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Best place to travel alone?


Well-known member
You're never alone

You're never alone

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, west Indies.
Located 13 degrees north of the equator, in Caribbean sea. The strain hunters did an episode here.
The island;stated, recently passed and enacted a medical cannabis law,subsequently industry is seeds had been sown ,north Americans/European,few Asians and africans companies are on the ground.
Cannabis culture is an intricate part of the society.
Come through, you're most welcome to partake.

The international herb!


Well-known member
SE Asia is extremely budget friendly(nice hotels are $20-30usd/night and usually include breakfast). Thailand recently legalized medical marijuana and Vietnam is pretty lax about cannabis although it's illegal. Their are little pubs in Vietnam you can buy some herb at and toke stress free.


ICMag Donor

I'm sorry I also meant to say Colombia and not for the reasons some may think. Many moons/decades ago, a little more than 40 years ago in fact, yours truly was a young guy in NJ who sold weed for a living and who came up with this crazy idea of "giving something back by visiting the land that my living is based on ) ( I was at the time probably 3rd in line for such shipments and so business as you can imagine was quite busy and growing and I was feeling grateful so......2 friends of mine and I decided to go to Colombia but when it came time to put up a deposit with a travel agent and go to the Colombian embassy or consultate I don't remember which, they pussied out on me so I went alone.

And my oh my what a terrific time I had. I met a fellow, David was his name....I've sometimes thought of David, not as a lover but as a friend who I would love to meet again but now it's been so long, it will be half a century ( dang why isn't there a Colombia area of the forums? I should post this in such a section no? Anyway, there were warnings from the US state department warning Americans to not travel to Colombia because "they don't like us there" and would stalk us, hate us, kick our asses and kill us paraphrasing what the state departments claims were . Hence, my friends and you know who you are :) PUSSIED OUT. Because I went by myself. Yup, bought the tickets but then a friend of a friend who was Colombian said, nawww man, don't go to Cartagena, you wanna go someplace where Colombians die to go? Go to San Andres. It's 400 miles or so west of Colombia, off the coast of Nicaragua I think by 100 miles or so and he implored me to go but as a white guy ( and I was like a copy of a white page white in the winter time in NJ, I mean cmon ) told me this is south of the equator and as such winter in NJ is summer south of the Equator and I better bring some sun block lol to say the least. I was making a good amount of money at the time I think retailing 10 lbs a week in mostly oz's and 1/4 lbs and probably a couple of hundred lbs a week in by the bale sales with bales running between 36 and 40lbs each or so, and I was moving choice Gold, Red and really higher quality mostly Colombians but I was just on the precipice of cultivating my customers to produce more capital and I would be producing significantly more weed which is a story for another day into the tons arena and was overall having so much fun I thought it only right to go to where it came from, not for business but to spend some money in that country.

And so I went to the embassy and got my papers, they gave me a free travel poster, a Colombian travel poster for the gringo and they were "like holy shit surprised" that I was going. There were stories that in Bogota some guy got his rolex hand chopped off ( I didn't have a rolex then lol ), and that this island, San Andres' was where Colombians wanted to go along with Isla de Providencia and Johnny Cay . I brought lots of cash with me as you never know.....in retrospect, only about 10k in cash which was a lot then........anyway I met this fellow who became not only my guide but my temporary friend. I rented a little mini jeep-like French made vehicle and took off around the island and went to this Davids house which was across the street from the ocean! He took me to show me all the cool places and one day we went to this Johnny Cay, where I fell asleep on the beach in the HOT temp island, fresh in from a snowstorm in NY and I fell asleep for the whole day. I was unconscious for 2 days afterward , have no recollection of who must have carried me back onto the little boat that took us back to the island ( San Andres ), somehow got me and the rental jeep back to my hotel which was on the other side of the island and deposited me into the bed after apparently stripping me down and soaking me in oil. I awoke two days later to the sound of the giggling of a native, ( Colombians are Olive and Natives are Black and I was like a cue ball until this fateful day )
native girl just dusting around my bed where I was laying naked as a jaybird and I jolted up out of the bed and ran to get a towel which was in an area that I had all that cash, a very expensive canon camera outfit with lenses and winders and all that stuff and that stuff was on a shelf in front of a wall mirror where I got a chance to see this LOBSTER-LIKE, colored guy, me, have never even when literally living on the beaches of south Florida have I ever been burned like that and here in Colombia, finding all the cash neatly stacked in various peso's, 100 ,1,000 I think the peso was 42 to the dollar then, might have also been mexico, I get a little confused sometimes, hey it's been a hell of a long time and heck of a ride, hope I get to ride some more though.

Couple nights before, David brought me to a shack out in the woods where we did some lines and smoked weed. I was only non black in the shack and sudenlt all the lights went OUT and stayed out for the rest of the night. Could not see anything in that room and they started singing and shit so after a while I left. I had ZERO fear of any rip offs or any of that and I recall I was met with smiles and friendliness from everyone I met, especially the black girls. Oh boy I had never before and never again had quite an experience like it until I lived in SE Asia and started a very well known Dating/Penpal business/website in Vietnam. In fact my url was http://www.loveofasiavietnam.com which I sold to someone who made it a different area of the world dating site as they are Florida/Latin America based. I see it's all gone now but I had over 8,000 Vietnamese girls on my website and I met the majority of them as they filled out their applications to be on the website in my home office in Saigon then Vungtau.........another night perhaps and I don't know why I'm so talkative. We lost one of my most if not my most favorite kitty cat Felix 2 nights ago and I am grieving big time...trying to divert my thoughts a little, I don't think I've cried this much since my parents died 20 or so years ago.....really. Anyhow, nobody touched my money in Colombia ok? Nobody ripped off my gold watch, no not a rolex it was worth more. Nobody ripped off the emeralds ( esmeraldas) which were of good color GIVEN to me as a gift from a friendly jeweler who invited me to their homes, or the police guy who came running after me as I idled down a street, blown away on some really great weed looking for a place to grab a bite and after finally catching me telling me "Oh you from USA? Do you know my friend in Massachusetts? ) Nobody tried to hurt me. Nobody got aggressive with me . Quite the contrary. Both of these places are great places and great people. I realize this is a long time ago witn my going to Colombia more than 40 years ago and living in Vietnam almost 20 years ago, so what.

Lovely place, lovely people, wonderful experiences I would go on and on and on as that was only my first time in Colombia although subsequent visits were on a more professional level...

Vietnam is a trip but it takes a long time to get to it. Come to think of it San Andres is a trip too and it takes a long time to get to it although not like Vietnam which, if you fly the right airline it ain't so bad, ain't so bad as rocky would say, ain't so bad.

I lived full time in Thailand, also on an island, Koh Samui but sorry, no comparison to Vietnam or the Vietnamese people in my opinion.

I miss being able to travel that far but with major atherosclerosis and blockages, having a failed open heart surgery more than 10 years ago ( guess they must have lied about it being a failed surgery as I'm still here, thanks to weed among other things lol ), I would like to try if I am able next year to go to Poland but alas, I wouldn't bet on it. But if I could, I would definitely pick Vietnam.......yeah, and San Andres Colombia although I really really really enjoyed being in china for the food even though Hong Kong food beats mainland chinese food by a country mile :)

Thanks for reading
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ICMag Donor
Holy shit I can't believe I wrote that....all that. Sorry, brought little Felix to the cremation place and because of thanksgiving he won't be cremated till Friday and then I'll bring him home where we won't be separated again, ....I bought a beautul urn...sorry again, hope you can glean something helpful from all that writing


Active member
slovakia and czech republic, here nobody kills you, really nobody
sad that ganja illegal, but everybody helps you with it


Well-known member
This is not a destination, and availabilty of cannabis is just coincidental. I've made a few trips years ago. The surprise bit because I'd never knew were exactly I was going next. Often the next part of the trip had to be postponed, since it was a search trip. I was looking for ancestors. It seems a bit boring at first, but it was a total thrill. I've met all sorts of people, I was welcomed by strangers and I was well fed and lodged, more often than not invited. I had unexpected trip companions, and an affair with a cousin! Well, maybe there were a few dozen degrees to call her a proper cousin (but you know that deep inside, crouched behind those witty comments you're having just now, there's some unexpected envy, eh?... No? You're too young then).
Anyway, the list of things is too long, the eclectic past family anyone has, despite thinking they all behaved like posing for pictures. It's crazy. Going to the registries of "ayuntamientos" and churches and finding very old people that remembered their elders and opened new lines of search.
People in country villages or farm you just go and knock the door, if any, and ask directly after little protocol. For the ones living in cities better you get a contact before through the telephone or letter or email. Bear in mind that they first think you're a scam. (They'll confess that later, when they feel safe after oggling solid proof, such an old birth certificate with their grandpa's names on it).
We're still at it, now that several direct relatives got involved, some more in depth than me, but we're slowly constructing the family tree, so far we tracked direct ancestors from the XVIIth century, but we'll go further. We haven't found aristocracy nor super-wealthy or world famous characters. A few bandidos, that too. Did find a top militar great-great-grandpa, like a general, praised and condecorated personally by Wellington, which drove me to a far away war museum, which drove me to an underwater village, which drove me to an amazing cozy cabin in the wild, which drove me to...
Anyway, it's an amazing way to travel on your own, with an agenda that will be revealed only as you go. And in between you'll find the most unexpected places. Of course it involves the risk of finding things you don't like, or your family tree has branches in all continents making the quest more difficult. Still, it can only be just a direction to take when considering where could you go on your own and the map ain't helping.


Active member
{ Edit: Dang it! I just realized I posted to a 6 year old thread; Sorry! }

I know you stated Stateside is likely out of the budget, but if you're ever so inclined... Vegas, Baby! { Las Vegas, Nevada } "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"

Recreational MJ is legal in Nevada, with open purchases available in many Dispensaries. :woohoo:

Also, if so inclined, there are "establishments" like to famous Bunny Ranch. Prostitution is also legal in Nevada, outside Vegas itself. { Google it. I would post the URL, but it launches to a... "Colorful" Homepage. } :biggrin:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
{ Edit: Dang it! I just realized I posted to a 6 year old thread; Sorry! }

I know you stated Stateside is likely out of the budget, but if you're ever so inclined... Vegas, Baby! { Las Vegas, Nevada } "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!"

Recreational MJ is legal in Nevada, with open purchases available in many Dispensaries. :woohoo:

Also, if so inclined, there are "establishments" like to famous Bunny Ranch. Prostitution is also legal in Nevada, outside Vegas itself. { Google it. I would post the URL, but it launches to a... "Colorful" Homepage. } :biggrin:
Uhh, prostitution is legal in a lot of Europe. They don't have the silly hang ups about sex we American's do.


Active member
Uhh, prostitution is legal in a lot of Europe. They don't have the silly hang ups about sex we American's do.

LOL... It's been many years since I was last abroad { US Navy, '76-'80 }, and was not aware { or Stoner Bob had forgotten } that this was the case.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
LOL... It's been many years since I was last abroad { US Navy, '76-'80 }, and was not aware { or Stoner Bob had forgotten } that this was the case.

If you're anything like me, I'll assume it's the latter. :biggrin: