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BeAn's grow diary. 2006!


ICMag Donor
Please Note ALL:


7. Threads or posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, or any other substance or article is not permitted in open forum by members and will be deleted.

*As a non-commercial breeder 'fritillary seed' respects Rule 7. above, and does NOT wish to conflict with the policies of the host. (sorry folks)

This isn't to suggest that a female plant of one cultivar, and a male plant of another cultivar, cannot be crossed together to create your own unique (poly)-hybrid strain... keep a clean nose, watch for plain clothes, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows :D

peace DocLeaf
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Bean, thats the way u should do it. i get what u mean. Some people go and cross plants just cuz of the name, u damn right. Alot of times u see these crosses that sound like they should be uber badass, just cuz of the Name. Like hell, look at lets say... Blueberry x kali mist. Both very good and well known strains. But, if u simply just cross these 2 , sure there is a chance u'll get a good pheno or 2, but like u said, u go with the things that u like... hopefully u'll find those special traits u are looking for and be able to come up with "your ultimate" plant. it might just be me...but ur well on your way to finding a champion among champions! -Opt


Very nice setup and planned attack you've got Bean, you'll surely find a diamond in the rough.

I am also another excited onlooker for the Floater, as I have yet to see it grown out and am very curious. I am also a sucker for the SourBubble :yummy:
Lookin' good bro, definately gonna pull up my chair and have some :lurk:

Keep 'er green :dance:




AbaZabba, Thanks for dropping in man.. pull up a chair and spark a fat one. :joint:

UmphreyMcgee420, Nice plants dude.. The Lifesaver's sure do grow fast..Nice one man. :kewlpics:

Opt1983, I'm glad to see that you agree with me. Cheers for the kind words...:smoker:

DocLeaf, 'BattleAxe' sounds good man. AKA.. 'Maggie Thatcher' lol :bigeye:

sativa3000, It would be a massive result to work in conjunction with the LGA. Stay tuned man...


Its all gravy at the minute.. A little bit yellowing on a couple because my partner in crime watered with strait tap water, affected the PH...
One of the Floaters is a mutant, I'll be keeping a close eye on this specimen... :chin:

The Sourbubble and the 3B's are doing fine.. I'm gonna put them under the HPS during the week, better to leave them to root for a while before i transplant to the bigger pots... :sasmokin:

Stay Frosty....:cool:


Bean, wassup bro? How's everything going so far... havent posted in a while! :) Mine are about 15-16 dayz into 12/12 and have stopped stretching, u kno it's kinda ironic.... i hear all these bad things bout these freebie skunk #1 seeds i got from gypsy...yet this gal out performs every other white rhino and aurora indica i got! maybe i just got lucky! :) damnit i wish i had a digi cam! take care! -Opt


ICMag Donor
Looking Good BN :yes:

BeAn said:
DocLeaf, 'BattleAxe' sounds good man. AKA.. 'Maggie Thatcher' lol :bigeye:

sativa3000, It would be a massive result to work in conjunction with the LGA. Stay tuned man...

The 'Milk Snatcher'* (aka 'Battle Axe') it is then... lol
New photos of Saxon Axe in gallery.

keep it green dude... n teach 'Robin' how to use the ph pen... lol
peace dLeaf

*a reference to the former PrimeMinister stealing Milk Rations from our children...
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Hey guys....

Hey guys....

'Milk Snatcher'...lol Nice one. sounds like something great in the making... :chin:

OPT, Just 'cos somethings free doesn't mean its worthless... Good luck man, its good to hear its going good for ya man.. :rasta:

Well... Things haven't been going to well for me these past couple of weeks so i haven't had time for an update, things are looking up for my plants though. They seem to be recovering slowly from a mixture of being burnt with soapy spray and the PH of the cubes.. (I didn't soak them for long enough.. my bad..) Only the strongest will survive so its not all bad, Ive learnt my lesson lol..

I'll post a real update of my grow in due course, things are pretty heavy at the moment so i got a few things to sort out.. Speak soon.. :smoker:

Stay Frosty... :cool:




I gave all the plants a foliar spray of Advanced Hydroponics 'Revive'.. Has anyone used this before?
Its been pretty cold recently and conditions are not perfect. I didn't soak the cubes for long enough before using them and now the PH for the FL's and LS's is way out.. Ive adjusted the water to 6.5-6.8 before adding the nutes, i hope this will help them out a bit.

Also i have re-labeled them A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K.. for reference purposes and also for the labeling of clones.

I'll post some pics tomorrow..... :rasta:

Stay Frosty.. :cool:


Hey man, thanks for dropping in..

Hey man, thanks for dropping in..

That's a years worth of nutes and then some, i like to get everything i might need together from the start.. My last grow left me the hydro nutes and the bio-canna, also i like to grow outdoors so there's got to be enough for the plants under the big halide in the sky as well. :cool:

I was in Starbucks in the other day and they were giving away used coffee grounds for your garden, i picked up some because its mega rich in nitrogen and has a 6.9 PH. Ive mixed some into the soil I'm gonna use for the blooming phase to help cope with the stretch and to keep them green throughout.. :bandit:

Today I re-potted the Bubbles into bigger pots, the SB looking ones stink like a mofo already. Its a semi-skunky kinda smell, cant put my finger on it yet... :yummy:


I took a trip to Gypsy's shop in kingston the other day and i couldnt help myself.... I got me some G13 x Jacks Cleaner x Grapefruit :yummy:

Anyone know anything about this poly-hybrid??



^^ Cab-Cam..

^^ Does this look like magnesium deficiency to you guys???

Stay frosty.. :cool:


ICMag Donor
they look like they want a repot dude,,, so yes it is a nutrient def. of some kind,, most likely N & Mg. I'd give a fish-based veg/bloom fert.... always organic :D


Hey DL..

Hey DL..

I checked the PH of the soil on two of the bubble-gums, the most affected ones had a PH of 7.0-7.1..... and they've only been in the pot a few days so i don't think they're root bound yet, but if I'm wrong then they have mega root growth lol..:bigeye:

I also gave them a light feed of Alg-a-Mic and Grow formula, Alg-a-Mic has got both Nitrogen and Mg in there.. Sprayed some under the leaves also, Its only like 0.1% macro nutes so if it doesn't work then i have some tonic from Wilko's. Magnesium, Manganese and Mg sulfate i think. Would this help?

Stay cool due.. :cool:


ICMag Donor
OK dude,

If they just been repotted, don't base feed and let them grow into the new soil with water. You could foliar feed with Nitrozym in a week if they still look dull. (I only ever have this problem in coco!)

Note, I'm the wrong person to ask dude,,, any young plants that are sick normally get culled... yellow leaf get pulled from the plant... If possible I n I only ever work healthy stock :dance:

Try and give them as little ferts as possible, is my rule of thumb. It is all to easy to over-feed at this stage. remember soil is slow medium to respond to application ferts.

This stuff is a great allrounder, (Mr fix-it in a bottle)... lol
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Thanks for the heads up man..

Thanks for the heads up man..

Ive been foliar feeding with sea-weed juice lol.... Still growing, tings aint all bad... :chin:

Stay frosty... :cool:


Look what i found...

Look what i found...

I Copy'd n Paste'd this pic from ********, its a finished Floater bud grown and documented by Sunycheba.. :yummy:


..mmmmmm.. cant wait...
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ICMag Donor
How's it growing??? :chin:
I n I got itchy fingers for the 'Battle Axe' dude,,, :crazy: