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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
Once again quoting a leftist to make a point. Reality has nothing to do with liberalism! Look at the present administration, is that your reality? Get a grip! CBS is a torch bearer for leftist progressive bias and if you can't see this then do some research.
Why not quote Rand Paul on legalizing Marijuana, you get to keep your rights and government has no constitutional right to harass you on whatever you want to injest.You would not know what a "far right winger" was if he was standing in front of you.
It might interest you to know that prohibition was started by the democrats in 1937. Look up Harry Anslinger, and it was based on racism against Black Jazz musicians! If you had the balls to stand up for your constitution you would have ended prohibition long ago but you prefer to let your leftist thought handlers dupe you into letting them do your thinking.

Rand Paul-

The main thing I've said is not to legalize them but not to incarcerate people for extended periods of time. With Senator Leahy, we have a bill on mandatory minimums. There are people in jail for 50 years for nonviolent crimes. And that's a huge mistake. Our prisons are full of nonviolent criminals. I don't want to encourage people to do it. Marijuana takes away your incentive to work. I don't want to promote that but I also don't want to put people in jail who make the mistake. There are a lot of young people who do this and then later on, they get married and they quit; I don't want to put them in jail and ruin their lives. The last two presidents could conceivably have been put in jail for their drug use, and it would have ruined their lives. They got lucky, but a lot of poor kids, particularly in the inner city, don't get lucky.


Rand is apparently OK with throwing us in jail, just not for extended periods of time.

That's a far cry from what you apparently believe he said & even further from what Bernie has actually proposed.


Ya know why socialism doesn't seem to work?
It's not that it's a bad system one could argue it's perfect, we all work together to accomplish what we want an share the benifit equally. Everyone gets what they need an want. Not so bad if ya ask me.
People are the reason it doesn't work.....
Greed an pride is all it is....
I work hard I'm better than that guy is I deserve more my contribution is better than his....
I'm better at my job so I deserve more and others deserve less.
I should have a big mansion an make others live on the streets I should always have a full plate and fuck everyone else....
In a perfect world we would all be socialists. People would care about each other an recognize each others contributions and give them value based on mutual respect, not measuring yourself against another to tell yourself your better than they are or you've accomplished more.
Of course we don't live in a perfect world but that doesn't make socialism a bad system, it just means it's been poorly executed by greedy crooked people.


Rubbing my glands together
Jhhnn;7214359 You fail to realize that people have needed govt to sustain them since ancient times said:
Giant granaries. lol That has got to be one of the most stupid things to ever come out a want to be politician I've ever heard. Ranks right up there with, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."


Rubbing my glands together
Sorry bout that. I was referring to Ben Carson claiming Joseph, not the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pharaohs[/FONT] built the pyramids to store grain.

paper thorn

Active member
Yep, giant granaries. the gov stole, legally of course, the crops of the people to store and ration it back to them later. To protect from famine of course.

Started the world depending on stored grain for food too.


Active member
Yep, giant granaries. the gov stole, legally of course, the crops of the people to store and ration it back to them later. To protect from famine of course.

Started the world depending on stored grain for food too.

I doubt that ancient Egyptians would have put it in those terms.

Grain harvesting & storage pre-date ancient Egypt by millenia-


Civilization has its price. That's never been more true than today in a world of specialization.
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Andinismo Hierbatero
Heh. I'm pretty sure that Bernie knows Denmark has a market based economy. And I'm pretty sure that Denmark is more socialist than this country at the same time while not being socialist in the same sense as the former Soviet Union as the Danish Prime Minister points out.

None of that means that Bernie wants the market to be "controlled!" by the govt other than as necessary to maintain the general welfare. It's not like we've done a great job of that over the last 35 years or so.

That last part is where Reaganomics fails to deliver other than through counterbalance with the welfare state. If, as you offer, people need the govt to sustain them that's a failure of capitalism not a failure of govt.

You fail to realize that people have needed govt to sustain them since ancient times, since the Pharoahs built giant granaries & before.

we certainly read different articles then; because obviously, the Danish PM wasn't talking about the Soviet Union anywhere, but was actually commenting directly on Bernie's claim and misconception that Denmark was a Socialist country.

what do the Pharaohs have to do with modern-day government that you bring them into the conversation? I thought you were about a government for the people and by the people, which again, obviously the Pharaohs were not about.

