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I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
GSD all the way. i got 7 of the little fuckers in my basement howling right now for food!!! only 5 weeks old. best dogs in world!

Wendull C.

Active member
I worked as a land surveyor for many years and was able to see the reaction of many types of dogs to trespass on "their" property. In that time I learned the most dangerous dog to me was a German Shepard or likewise breed including Akitas though an akita is not a Shepard. I would rather deal with a pit or dobie any day than jump a Shepard dog's fence! I also have many (more than 5) dogs of my own and have for many years. Still the Shepard is the one to watch if you are unknown.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I love my bully. there built like a tank..He never cry's out in pain for anything dont know why that is...




Active member
depends how serious of a guard dog you want there are allot of loyal dogs know doubt
then there are killing guard dogs, you here the pitbulls, rottie's dobies then there are the real deal Like my kangals i own 2 of them one male and one female combined weight almost 400 pounds of killing machine
there bread to KILL Grizzly, wolfs and yes Humans pretty much anything that enters there land
i feed my dogs 34 pounds of raw meat each a day.
Over all perfect family and live stock guard
Harley my male had a encounter with neibiours pit bull and it was a short lived episode like 1 min again 45 pound dog compared to 212 pound dog with a bite force stronger then a male lion

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lost in a sea

some of the best guard dogs are little shits that let the big guys know whats going on ;)

recognised technique in scrapyards is basically use some old camper or family car for the kennel,, and they(rotties usually) chill in there waiting to hear the yap of some jack russel cross or something.. that love to patrol all night and you can never catch..

staffies are too nice as pets to ruin by making guard dogs,, its not what they were bred for.. you could say neither is being a pet though but towards people is a different thing and the temperament has been largely selected towards being pets for at least 30 years here..

since you have to live with the dogs in some way, it would depend on your exact situation like others have said..

all dogs rule i just dont like westies...


Rubbing my glands together
Belgian Malinois or a Dutch Shepard. In that order. There is a reason these 2 are the primary dogs in protection/trial events. They're just that good. But they need to be worked!!! Seriously considering a Malinois myself.


Active member
Belgian Malinois or a Dutch Shepard. In that order. There is a reason these 2 are the primary dogs in protection/trial events. They're just that good. But they need to be worked!!! Seriously considering a Malinois myself.

I thought you were into guard sharpés..... i believe you had a story of one eating a pitty.... Az


Active member
depends how serious of a guard dog you want there are allot of loyal dogs know doubt
then there are killing guard dogs, you here the pitbulls, rottie's dobies then there are the real deal Like my kangals i own 2 of them one male and one female combined weight almost 400 pounds of killing machine
there bread to KILL Grizzly, wolfs and yes Humans pretty much anything that enters there land
i feed my dogs 34 pounds of raw meat each a day.
Over all perfect family and live stock guard
Harley my male had a encounter with neibiours pit bull and it was a short lived episode like 1 min again 45 pound dog compared to 212 pound dog with a bite force stronger then a male lion


cant seem to get that youtube link working..is it me or is it not workin?


I have a Bernese Mountain Dog. It's a male (the females are absolutely hopeless guard dogs..we had one it died at 4.5 from cancer)..but the male is all bravado bounces around the fence barking ferociously when a stranger walks by. But if the stranger opens the gate..no problem..come in...lets play..tail wagging...would you like a drink? :) . Not good guard dogs but big and look meanish. Great with children though and friends. Id like a Doberman but they are not for beginners, im fairly experienced with dogs, had a Boxer, Shepherd. Training is the main thing. Do not ever hit dogs, bad, as you will screw them up psychologically and never be able to train them. The British Police beat and abuse their dogs and call it training, their German shepherds are fcked up.

Wow, that's just sad. I'm currently about halfway through one of my new Schutzhund books, been watching a lot of videos, etc. I cannot imagine using those tactics to train a working dog, I just don't see it working well at all.

Your description of your dog pretty much fits my Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, to a T. She's scary as hell to those who can't read dogs, but once you're on the line, you are friend.
Yeah i saw a bloke on the news who had guard donkeys for his sheep i think it was! The donkey was actually attacking and killing wild dogs/dingoes that messed with the flock... wow!
Up here folks use a couple different animal species to deal with the mountain lion and bear. A big white dog, the breed name of which completely and totally escapes me now, and donkeys. The idea that a donkey can face down and run off a mountain lion causes me to respect that donkey.

WTF is the dog breed I'm thinking of? They're usually raised with the sheep, are white, long hair coat, flopped ears, very curled tail. Basque breed...? I'm drawing such a blank!

I'm fairly determined it's going to be either a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd, Schutzhund trained and prepared, for me. I prefer the athleticism of the Belgian, but prefer the size of the GSD. Since my husband goes running we'd like the dog to be able to go running with him, which would preclude a GSD. I've been looking at some very nice, very promising GSD pups, I prefer a bitch over a dog, m'self because they're not going to pee on everything.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
Searching within particular breeds is an okay start but certainly not the end all be all of the search. Dominance x defense drive often = the highest guard drive. When testing the litter at 7-8 weeks, which pup ends up with the meaty bone (or ball etc you toss into their area) 2+ out of 3 times? Who is the runner up, or the rank dog that has the drive to try and take it away from the more dominant pup? Set these two aside for further testing individually. Roll the pup over with his back on the ground and hold him there in that position with your palm over his chest. We are looking for dogs that fight hardest to get out of this submissive position, they should be squirming/barking/biting at your hand.

After I have been suckered-in by what that book haha on the breed says, this is how I'd test dogs within any litter to find ones with the highest natural potential for this type of work. Then we train them to do it. -T

To quote a saying "its not the size of the dog in the fight , but the size of the fight in the dog."


Active member
Wow, that's just sad. I'm currently about halfway through one of my new Schutzhund books, been watching a lot of videos, etc. I cannot imagine using those tactics to train a working dog, I just don't see it working well at all.

Your description of your dog pretty much fits my Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, to a T. She's scary as hell to those who can't read dogs, but once you're on the line, you are friend.

Up here folks use a couple different animal species to deal with the mountain lion and bear. A big white dog, the breed name of which completely and totally escapes me now, and donkeys. The idea that a donkey can face down and run off a mountain lion causes me to respect that donkey.

WTF is the dog breed I'm thinking of? They're usually raised with the sheep, are white, long hair coat, flopped ears, very curled tail. Basque breed...? I'm drawing such a blank!

I'm fairly determined it's going to be either a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd, Schutzhund trained and prepared, for me. I prefer the athleticism of the Belgian, but prefer the size of the GSD. Since my husband goes running we'd like the dog to be able to go running with him, which would preclude a GSD. I've been looking at some very nice, very promising GSD pups, I prefer a bitch over a dog, m'self because they're not going to pee on everything.

are you thinkin of the Pyrenees Mountain Dog?
Sea Maiden...Mountain Lions and Bears...jesus...that must be pretty scary taking the dog for a walk like? I mean Mountain Lions are Cougars I think? You must live in a fantastic place..awesome...


Active member
you know everyone wants that perfect guard dog not realizing that you have to make a choice family pet or guard dog can't have both no difference then having a out side dog or inside dog you can;t have both they never get there full winter coat yup people get up throw there dog outside while there at work then inside when there home not good idea
having a guard dog is the same thing only thing guard dog needs to know is family and other house hold pets and that is it .
When i know company is coming over my dogs are put in there kennel away from people when i go to bed at night dogs are free to roam and do there job
having a guard dog comes with its perks and other crap like insurances just incase dogs eat some one so actual postings of guard dog on duty signs , and no tresspassing has to be noticable to public for insurance reasons. Gates high enough and locked so kids can;t get in etc
and on another note being able to control you pet one thing having a guard dog other is being able to control them cause they will test you for dominence how many times you here people not being able to control there pets
so if your going for a guard dog or pet do your research for all areas of the breed and think twice having any pet is a 10 year + commitment do you feel up to it ????