me through many many times between harvests. I need to get back on some of that.

silver hawaiian

Active member
You mean like this? Now I need a rolling machine that works with these!
View attachment 216634

How is the blumat mod working? If I understand correctly, you guys are trying to turn them into maxis, without tossing the patio kits?
I ask because one of my clone clients has 100 if the maxis that she is not comfortable taking the plunge. I can pick them up if you guys think they are worth it...

Just like that, but I use the reggalar size, not the king-size. Remember, I don't have any hangy-outy smokey friends. :snap out of it: