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Best thing I EVER added to my res...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
what about a canister filter just dont put carbon in it. There much better then those hang on ones and can handel a larger volume of water.

My reef tank...

Keep goin

Yeah, HammerH..

You guys (fish tank guys) are clearly more "at home" with the technology. A canister filter seems like the move especially for larger volume reservoirs. Although the carbon in the smaller filters seems to not be a problem after the first couple of days.

I went to the store today to pick up a couple of new small filters for my veg reservoirs...(my only ones that aren't filtered yet)..Funny, (prob just a coincidence) but Wally world was sold out of the ones I needed...lol

So off I go to an actual pet store...got a load of the "full sized" canister filters, and all the choices available...Holy Crap!!

Fluval makes the big canister versions of course, and all the additives, which as you mentioned...you can just leave out the carbon...good tip.

They also make the "nano" which is for up to 15 gal, fully submersible and sells the carbon as a separate insert. I just didn't buy it...perfect!

As I look into it further, there are plenty of options for larger res set ups...or as others have mentioned hooking everything together through one big canister filter. OOOhhh the possibilities!

Either way, hopefully this post will inspire others to check out the wonderful world of filtered hydro...which I have just become aware of, and now am singing from the rafters about!! LOVIN IT..!!!



KG, for cost Fluval would be where I'd look with regard to a larger canister filter. However, all you need to do is move water through a container and you can make your own biological filter. E.G. trash can of any size, drilled and filled with bio-media, allow water to trickle through the media and exit the bottom (drip). Ghetto, but it works. Just an example, of course.
what about a canister filter just dont put carbon in it. There much better then those hang on ones and can handel a larger volume of water.
I suggested that early on here. Expense (after KG priced out Eheims).

My reef tank...
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Fuck YEAH! Nice tank.

Grue, I've never had a problem with rose BTAs stinging. Not even carpets. It's the long tentacle anemones that'll really get you (and fire coral). And bristle worms.
No but she has munched on some expensive fish..
Has it split for you yet, made anemone babies? What are you using to feed the planktovores?
Is this a filter that hangs on the side of the tank or is it submersible?

edit; Duh, I used the google and checked out their selection. All their filters hang from the side.

Not all filters hang on the side, there is submersible ones that work really well, at least in aquarium applications. Not sure how we'll they'd work for a res. Super excited on this idea though, definitely going to slap a filter.. Is there filters with absolutely no carbon in them?

happy grows.. GT


Not all filters hang on the side, there is submersible ones that work really well, at least in aquarium applications. Not sure how we'll they'd work for a res. Super excited on this idea though, definitely going to slap a filter.. Is there filters with absolutely no carbon in them?

happy grows.. GT

Well actually your res is the fish tank and your girls are the filter. The hang on filter help to add O2 thru adding turbalance to the water surface. They also provide you a means to remove unwanted bits of flotsum.

Any filtration, Any thing you do to add turbanlance, Anything you do to collect flotsum are GREAT things for your girls.

You do not need to add a hang on filter (but that is a great and cheap ideal) A filter sock where your water returns to your res is all that is needed. The extra pressure for your water pump can be directed to your res. Even better would be a filter sock with Bio ball or floss or even filter sponge.

The point here is to collect your flotsum and remove it from your res. Also to add as much O2 as you can. The filters in the small hang on filters do have a little carbon. After a week they become a place for Bac to grow. (Martha Steward On) This is a good thing. Also you can use sand to house a small bit of bac. No, you cant use playground sand. No you cant use colored gravel. Go to craigs list and buy some from people breaking down their thanks.

Also you can find very cheap new and used filters on the CL or that bay place on the net.

My 2 Cents

Gruetoo :plant grow:


you know this has me thinking, what if one of those smaller fish tank filters could be put into a 5gl dwc bucket? do you guys think that it would be beneficial as well? would the bubble that it produces be enough for a bucket that size for the plant to be healthy as opposed to just an airstone?

if that could work then it would save a lot of time and energy I think. I had a fish tank and had that same biofilter in it BUT the filter hung off of the side. im definitely going to research what could fit but in the meantime, what do you guys think of a grow system in an individual setting/setup as with DWC units?

EDIT: alright guys I cant wait, ive gotta get to walmart anyway so I may just come back with a cheap water filter just to see how it works out and tinker with it. besides what im finding online is not saying how many gallons the filters are rated to filter. I know they have to be changed/cleaned but i need to know how often/ with what/etc. since im going to using the smaller filters most sites online are saying to use zeolite. im going to do my research first before I go all eco terrorist and say that zeolite is going to be a bad thing, then there are the ramifications of using GH nutes and how that all will interact..

saw some DIY/homemade options so it seems doable. $3 added to the system for a greater peace of mind is not such a bad trade off if u ask me! will be back with another edit . . .

EDIT: of course the walmart around me is shit and has nothing to offer as usual. but I did see a filter system that I could have used a long time ago rated for 2-10gls. only draw back imo is that it would have to hang off of the side of the bucket, really wanted something that sat in or at the bottom of the buckets
Last edited:


Friend, you're not after bubbles (with specific regard to dissolved O2 levels), you're after surface turbulence. This is where the gas exchange occurs. If you want bubbles to achieve this, you're going to have to create a venturi. A venturi may likely begin foam fractionation, which is a form of chemical filtration that I'm not sure is appropriate for cultivation where we want DOCs (dissolved organic compounds) to be rich in the water column.
Not all filters hang on the side, there is submersible ones that work really well, at least in aquarium applications. Not sure how we'll they'd work for a res. Super excited on this idea though, definitely going to slap a filter.. Is there filters with absolutely no carbon in them?

happy grows.. GT

If there aren't anymore, there should be. Or, it should be very easy to make your own filter media by removing the carbon from the cartridge and packing it with more sponge or other biological media.


Well-known member
I ran these before with a flood n drain setup... my idea was to use organics and the biofilter..

when the tray flooded the water level would go to low and it would lose its prime.... got too much biofilm .. at least i thought so

might work better with salt based nutes

as seamaiden said, a homemade one might work better

Keep goin

you know this has me thinking, what if one of those smaller fish tank filters could be put into a 5gl dwc bucket? do you guys think that it would be beneficial as well? would the bubble that it produces be enough for a bucket that size for the plant to be healthy as opposed to just an airstone?

if that could work then it would save a lot of time and energy I think. I had a fish tank and had that same biofilter in it BUT the filter hung off of the side. im definitely going to research what could fit but in the meantime, what do you guys think of a grow system in an individual setting/setup as with DWC units?

EDIT: alright guys I cant wait, ive gotta get to walmart anyway so I may just come back with a cheap water filter just to see how it works out and tinker with it. besides what im finding online is not saying how many gallons the filters are rated to filter. I know they have to be changed/cleaned but i need to know how often/ with what/etc. since im going to using the smaller filters most sites online are saying to use zeolite. im going to do my research first before I go all eco terrorist and say that zeolite is going to be a bad thing, then there are the ramifications of using GH nutes and how that all will interact..

saw some DIY/homemade options so it seems doable. $3 added to the system for a greater peace of mind is not such a bad trade off if u ask me! will be back with another edit . . .

EDIT: of course the walmart around me is shit and has nothing to offer as usual. but I did see a filter system that I could have used a long time ago rated for 2-10gls. only draw back imo is that it would have to hang off of the side of the bucket, really wanted something that sat in or at the bottom of the buckets

Yeah, just set up a "side show" 5 gal DWC...you've gotta check out the Fluval Nano...or something similar. I had to go to Petco (I'm sure any "actual" pet store would do) to find one. The cheap over the side one wouldn't work. I didn't want to be held to the water level SO religiously! I run a small pump and top feed in there as well...so I don't have to worry about the water level dropping leading to death!

The Nano fits right into the bottom of the bucket...fully submersible, sits on the bottom and has a swing arm that is moveable. I positioned it at 90 degrees and it creates a circulation around the bucket. I figure if the plant gets huge I will just transplant into a 10 gal tote...the filter is rated for up to 15 gal.

Another advantage is the carbon pack is sold separate...so don't have to worry about that at all.

Disadvantage is it's $30...No biggie really, but...

Yeah Cyat...that's actually why I don't like E&F...too much of the res goes into play to achieve the feed cycle. Way to fickle for my lazy ass..I need some ability for the res to fluctuate without running pumps dry. Not to mention, I get better growth rates from top feeding. In fact my girls who manage to "dip their feet in the pool" do the best out of them all. That makes me want to build a UC knock off system. With use of a float valve, and an extra res of clean water on the side. I could use a filter in the "epicenter".

You could feasibly use a submersible filter though in an E&F res...not sure how big they go. But I'm sure you could get an appropriate one. And yes, I am running "salt" ferts GH 3 part.

I now officially have every "pool" of water filtered...from EZ cloner all the way to Bloom res and everything in between!!

Hope this helps


Yeah, just set up a "side show" 5 gal DWC...you've gotta check out the Fluval Nano...or something similar. I had to go to Petco (I'm sure any "actual" pet store would do) to find one. The cheap over the side one wouldn't work. I didn't want to be held to the water level SO religiously! I run a small pump and top feed in there as well...so I don't have to worry about the water level dropping leading to death!

The Nano fits right into the bottom of the bucket...fully submersible, sits on the bottom and has a swing arm that is moveable. I positioned it at 90 degrees and it creates a circulation around the bucket. I figure if the plant gets huge I will just transplant into a 10 gal tote...the filter is rated for up to 15 gal.

Another advantage is the carbon pack is sold separate...so don't have to worry about that at all.

Disadvantage is it's $30...No biggie really, but...

Yeah Cyat...that's actually why I don't like E&F...too much of the res goes into play to achieve the feed cycle. Way to fickle for my lazy ass..I need some ability for the res to fluctuate without running pumps dry. Not to mention, I get better growth rates from top feeding. In fact my girls who manage to "dip their feet in the pool" do the best out of them all. That makes me want to build a UC knock off system. With use of a float valve, and an extra res of clean water on the side. I could use a filter in the "epicenter".

You could feasibly use a submersible filter though in an E&F res...not sure how big they go. But I'm sure you could get an appropriate one. And yes, I am running "salt" ferts GH 3 part.

I now officially have every "pool" of water filtered...from EZ cloner all the way to Bloom res and everything in between!! View Image

Hope this helps

budget cant handle anything in the $30 per unit range BUT I found another walmart that had this to offer: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Tetra-Whi...-Gallon-Acquariums-Power-Filter-1-ct/10291764

I would have to rig it by cutting slits into the buckets since I want the filter to be as submersed as possible and below the net pot. im going to buy one and play around with one of the buckets to see how I would eventually set it all up for each unit.

question though:

what should/shouldn't my filter have in it? (been reading up about zeolite and the carbon, is all/any of that god or bad for the plants?)

im sure as I do a lil more reading im going to come up with more questions, but im in R&D mode right now so, im good, I like this part anyway and I have some time until the seasons/temps start to get better with all this snow/cold bullshit.

im lazy and I like hydro because its along the "set it and forget it" lines so if I could add this then im good to go. saw some smaller filter options that would "suction cup" to the side of the buckets and would be way cheaper. like I said R&D is in progress and yeah I still need to make it to petco to see what they have.


Friend, you're not after bubbles (with specific regard to dissolved O2 levels), you're after surface turbulence. This is where the gas exchange occurs. If you want bubbles to achieve this, you're going to have to create a venturi. A venturi may likely begin foam fractionation, which is a form of chemical filtration that I'm not sure is appropriate for cultivation where we want DOCs (dissolved organic compounds) to be rich in the water column.

If there aren't anymore, there should be. Or, it should be very easy to make your own filter media by removing the carbon from the cartridge and packing it with more sponge or other biological media.

ok being totally honest had to do a lil reading up on what the venture effect is. seems that ive always known what the effect was just didn't know it was called venturi or could be seen on such a smaller scale which leads me to my question:

in your opinion, would I be able to rig this http://www.walmart.com/ip/Tetra-Whi...-Gallon-Acquariums-Power-Filter-1-ct/10291764 up to a 5gl bucket interior and not need an airstone.

I was actually reading another thread that talked about not even really needing airstones in DWC ( The Kratky Method By Dr. Bernard Kratky:https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=253236) and during one of the many power outages we have here in NJ ive experienced it first hand.

I saw the vid and the guy kept going on about his bokchoy but I have to give it too him, it was some damned good lookin' bokchoy, and overall his grow proved his point or the point of the method.

really starting to like this thread! i'll be checking back for responses . . .




thanks so much man, I saw this earlier on in my searching but wasn't too sure about it, but after reading through this thread that may just be what I do, now if I can only find it in a shop local to me

EDIT: aaaaand it allows me to use the pumps that ive already spent money on/have for the buckets already!


That's OLD school, festerous! I'm not sure what you'd pack in it, I've only ever done filter wool and carbon. They're driven by air, so you'll need an air pump if you don't have one.

Friend, you can use that submersible just fine, just ensure you've got surface turbulence. What if, however, you hit CL for used aquarium equipment?

cravin morehead

Active member
i used to use these:

used them for years before i just went all the way to bio-buckets. they are cheap, very effective, and only used an air pump. any hydro grower has got some air pumps lying around. plus, the add aeration.
just thought i'd throw it out there for you guys...


ps- i've had my water pumps take a crap on me. worst time i didn't notice for 3 days. each bucket was basically empty. but the roots were bright white and perfect, thanks to all the bennies in my lava rock medium.


I would recommend those foam/sponge filters (used for rearing larvae) over the box filters. All you do is squeeze them out if they're in need of a clean, the sponge acts as the home for the microbes.