Anyway, you go vote for Bernie all you want, but spare us your show of lack of reading comprehension as well as inconsequential arguments a la Pharaohs



Active member
we certainly read different articles then; because obviously, the Danish PM wasn't talking about the Soviet Union anywhere, but was actually commenting directly on Bernie's claim and misconception that Denmark was a Socialist country.

what do the Pharaohs have to do with modern-day government that you bring them into the conversation? I thought you were about a government for the people and by the people, which again, obviously the Pharaohs were not about.

Anyway, you go vote for Bernie all you want, but spare us your show of lack of reading comprehension as well as inconsequential arguments a la Pharaohs

Please. My reading comprehension? It's obvious that Denmark's system of govt has much stronger socialist features than our own resulting in a much flatter distribution of wealth & after tax income. It's not a black & white situation, not John Galt vs the evil Commie usurpers.

I brought up the Pharoahs to illustrate the point that government is a higher form of organization than the family, the clan, & the tribe & that it always has socialistic elements. Otherwise we'd still be wandering bands wary of other wandering bands just as likely to kill you & take your shit as to engage in cooperative action of trade.

I'm of the opinion that modern conservative rhetoric is a form of ego boosting tribalism, reversion to a more primitive state- Us vs them, whomever they might be, because we're better than them for whatever reason we can come up with, usually money. It's deeply anti-democratic, based on the authority of ownership & unfathomable greed. It's all about me & mine, not about we and us as a country & a people. It places people who are good at one thing, amassing wealth, into positions of enormous power & influence.

Which doesn't make them decent human beings, at all, & doesn't give them the right to dictate to the rest of us who are. Not in a modern Democracy, anyway, where we, the people, have the ultimate authority of acting in concert to curb the desires of the power elite.

Or not, not if too many of us believe their bullshit. That is how we got here in the aftermath of the greatest top down class warfare looting spree in the history of finance.

It's the only way to explain how they got enormously richer & the middle class got poorer. Yet conservatives tell us that we need to bend to their wishes rather than them to ours, that they somehow deserve the power they've abused in the past.

So it seems to me that some fresh thinking is in order if we're to prosper in an equitable way. I see it in terms of self defense for working people. If we can't figure it out, we'll all end up as bugs on the windshield of multinational corporatism.



BERNIE: 'I'm not that much of a socialist'

BERNIE: 'I'm not that much of a socialist'

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) poked fun at his own "socialist" reputation during the Saturday-night Democratic debate.

Sanders was pressed on how high he would raise the top tax rate, which he declined to do while reminding viewers of how high the rate was under former President Dwight Eisenhower.

"We haven't come up with an exact number yet. But it will not be as high as the number under Dwight D. Eisenhower, which was 90%," he said.

"I'm not that much of a socialist compared to Eisenhower," he continued, winning applause and laughter.

Read the rest...


Andinismo Hierbatero
Jhhnn, let me help you with your reading comprehension skills:

When Bernie Sanders said in his debate with Hillary Clinton that Denmark was a socialist country, which the United States ought to consider emulating, it created a big debate. Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen weighed in, saying that his country had a market economy, not a planned economy.

that means that after Bernie said Denmark was a socialist country, the Danish PM commented directly on Bernie's misconception, by pointing out that Denmark has a Market Economy (Capitalism) and not a Planned Economy (Socialism).

end of story. you tried to spin-doctor that little fact by somehow magically invoking the Soviet Union in your so-called counter-argument.

just stop please, it is embarrassing seeing you try to paint Bernie in a less Socialist light, trying to make it look like he doesn't want the government to control the economy; the guy doesn't even know what he is talking about, the freaking PM of Denmark had to chime in to correct his "Denmark is a socialist country" comment... shameful.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The European view of what is "socialist", is a far cry from what the United States' view of "socialist" is. Nothing to see here.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Focus upon key words that describe your opponent's policies. Work hard to give those words a negative connotation to take away their usage from your opponent.
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