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Bho Disasters (PLEASE READ!)

jump /injack


What makes it dangerous is not so much the extraction process itself, but rather the problem of improper butane ventilation. Butane is highly flammable and it tends to sink, meaning that if you use it indoors or don’t ventilate well, you’ll run into serious trouble. Let some butane puddle in your living room, throw in a thoughtless spark from a cigarette, stove, or — dare I suggest — bong hit, and suddenly your apartment is missing a wall.
That’s allegedly what happened in January, when*three people were injured*after a hash oil extraction gone wrong blew through the walls of a San Diego hotel. A few months earlier, an Oregon man suffered burns in a similar*explosion that blew out the windows in his apartment and sent him to the hospital.*Although it’s perfectly possible to make hash oil safely, such explosions are the result of a relatively small number of hash oil producers who fail to take even the most basic precautions. The number one precaution according to everyone I spoke to for this article: Never make oil indoors.

"It seems like a relatively recent trend of people who have figured out how to turn a benign plant into an explosive."

Burns of a 2nd and 3rd Degree type associated with Butane type explosions below:


Gray Wolf's safety tips.

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yea..i feel you...its just all i did was chime in w a lil comment, more of a smarmy little shit talk, and now its been extrapolated into this whole big thing..i dont wanna explain or care to start a thread on it...i was just spranklin a lil smack talk...


my b...wont let that happen again...

and just to reiterate for the threads sake...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I just saw the movie fight club again for the first time in forever. Remember when his condo explodes because of a refrigerator compressor that kicks on? Just an example of what can easily happen in any kitchen filled with gas. I dont wanna be "that guy".

jump /injack

FEMA: Hash oil explosions on the rise

Marijuana was considered safe enough for Coloradans to legalize, but that doesn’t mean it’s totally risk-free.
It’s a lesson learned the hard way by a man who apparently blew himself up in Colorado Springs last Wednesday while extracting hash oil near a creek where he’d been camping.
The explosion set off a bizarre string of events that included his getting punched out by a garage owner he then confronted with a machete and a hatchet, and with the police closing off a city street fearing that he’d left behind a bag full of pipe bombs.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/30/fema-hash-oil-explosions-on-the-rise/#ixzz2aeF4rLXo


Señor Member
See there? Disaster even happens outside, too. It really boils down to this, people: please put down the butane cans and leave that shit to the ones who know basic lab safety.

I love how BHO is turning the cannabis scene into a meth lab. /facepalm

jump /injack


LOS ANGELES – Nicholas Broms was trying to squeeze a better high from marijuana when his Oregon condo caught on fire. An explosion knocked out a wall, blew out his sliding glass door and torched his*arms.
“I just remember everything being engulfed,” he said. “I looked down and both of my arms were on fire". I thought I was going to be permanently*disfigured.

”Hash oil is made from loose marijuana leaf and stem pieces that often are thrown out because of their poor quality. The weed crumbs are packed into a pipe and butane is poured through it. A heat source is used to separate the butane and what is left is the*oil.
But without good ventilation, the vapors can build up, lie close to the floor and pose an unseen yet dangerous threat because they don’t dissipate quickly. An open flame, static electricity or anything that can spark the gas is a recipe for*disaster.
“You do it in your house, light a cigarette and it blows up. You’ve let the world know you are a moron,” said Bob Melamede, a biology professor at the University of Colorado and president of Cannabis Science Inc., a company that develops cannabinoid-based therapies for the treatment of cancer and infectious*diseases.


New member
Bottle rocket

Bottle rocket

My buddy was blowing bho in his backyard. He took every safety precaution. The only thing he didn't think about was the pilot on his pool heater. His back yard lit up like the Fourth of July. The tube he was using took off like a bottle rocket. He was not hurt just lost some hair. He was lucky. Be safe out there and try to think of every thing.

jump /injack


Two Santa Rosa men were arrested Wednesday night after a butane hash oil accident sparked an explosion that nearly torched a kitchen and left one with third degree burns.
“This process is extremely volatile,” said Santa Rosa Fire battalion chief Mark Basque, who responded to Wednesday's fire. “It creates a flammable or explosive atmosphere.”
Dozens of fires in California have been linked to hash oil making, including at least three in Santa Rosa in the past six months."

The fireball from a butane explosion is over 3000 degree Fahrenheit, thats enough to melt your eyeballs or steel.

One burn was of a 3rd Degree type, most people don't know what these look like or the severity of getting one, take a look.


Gray Wolf's safety tips below.

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jump /injack


Four explosions and fires in Fresno.

There have been four so called honey oil fires in Fresno in recent months. The latest took place Tuesday at an apartment complex in northwest Fresno.
"The butane, as it condenses, obviously it's flammable," said Fresno Fire Captain Steve Beyers.* "You're in a confined space and it's gonna seek out any type of ignition source."
Don Mac Alpine, a fire marshal, said these types of fires put firefighters at a greater risk because, "unlike many accidental fires this fire starts very quickly and very violently."
Mac Alpine says after each explosion, neighbors told investigators their noses detected unusual smells, but they didn't want to get involved.

