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Bigfoot - Legend Becomes Fact?


Well-known member
being a hunter can attest walk through the woods with your cell in pocket
i don't own a cell phone, but i agree with your premise. i DID use to carry a good camera (lost it :cry:) in case i saw a bear, rattlesnake, bobcat etc. saw several bears, no time for pix. stepping over a rock while trout fishing, heard the unmistakable buzzing of a rattlesnake directly under my right foot. it wasn't a big one, but the mental impact of the situation made me forget my camera until i was off the mountain and headed back to the tri-cities... taking a picture never entered my mind. :shucks:
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i caught the buggah! and i hz the proof!
ok its not a skwach', but this guy led me to a pot of gold!

drinks are on me
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Well-known member
i don't own a cell phone, but i agree with your premise. i DID use to carry a good camera (lost it :cry:) in case i saw a bear, rattlesnake, bobcat etc. saw several bears, no time for pix. stepping over a rock while trout fishing, heard the unmistakable buzzing of a rattlesnake directly under my right foot. it wasn't a big one, but the mental impact of the situation made me forget my camera until i was off the mountain and headed back to the tri-cities... taking a picture never entered my mind. :shucks:
you dont own a cellphone? wtf you gonna do in an emergency, make smoke signals like the indians in F troop? Murphy's Law pretty much dictates you need a cellphone unless your a hermit.at least get a cheap flip phone. does your wife have one? thing about cellphones that pisses me off the most is you pretty much have to have one in order to function in society. email,stupid shit like that.i refuse to do facebook. besides,how else you gonna be prepared to take a blurry pic of the big hairy guy even though its 24mp camera?no matter how good your camera is hes always blurry as fuck


Well-known member
wtf you gonna do in an emergency, make smoke signals like the indians in F troop?
"if" i had a phone, every damn thought that went through "someones" head would become an "emergency" warranting calling me. i've fallen out of trees while deer hunting, broke my ankle walking out in the dark once. walked/crawled over a mile and a half to get to my jeep. wiring harness caught fire once late at night. patched it up with wires hanging in an old mans barn and LOTS of electrical tape. anything i can't handle myself, i'll walk out or it will kill me. i've thought i WAS dying twice, way the hell back in the mountains while hunting before. no cell service there anyway... i'd rather die in a pretty patch of forest than the cleanest ER in the world. wife told me once "but what if i need to get ahold of you, and you're out hunting or fishing?" i told her "why do you think that i GO hunting and fishing ?" she didn't speak to me for almost 2 weeks over that bit of information... emergencies, meh...


Well-known member
welll thats your businesses than..me? i got my own business and ill be damned if im gonna die in the middle of no where without taking some sons of bitches that need to go too without me.ill never understand how some people let it go.its thats god damn damned mentality thats making this world fucked up. cause ,otherfuckers let them get away with it and they do it again. i cant wait for the next motherfucker to try me.they wont need cell phones where they are going.im not gonna die alone i promise you that.you guys are have gotten too soft.you would rather die alone in the woods instead of Bronson style? no wonder you guys let this world go to shit.guess i gotta be the one to do the dirty work


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
ive caught the bugger~and i haz all teh proofz
turns out bigfoots like sweets and can find his way out of a box after he is stuffed

where do i collect my prize?!
pops and pastries.jpg

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