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Bho Disasters (PLEASE READ!)


honey oil addict
I have read a lot about this and I have decided not to even consider it. I am fairly accident prone because of hyperactivity and I/m 65. But I just can't slow down enough to be careful so this type of thing is a no go. But the final product looks nice for sure.
Good post to have on the forum.

I started open blasting ten years before this thread started, and stopped about 1.5 years after it started, just because heat press extraction method became known, and switched over. So luckily I never had this thread to sway me :D
QWET is also an affordable , healthiier alternative that can safely be done indoors (being careful, not having open flame nearby and in a welll vntilated space) if going outdoors is not an option and you don' want to invest in a rosin press.