If something goes wrong you'd better know what is going to happen, you will be in a fireball of over 3000 degrees and that will melt steel and set the fat on your body on fire. You'll go to the hospital and the expenses will be $6000 to $10,000 per day, you will be in excruciating pain for a long time. You will have 2nd and 3rd degree burns and will smell like a piece of burned steak well done and charred. Below is pictures of what you'll most likely look like if 'something goes wrong'.

Burns of a 2nd and 3rd Degree type associated with Butane type explosions below:

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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I forget which thread, but one of our brain trusts posted on a thread a year or so ago saying, "We all know that you aren't supposed to do it, but we all know that we all do, so if you are going to, here are some of the things that you do.................."

He even defended his position when descended upon from all sides, so I am left to infer that not everyone understands and accepts how dangerous it is, even after being told. Somewhat like the poster recently comparing the admonitions to the Pope warning against premarital sex.

Even if you ignore the clarion cries of eminent danger from old wet rags like me and thee, the question of course that begs an answer, is how they are missing the news articles regarding brothers immolating themselves and even dying.

That of course is in addition to what the growingly pissed off Prosecutors are starting to do when property is destroyed and people maimed or killed.

And the insurance companies that refuse to pay, the civil suits for personal and property damage, as well as wrongful death, and of course personal body damage from immolation.

Lastly, and possibly least to indoor extractors, is that in addition to their own lives and well being, they are making the decision to place others in harms way, without asking their permission. If you asked them what kind of person would do that, what do you imagine their answer would be?


Señor Member
how can so many people still be getting it wrong?

I hate to admit it, but I think it's because of the fact that the people who are turning the cannabis scene into a gigantic meth lab are the same ones who would also be out there making meth if they needed to. The ones doing all of this nonsense, making BHO inside while smoking a blunt, are not a part of the cannabis scene. They wouldn't ever think of themselves as part of this community. They are meth heads and crack fiends doing their best to make this harmless plant at least come close to being dangerous and just as much of a "drug" as meth and crack.

I can't fucking stand it anymore. I actually refuse to participate in the high-octane hash oils anymore. All because I now recognize the "dark side" of that world, and in order to keep cannabis, the plant, safe in the eyes of the public, of the world, we have to not let it look like hardcore drugs.

But that's what exactly is happening. BHO is exactly what right wing groups and law enforcement have always wished for.. justification for all the demonizing they've done. "See?! We told you! It's just as bad as meth! It's the demon weed! It's a gateway drug after all! These stoners eventually can't get high off a joint anymore, so they cook the plant up in a meth lab, to create a new, dangerous drug that is now sweeping our streets... Tune in at 6 o'clock headline news for more..."

There are too many stupid people on the planet right now, ruining everything for the remaining minority of us. It's hard to stay optimistic sometimes.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I hate to admit it, but I think it's because of the fact that the people who are turning the cannabis scene into a gigantic meth lab are the same ones who would also be out there making meth if they needed to. The ones doing all of this nonsense, making BHO inside while smoking a blunt, are not a part of the cannabis scene. They wouldn't ever think of themselves as part of this community. They are meth heads and crack fiends doing their best to make this harmless plant at least come close to being dangerous and just as much of a "drug" as meth and crack.

I can't fucking stand it anymore. I actually refuse to participate in the high-octane hash oils anymore. All because I now recognize the "dark side" of that world, and in order to keep cannabis, the plant, safe in the eyes of the public, of the world, we have to not let it look like hardcore drugs.

But that's what exactly is happening. BHO is exactly what right wing groups and law enforcement have always wished for.. justification for all the demonizing they've done. "See?! We told you! It's just as bad as meth! It's the demon weed! It's a gateway drug after all! These stoners eventually can't get high off a joint anymore, so they cook the plant up in a meth lab, to create a new, dangerous drug that is now sweeping our streets... Tune in at 6 o'clock headline news for more..."

There are too many stupid people on the planet right now, ruining everything for the remaining minority of us. It's hard to stay optimistic sometimes.

Hard to overstate the damage ignorant or stupid people can do, and I was refreshed to note reading Washington states new regulations for Processors, that they provide for only recycling butane systems.

That shows that someone writing laws was paying attention and was aware of the differences.

What we may never enjoy, is freedom from certifiable idiots and mass media hysteria that sells papers and promotes personal agendas. Who buys newspaper businesses and why, if not to promote their own views?


you were talking about a hood vent. a hood vent will not do the trick, as it will let the room fill up with butane till it's full to the top before it starts extracting it. that is useless.

people using any kind of FLAMMABLE or any SOLVENT for that matter.. should really look into everything about it.. a lot of different shit that u think makes sense.. really doesn't.. loll.. I had a friend that blew bho indoors.. in his sun room.. he would open 4 windows.. put 2 window fans on exhaust.. on high.. and 2 windows on intake on medium..and a window fan that he made fit into the bottom of his screen door.. to drag anything on the ground out.. it was a really cool idea.. and it kept from any contamination in his BHO.. ive seen some DIRTY BHO

another thing to the people who think that BHO is making weed look like hard drugs.. oo COME ON.. the GOVERNMENT did a great job with that making it a schedule 1.. so honestly. the CANNA community is GREAT.. the Illegals growing in Forests and ruining wild life.. and the people stealing electricity to power warehouse grows of semi decent garbage that fuckin is full of bugs and then blowing large amounts of BHO.. and having guns and all sorts of crazy shit.. make the SCENE LLOOOK BAD....

it doesn't matter what we do .. no matter what.. the grrowers.. want to have guns.. to protect themselves.. and the cops don't want us to .. so .. we are bad guys EITHER WAY.. I say just treat people how u wana be treated.. live ur life on the DL and stay safe.. lol people are coming around to the entire canna scene.

jump /injack

Hey Gray Wolf, can you post a URL on the Washington law you mentioned:

"Hard to overstate the damage ignorant or stupid people can do, and I was refreshed to note reading Washington states new regulations for Processors, that they provide for only recycling butane systems. That shows that someone writing laws was paying attention and was aware of the differences."

Time to get proactive with my State Legislator and get in front of the curve.


i'm really glad we made this sticky and want to thank everyone who's participated with news stories etc. if only 1 person decides not to blast inside after seeing this we are ahead of the game.

jump /injack


Posted on August 16, 2013 at 6:13 AM

Police say an attempt to extract hash oil from a marijuana plant caused an apartment explosion in Mount Vernon Thursday that sent at least three people to the hospital. Police say the process of extracting oil from marijuana involves mixing parts of the plant with butane gas. It appears a two-liter pop bottle was being filled with butane when Thursday’s explosion happened.

Mount Vernon police say officers arrived to find flames coming from one of the units. The impact of the blast sent glass several feet into the parking lot and walls were forced off their studs.

Lt. Chris Cammock says the injured people drove themselves to Skagit Valley Hospital. Cammock believes a fourth person also checked themselves in later with injuries. None of the injures appear to be life-threatening.
Hash oil explosions are becoming more common according to the U.S. Fire Administration. The agency posted a warning earlier this year to say such incidents were becoming more common.* The process is considered extremely dangerous because of improper butane ventilation


New member
I just wanted to add my story of combustion, it ended in some pretty serious facial and upper body burns, and a pissed off wife. here it goes.

I'm a professional concentrate producer working in the medical cannabis industry here in sourthern california. Everyone starts with humble beginnings so when i first started my business a year ago, i was primarily working out of my kitchen. The process was sound, but i made an enormous mistake one day when i was doing a 4 pound run for a local co-op and they wanted a very quick turn around.

I was getting the pyrex with mostly purged BHO (70%oil 30% liquid tane) ready to go when i decided to remove the 3 gal degassing chamber's lid. I could see the butane haze bubbling over the edge, so i blew across the top of the pot to get rid of it. this was my massive mistake.

As I blew, the butane poured out and across the counter and down the back of the fridge and im guessing across the compressor. With my face still next to the rim of the pot, an enormous fire ball enveloped the whole kitchen (it was a small kitchen) and my face and body. I fucked up once again and in in a panic i tossed the flaming pot into the sink, which in turn splattered oil EVERYWHERE.

The fire alarms for the whole condo complex went off, and i burnt part of my kitchen. It was scary as hell, and i learnt a valuable lesson.

In the end, i lost my eye brows, the front of my hair, my shirt and i had to replace the plexi-glass ceiling that housed lights. Not to mention explaining to the wife what had happened (she was NOT happy lol) and cleaning 240 grams of BHO off the blinds and walls. Then there was explaining to everyone at the collective why i had burns on my face, and lost most of my hair, a good laugh was had by everyone...hah!

Now i produce my concentrates in a laboratory environment and have people doing the extracting for me, i thought i would share my story as a word of caution, i was really very lucky. Sometimes I still have small panic attacks while cooking on the stove still, the fear of being surrounded by fire sticks with you.

Happy extracting everyone!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hey Gray Wolf, can you post a URL on the Washington law you mentioned:

"Hard to overstate the damage ignorant or stupid people can do, and I was refreshed to note reading Washington states new regulations for Processors, that they provide for only recycling butane systems. That shows that someone writing laws was paying attention and was aware of the differences."

Time to get proactive with my State Legislator and get in front of the curve.

I'll see if I can find one. I received a copy from some lawyers who are contracting our assistance on processing. If I can't find a URL, I can e-mail you a copy.