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Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

  • He is our weed saviour, and will personally change the US position on weed.

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • He's a mercenary, but at least he's helping.

    Votes: 39 52.7%
  • He's a cop - was, is, will be. Treat all of his "info" with care

    Votes: 26 35.1%
  • He deserves life, in the wing where they house the really sadistic mofos that will core him new orif

    Votes: 3 4.1%

  • Total voters


Won't make a difference but here goes

Won't make a difference but here goes

I still don't see this logic about how people can't change? Has life really jaded you to the point where you don't think someone is capable of change simply because of their profession? Leopard spots and zebra stripes mean nothing, this is a human. There is a large difference here (humans possess a thinking mind, a conscience, etc.) Yeah, he busted people but what can he do now? Bust them out? Change his mind? No, it's done and over and he says he regrets it so much that he quit the force and became an advocate. Nobody wants to "be his friend" or "invite them to the grow room" so what the hell is that all about? He'll never know if you don't tell him so there you go, you're safe. You don't have to worry about Barry Cooper busting down your door or pistol whipping you because he's not a police officer. Under this logic, a murderer can never reform and become a normal citizen or an employee at a controversial corporate job can't change his mind, quit his job and do something to help local business or stop corporate person-hood or something. His job was to be a snitch. He quit his job. Now he's campaigning, raising money and trying to raise public awareness about medical marijuana and the failed war on drugs. How is he not trying to redeem himself somehow or do some good? I know he's a fuck for arresting all of those people and putting them in jail but that was his job and he was, at the time, convinced that he was doing the right thing. He was a victim of propaganda, bias and corruption like we all are. I doubt he'd even be accepted back onto a police force at this point as he's lost a lot of credibility in his former line of work. I don't think the man is the smartest or the most well spoken but he's putting in something. He'll never know any of our grows and I'll certainly never be on "some list" and he'll never get any money from me for any of his DVDs. All I'm saying is don't be so quick to write someone off because people can, do and will change. It's going to take a lot of accomplishment and effort on his part to persuade me wholly and he may fail at doing so, but at this time it looks like he's trying. Now if by some slight chance he does start busting people and pulls a "haha lol i tricked u i wuz joking," I'll gladly eat my words. But I'm thinking that he's been around some major potheads and some powerful people in the pot world and if he crossed them, I don't think he'd have anywhere to run. Either way, like it or not, right now he's out there fighting for this cause much like LEAP is (though LEAP tries to be more professional and doesn't go around saying 'this is how you hide your drugs.') We need reformed people from all walks of life if we're ever going to win this battle.

He lied about having pro-mmj reviews and supporters.
I'd like to see some citations for this. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just curious as to whether or not to believe this. The man has pro-mmj people standing all around him (ex: when he makes his speeches about failed policies and cannabis in NH and other areas that are close to new laws.) I've also failed to find any news articles or videos about Barry being busted twice since he quit. I'd like to see this, also.


Wow i'd like to clear something up. I was getting Barry Cooper mixed up with a totally different 'ex cop gone renegade' sort of deal. After watching Barry's video's and seeing what he has actually done for the cannabis culture, i can do nothing but praise the man. This guy takes a huge bong rip with MARK EMRY in his video, he gets 2 thumbs up from the prince of pot as well. I would like to take back my previous post.... This video is definitely a valuable one. I would highly support this man as he is making waves in the media pushing the cannabis culture.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
You know how Barry Cooper could impress me?

If he went and testified in court that he had violated peoples rights and possibly manufactured evidence in order to help convict them. I wonder how many cases would get tossed if they hadn't had his testimony?

Yes, he deserves an "atta boy" for changing his ways, but the thousands of lives he has already affected are just sh*t out of luck.

I think Barry skipped Steps 8 and 9 and jumped directly to Step 10.

#8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
#9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
#10 Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Wow. The guy takes bong rips with pushovers... Really good guy. He looks and acts like a stoner, must be a good reason to trust him...

Barry Cooper is a publicity whore and it would basically be a sin for someone like him not to do non-profit work and donate to organizations like NORML. That was his ticket in to the hearts of forgiving stoners who pay for COMPLETE common sense and horrible advice like the fox piss thing, consenting to searches, etc... And yeah there's no way he could stop uploading and downloading of his videos so of course he'll say he doesn't care...

You think this dude sends autographed DVD's to the people he's put into prison? Who cares if he's still a cop or not? In 5 years, if Bush were to say he's seen the error of his ways and wrote a book on it, would you believe him and would that make everything alright? It's kind of like a swift kick in the nuts to the people who it affected the most...

We don't need LEO or ex-LEO like this on our side. LEO probably doesn't even take the guy seriously let alone politicians. Barry Cooper is like one big living and breathing infomercial... Even if he is for real, I'm not buying it.
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"I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance overrode my good conscience." - Barry Cooper

This guy is a classic Narc--and by that I mean Narcissistic Personality Disorder. His "need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance" is what drives him, and he cares about no one but #1. That's the reason not to fully trust him, not simply because he was a cop (obviously there are some couragous ex-cops who started LEAP, it can be done.) No, he's just a Narcissist, and the fact that his next move is to run for office proves it even further, as most politicians are narcissists as well.

The thing about people with NPD: They lie constantly. You can never trust them. And they will do anything for fame and attention.

Most of the people on this site already have a good idea of how to avoid getting busted. I downloaded his DVD illegally also and couldn't watch it is sucks so bad. He probably forced his wife to get implants, since it is ALL ABOUT HIM. Never trust an true narcissist. This guy has made it clear he is one--I mean, even if you like the idea, he betrayed all of his cop buddies, with whom he worked for years, side-by-side. Narcissists are always about betrayal, because they will only do what is in their own best interest at any given time. I doubt he has any long-term friends at all.

Ajunta Pall

Even Barry Cooper himself agrees that he was a lying no good cop piece of shit. Now that he's changes sides would that just make him a lying no good pro pot piece of shit? True enough he's seem to have had a change of ideology, but so far he's not said anything about having a change of personality.


ICMag Donor
i downloaded never get busted. google it with torrent. well worth mine and your time. i actually watched it twice.



Echoes said:
I'd like to see some citations for this. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just curious as to whether or not to believe this. The man has pro-mmj people standing all around him (ex: when he makes his speeches about failed policies and cannabis in NH and other areas that are close to new laws.) I've also failed to find any news articles or videos about Barry being busted twice since he quit. I'd like to see this, also.


Or just;

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Classy,those links dont work.

Reddy, i agree with you, i would really like to see what never get raided has to offer.

Someguy, i agree, if he actually tried to help he would attempt to free the innocents he put behind bars.

For those that dont trust him, its always better to play it safe period. Im not saying i trust the guy, but he has valuable information. Just analyze his information critically and you'll be fine. He IS doing good for the cannabis community, even if hes a narcicistic d-bag i could care less if he helps get pot legalized.

Secondly, big news my fellow tokers. Barney Frank introduced the legislation to congress today to protect all citizens right to carry up to 3.5 oz of weed, LEGALLY! This means not even a civil fine. ALSO, our man ron paul introduced legislation to protect medical patients that are being pestered by the feds. It would PREVENT the feds from raiding medical grows! Hit up NORML's site and see what they plan to do on 4/21 as far as phoning and emailing the congress at one single time and flooding their bandwith to help get these bills passed. THIS IS THE FIRST LEGISLATION OF ITS KIND IN 24 YEARS!
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slohemian said:
Classy,those links dont work.
Top 2 were there when posted - other 2 work just fine, one is google meta search that anyone can do...

Those links reflect the mj community and civil rights orgs responses to BC and his BS.

They worked fine just now - give it a read...


I watched it, some seemed useful, other stuff was like "Duh, common sense dude."

A bit amateurish on some stuff. Like we could expand on materials that don't breath for storing grass (is glass impermeable for example?) plus more on dogs and related things. Like bring in some real experts on dog physiology etc. I would like to hear that kind of stuff much more from a guy who did his PH.d on dog smelling capabilities etc, than some former cop dying for attention. Been tons of lab experiments done on dog's smell talent. I'm always interested in learning more about drug dogs.

Anyway... :joint:


the keeper of the creeper
This thread is exactly the same as, “is Marc Emery my friend”, typed threads ive seen in the past.

I have personally searched out and seen every video of Barry Cooper(without using my card) and I must say, he is using the very same types of tactics as emery uses when talking to the media.. It is also clear to me he is not an expert during some of his interviews. This makes me not only believe what he is saying, it shows me he is outside his comfort zone.

People like emery , now cooper seem to always cause conterversy over wether they are genuine or not. This i belive is due to the celeb status they gain.

Who doesn’t have an opinion on Britney Spears??.

The only way for them to survive the wrath of media and political rebuttal is to be able to somewhat walk in these shoes..It seems a bunch of people end up hateing them for it..

I dont think there is anything wrong with anyone advocating marijuana issues. Especially national wide coverage.