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Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

  • He is our weed saviour, and will personally change the US position on weed.

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • He's a mercenary, but at least he's helping.

    Votes: 39 52.7%
  • He's a cop - was, is, will be. Treat all of his "info" with care

    Votes: 26 35.1%
  • He deserves life, in the wing where they house the really sadistic mofos that will core him new orif

    Votes: 3 4.1%

  • Total voters


Jon said:
I trust him. He fucking looks like a pot head. He was pretty much brainwashed, tried it, decided he spent his life fucking over families. I was the VERY same way. I flushed my mom's stash down the toilet at a point. I never thought I'd touch the stuff. As an adult, I looked around and saw all my buddies toke and they weren't schizos, losers, etc...

i have a lot in common with Barry and I think he's doing a service for people who carry small amounts of herb on them.

:joint: :joint: :joint:

There is a WHOLE LOT of truth in that statement. I still remember growing up as a kid, not ever thinking i would touch any drug. and having a group of friends who also said they would never take 'drugs'.

But it wasnt much longer then 8th grade when we all started realizing everything we were taught- all those BORING ASS BULLSHIT DAYS AS A KID, sitting in that god-awful classroom, BEING FORCED TO LEARN these things about drugs. OK, fine. we did. and a lot of us got A's all throughout grade school. Then mother nature gave us maturity.

When natural maturity shows you that your entire life has been a half truth, what are you supposed to do? Keep believing what people say? Or become a lying rat bastard that doesnt give a shit about anyone else? (for some reason the ladder seems to be the image of america, i cant figure why :rolleyes: )


julsbagell said:
I also think its great that hes not busting people. But hes still a rat. being a rat is like being a child molester just because their not doing it at the moment doesnt mean they are not capable of it at anytime.
+k...i still believe if he was a recovering brainwashed pothead telling leo secrets (secrets leo wishes to keep secret at least) he would have been busted/jailed on day of dvd taping if not sooner on intent or any # of charges dealing w/national security.

ask tommy...


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
we are all brothers and sisters bound by this plant

so so true

every1 like a fireman
every1 likes a paramedic
no1 likes cops except cops hell most of them dont like each other

i cant smoke my cannibis but the cop can shoot steriods and be enraged most of the time. yes i know tis against the law for cops to shoot steriods but a very large percentage of them do


Active member
Guys according to Barry he HAS been 'busted' TWICE after leaving the force. Maybe they just wanted him to play poker and drink some brewski's like-the-good-ole-days?


fulltimehuman said:
Guys according to Barry he HAS been 'busted' TWICE after leaving the force. Maybe they just wanted him to play poker and drink some brewski's like-the-good-ole-days?
Key here is "according to Barry he HAS been 'busted' TWICE after leaving the force.".

According to Barry? His story will always be selfserving.

He is snakeoil salesman, wrapped in leo clothes - selling yesterdays news to the same folks he used to gleefully persecute.

BC is an ex-leo, but still a full time douchebag.

Ajunta Pall

How can a man who has been busted twice since leaving the pig force sell you a dvd that claims will help you to never get busted again? Am I the only one who sees this inconsistency? Did he not learn his lessons as a pig? Apparently he did not take his own advice. If you're interested in this thing then all I gotta say is Caveat emptor!
That's Latin for "let the buyer beware" for those who don't know


Active member
when did Barry say he was busted twice?

and anyone have any proof he is still a narc or are you just going to keep reiterating a bunch of conspiracy theories that aren't real. sure he used to be a cop and he did a lot of harm, he was also misguided and wasn't smart enough to know better. considering he is from Texas its not unbelievable that he was brainwashed into believing a lot of wrong things from childhood and it was ingrained in him. but after realizing what he had been doing was causing a lot of harm he quit and now speaks out against those things and has even testified under oath showing how officers get dogs to false alert. why would a narc do testify in court about such a thing?
secondly, he does a lot of pro-cannabis things for free. no money at all. i suspect you just want to him to give his dvd away? what do you think its free to make? and if it was about the money why has he stated he doesn't care if people download it or not??
and how do you know he keeps records of people who purchase his video?? and considering he doesn't care if you download it you'll never have to purchase it and you wont be on his records.

you guys are starting to sound a little to paranoid... try layin of the toke
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u wanna know whats not true rudolp? a cop helping a pot smoker.

try laying off the smoke? wtf? now im beginning to wonder what ur purpose is here?

parinoid? of a cop? now thats hilarious. hey RtR. u do know cops put us growers in Jail?

just wondering.

