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Best place to travel alone?


New member
Strange nobody mentioned Czech republic,where its legal to grow certain amount of plants,and weed is easy available in bars,and czech girls are the hotties.
I've been in Amsterdam alone, and it was great, i'm not into buyin' girls, but I walked and walked around the city for days, my feet got hurt :) plus all the coffe shops and seed banks is very nice to visit.
So I would recommend Amsterdam.

hope this helps.



if it smells like fish
cali got it all and aint that expensive,,, jucy rentals got sweet rides...a lot of deals returning rides to san fran..... would be a nice trip for someone


Well-known member
cali got it all and aint that expensive,,, jucy rentals got sweet rides...a lot of deals returning rides to san fran..... would be a nice trip for someone

hey man could you elaborate on that? I'm from the UK and thinking of spending a couple of weeks in the states on my own


if it smells like fish
jucy rentals are compact camping vehicles...really neat if you ask me...they are on the web and have deals as they need to move vehicles around and offer steep discounts for you to drive and return vehicles for them....prices aint bad anyhow ...check it out... here they run out of las vegas,los angeles, and san Francisco.... returns from la to san fran are common ....


best beaches of spain are in the south. if u go to spain you cant skip the south, Tariffa, Algeciras and then over to morocco. you would love it. good cheap hash too down there...


id go to continental Europe maybe start in Paris or Amsterdam then travel by car or train down to southern spain stopping in authentic little villages and towns on the way , i drive from northern europe to the very tipp of Spain (costa del sol just over the water from Morocco) pretty regular takes 2 days driving solid with one sleep over, make that 4-5 days doing less driving more soaking up the culture, and would be one hell of a ride !.. then few days in spain then pop over to Morocco for a day trip or longer !

roads in france are like silk ............. Spanish roads well ...there something different all together lol


Registered Non-Conformist
California is Beautiful. I refer to Northern, cause SoCal really isn't. SF over LA anyday. Unforch, The people of most of CA are of a much lower quality than the Dutch for a traveler. Californians acting cooler-than-thou cause You're from somewhere else. Dutch never act haughty. They are engaging, welcoming, talkative, peaceful and intelligent,. Unless drunk, then they are as absurd as anyone. haha.
Having said that, SF is one of the great cities of Earth, always worth a visit, if One can afford the Manhattan Style prices.


Active member
You can have SF coldest I've ever been in cali was at candlestick i'm cool :) on that shit.... ALL of LA or so cal for that matter isn't ugly and as far as options and those options being close together you cant beat so cal and I already touched on the weather wearing board shorts and flip flops in December isn't half bad let me tell you. bone chilling cold up there with the wind.


Active member
Well i guess one thing to really consider when thinking of a trip is, what are you top priorities. In terms of; cost, acessibility to weed, ease of travel, views and climate. I feel once you set your priorities it will be easiest to pick the best option for you. I mean getting pot in any of the above locations will be possible. It will just be to varying degrees of ease. I mean if being able to get some smoke is top priority, Colorado or A-dam would probably be the easiest with the amount of shops in both cities. Where as a place like Cali you can find great pot with ease just might be a little harder if you dont have a mmj card. Would require some networking to find your smoke. I could go on, I think if you let us know the top concerns with a location it will be easier to pinpoint a great fit. Not discounting anything that has already been mentioned, have traveled to a number of those places myself, and many others are on my list.


Registered Non-Conformist
NorCal and SoCal shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. Like two different states. SF = Sophisticated, compact, nightclubs great, food beyond belief. Public transpo - cool weather, diversity amongst people not such a problem as other places, never too hot or too cold. Cool people. NorCal = depressed economy, rednecks, Wild West behaviour, BEAUTIFUL LAND> Unmatched. No crowds in the water.

SoCal = None of the above. Drive for miles and miles, in traffic jams. Paddle out to 50 guys competing for the same waves. Little or no natural beauty compared to NorCal.

NorCal is not really a great place to travel alone, however. You are constantly reminded that "You aren't from Here," like in Hawaii. That gets old quick. San Francisco is always a good choice, but expensive.


Active member
sounds like you're talking about LA ....so cal isn't just LA we have Everything you have and more except maybe the transportation thing you guys have that like I said its an east coast feel our public trans sucks but nobody uses it that can avoid it but as far as food weather entertainment not really close. You sound ignorant stasis so cal is huge man if you want natural beauty its here and it ALL can be driven to in 3 hours or under the beach, the mountains, Hiking, Theme parks, multiple sports teams you name it we got it Frisco is a cool place to visit but its not So cal sorry theres a reason Teams hold up those beat LA signs we don't hold up beat Frisco signs were LA we know what we are...Theres a reason theres so much traffic and all so a reason we get so many tourists you sound a bit jelly to be honest...have fun with rednecks if I wanted that i'd move to Texas or parts of the inland empire. when most people think of Cali dreaming and the cali laid back lifestyle they aren't thinking about frisco sorry buddy.
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Registered Non-Conformist
So cal by no means has everything NorCal does. Not on any level.

IMHO. Sorry. SoCal simply does not have the natural beauty, and SF is sophisticated, European, compact, easy and fun. LA is absurd, and One is in the car endlessly. SF to LA is like comparing Amsterdam to Detroit. As I stir the pot further. Two different worlds.


Registered Non-Conformist
For My body, NorCal's Coastal climate is perfection. Never to hot or too cold. Not easy to grow in. The coolness keeps the crowds down, that is the magic of norcal, low density of people. Locals are for the most part not worth bothering with. IN MY OPINION. Don't hate - it's the fault of the poor education system, and over entitlement the children the Hippie Redneck People produce.

Like Hawaii, As a visitor, You'll constantly be reminded that You aren't from Here. That is usually an indication of xenophobic ignorance. Hawaii has a High Children Mortality rat. NorCal a High Incarceration rate. Pick Your choice. NorCal countryside is NOT friendly to outsiders.

It's a big world. NO place is the center of the universe. Watch out for places that think they are.


ICMag Donor
Hey everyone. :peacock:
I haven't been on a holiday for as many years back as I can remember and with summer times coming soon I feel like I should allow myself a little trip some place nice this year.

I want to travel somewhere that cannabis either is a part of the culture or greatly accepted. I have been thinking about Morroco, Amsterdam and Denmark but I would love to hear some suggestions. I don't have a huge budget either but oh well, hope someone can help me out! :tiphat::ying:

Traveled solo numerous times, meeting friends in Holland. Very hospitable country, lots of culture and otherwise. Suggest short term apartment rentals vs. cramped hotel. However, used to like Hotel Brouwer in Amsterdam for inexpensive stay.

Enjoy! Stay safe!