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BlueDigiBerry F2


@ Dank.Frank: :tiphat: thank you bro. Been doing even more reading up on the BDB just so i have that knowledge fresh in the vault. I do promise to grow em nice and big :D

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Welcome to the party, ECH! I looked through your other grows, and your shit looks proper. Can't wait to see what you get. Mine were 12 for 12 on the germ rate.
Check out the thread in the stank bros forum. Some pics of the digi in that one.
...And if you get any tri or quadfoliates, please post them! If you go back through this thread, you can see the sorting of my pack. And if you haven't already, look through VGs threads to see his beautiful bb mother.
Good luck!

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
no male parts to be seen this round. And to be honest,I doubt they had any less stress than they did the first time.
Between the seeds I ran, and the current crosses I have going at the moment, there are 3 traits that I've seen exhibited in different combinations:
Size: Either ridiculously fast and large, or small and slow
Branches: Either very branchy and bushy, or very single cola dominant
Smell: they all have very sweet blueberry smells. They're all a little different, but all are something special

I'm glad I tried these, and I can't wait to see what my lemon skunk X bluedigiberry turn out like! They just got the flip, so I'll post some pics when they're is more to look at.

Blueberry Lemonade man lol.

I could imagine what might come of the cross and it sounds like it could be very good.

I really enjoyed the scent and flavor of my lone Lemon Skunk fem I grew out a few years ago, it was a freebie seed.

Id test out a pack of em if they ever find their way to the bay...

Interested to see what you come up with at least should be tasty.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about the cross. I've got 4 females going right now. I'd be more than happy to send a few seeds in to the server fund...But only if VG was ok with it. All I did was take other people's work, and cross them. And honestly I don't know the first thing about sending seeds in, or if they would even want them?
I will definitely share the results when they start showing.


ICMag Donor
Beautiful, Gil! :joint:

Me thinks I need me some of these beans...lol...I'm sold!

I couldn't be more pleased with the work that VG has done. I shared that pollen far and wide - but this is by far one of the best combinations to have been done with it. :respect:


Gil Tokerson

Active member
Thank you both for coming together on these! I wish I could truly capture the majesty of this plant in a picture. I realize now that my first run was as mere glimpse into the potential she possess.
-I was running horizontal in a tight closet, and they were really overcrowded.
-once they hermied on me,I got so paranoid, that I basically didn't feed them again for the rest of the grow.

This time I'm running vertical with 1200watts bare bulb. They are taking the nutes with no problem. And they are swelling before my eyes every day. These are by far the biggest, densest, chunkiest buds I've grown yet. This pheno doesn't make popcorn. It's nothing but colas, and baseballs!
....And then there's the smell! I wish I could share it with everyone, but you'll just have to settle crappy cell phone pics. (More to come)

Gil Tokerson

Active member
I'm sure everyone is getting tired of looking at this same plant, but I'm hoping if keep taking pictures, I'll eventually get a few good ones.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
that plant is such a great expression Gil - looks similar to My Bb mum in bud structure - possibly fatter buds and defo more sativa dominant leaves.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
It's funny. My 2 phenos are completely different, yet they smell very similar. #1 has big dense buds, that are starting to foxtail near the end. But# 3 has spaced out little chunks of tightly packed small calyxes.
I like them both! Thanks VG!
Thanks man :biggrin:.

I love that great relaxing euphoric high. And the Digi adds that blueberry muffin flavor? There aren any good bb's on the market.

Of course it comes from an Ic member though :good:.

Ill be buying a pack as soon as i can get the money.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
You won't be disappointed. This is the only blueberry I've ever had, so I don't have anything to compare to. But I can't imagine anything smelling more of blueberry.