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Best place to travel alone?



red light district Amsterdam

lots of girls and weed / coffeeshops

if you see a very beatifull man there this spring, then it is me.
Im hetero anyway


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Europe isn't cheap either.

If you haven't been to the West Coast, I'd highly recommend it.

I'm from the east. Driving up and down the pacific highway, drinking stumptown coffee in Seattle, eating malaysian in Vancouver, and eating a voodoo donut in Portland made my trip to the west one I'll never forget.

It's not bad when the OP already lives there.

Trains are abundant and relatively inexpensive opposed to flight.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Strange nobody mentioned Czech republic,where its legal to grow certain amount of plants,and weed is easy available in bars,and czech girls are the hotties.

It is not legal. but it is very tolerated. Anything over 10 grams I think is a jailable offense. Less than 10 grams is a fine up to 650 Euro. But most Police don't know the smell or don't care. Because every third house it seems has a plant or two in the backyard for grandma to make tinctures and oils with. Or grandpa smokes it. Don't be stupid with it, and you'll be fine. Discretion is key.

It is very easy to find there. Plevel, Trava, or Marjanka I've heard it referred to as. But most people call it Marihuana. Which I find amusing for some reason.

A lot of people speak English as well.

Agreed on the women. Amazingly beautiful.


Well-known member
The Pilgrim's Road to Santiago. There are many places to choose for people on their own, but this must easily be in the World's Top Ten. The lenght it's up to you. Some hardliners come walking from Germany, but the unofficial starting point is Roncevaux in France, close to the spanish border. Then accross northern Spain, all the way to the west. Two main routes, one next to the sea through Bilbao, Santander and Oviedo and the other through the mountains, passing cities such Pamplona, Burgos and Leon.
So, you can choose how long, and also how much you want to spend, since there's a net of pilgrim basic sleeping quarters in most villages and cities for the meagrest budget, but also there're luxury Paradores with gourmet dinners. Also, once in the cities you can stop being a pilgrim and go to disco dance, it only takes a shower.
Despite being originally a catholic thing similar to going to Mecca for muslims, that aspect is now folkloric, only a third of pilgrims do it for religious reasons. There's plenty info on google, for it needs some planning ahead. Averaging 25km a day you reach Santiago from either Oviedo or Leon in less than two weeks. From Roncevaux it takes about five weeks.
You need to be normally fit, but you'll meet people of all ages. And unfit people too, but determined. Many do it every year. The scenery is beautiful al the way and the spanish northern cities full of historical stuff, but second to none for party too. Amazing affordable food and drink. Plenty good surprises. Relax. People respect privacy but the road can be a good place for flirting, couples come out from it too. Pets of any size allowed. I always wanted to do it on horseback, but... er... my horse is too old now.
Only last june 50.000 people made it to Santiago, Americans being the top with 4240. Many of those were on their own. Some of them on a bicycle.


Well-known member
Copenhage. Visit Christiana.. Women are beautiful.. I was born in Denmark..and lived there early 2000s... Just visited last month..still great


Well-known member
iraq/iran/afganistan, saudi,lebanon,syria, burma,communist china, mexico, el salvador, Guatemala, and lets not 4get Venezuela.... all garden spots of the world.... oops 4got north korea...beautiful beaches...


New member
I see no one has mentioned South Africa? We have an abundance of good weed and fine woman, not to mention if your coming with Dollars, Pounds or Euros, you will live like a king.

Oh i forgot, its super beautiful here, especially in Cape Town.