undercover cop would just luv u RtR....because uld tell him all he wanted to know because he said, im no longer a cop. u do know a cop is taught and payed to lie? and that theyre not that smart. hell they got their own school. why? they can...lol

Raistlin Majere

when a narc sets someone up they get arrested @ the same time
so the other person does not know who snitched
and barry got busted twice now :bashhead:
Hhmmm i wonder......

sure this is just me thinking out loud, but i don't like the guy so it might take me 2-3 more posts to get it all out of my system :muahaha:

:edit: they got there own skool because the have lots of STOLEN money to pay for it all. and on top of that they get payed from OUR taxes :edit:

bet he still wears his lucky acadamy deputy dog underroo's

"cops, come and try to snatch my crops. these pigs wanna blow my house down, underground - to the next town"

"happiness is as beautiful is a rock in a cops face"
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Active member
The_Leader said:
u wanna know whats not true rudolp? a cop helping a pot smoker.

try laying off the smoke? wtf? now im beginning to wonder what ur purpose is here?

parinoid? of a cop? now thats hilarious. hey RtR. u do know cops put us growers in Jail?

just wondering.

undercover cop would just luv u RtR....because uld tell him all he wanted to know because he said, im no longer a cop. u do know a cop is taught and payed to lie? and that theyre not that smart. hell they got their own school. why? they can...lol
Again, you have absolutely no proof that Barry is still a narc so what is it you are babbling on about? I know growers have to worry about cops but Barry Cooper isn't a cop no more. Okay, guy? You've got no proof except these paranoid conspiracy theories that just sound like you've been smoking to much lately. People can reform themselves. Just because he was a cop doesn't mean he still is or still believes what he was doing is right. If thats true then everyone at LEAP is a narc but I don't hear any of ya'll saying that.

And your last sentence about me talking to undercover agents is just as absurd as everything else you've just said. I don't believe every narco who tells me they aren't a cop but Barry is pretty fucking legit and sincere in what he says now and is remorseful about his past. Secondly, if he was still a narco why did he testify under oath about certain illegal profiling tactics police use and he is the only person to testify under oath showing how cops get drug dogs to false alert. Yeah sounds like a narco to me. hahahahahaha. Considering every police agency in the state of Texas hates him now I doubt it.
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RtR. i need no proof. He was/is a cop.

RtR. u r the reason propaganda works.

ur as naive as a virgin on prom night.

if bc was remorseful? held help get the ppl he put in jail (illegally) OUT.

rtr u spray the urine on ur tires yet?

and i didnt say u Had been talking to narcs, but u made it obvious u had.

where im from a hit dog barks and u just yelped loudly.

im fini w/u


Active member
The_Leader said:
RtR. i need no proof. He was/is a cop.

RtR. u r the reason propaganda works.

ur as naive as a virgin on prom night.

if bc was remorseful? held help get the ppl he put in jail (illegally) OUT.

rtr u spray the urine on ur tires yet?

and i didnt say u Had been talking to narcs, but u made it obvious u had.

where im from a hit dog barks and u just yelped loudly.

im fini w/u
lol- no one is saying he wasn't a cop but you have absolutely no proof that he is still a cop or a narc. your just babbling on about a bunch of shit you know nothing about. and i don't know what 'propaganda' i am believing but Barry Cooper is on our side now. if you have real proof that he is still a cop then prove it otherwise just shut the hell up already. seriously. do you know how absurd you guys sound? what is he an under cover cop who puts out dvds to sell so he can keep records on marijuana smokers/growers? get the fuck real.
secondly, i don't know how he is just supposed to be able to get people out of jail he put in. it doesn't work like that. his videos are just one aspect of his activism anyway. he does more more cannabis legalization than you will ever come close to. and i guess he is trying to help those people he put away by running for congress. if he wins he is looking to reform drug laws. yeah man, he sounds like a fucking cop alright. again, why don't you just hush?
you sound as idiotic as a drunk girl on prom night.
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~Resident Puck Bunny~
You sound absurd.

Like others have said.... first he was busting us now he's making money off us. Wonder who some of his best friends still are?


Active member
Yup, sounds like you don't have any proof either.

I don't know how he is making money off you either when he's explictitly stated sharing his videos for free is fine and he's done lots of pro-cannabis work for absolutely nothing. And even if he does sell his DVD's what do you expect him to do? Give them away for free. I mean get real. And he's even running for congress and part of his platform is to reform drug laws. Not only that but he's testified under oath against the police yet he's still a narco cop huh? and I'm the one that sounds absurd. Bwhahahahahaha. You guys might not agree with everything he says but that still doesn't make him a cop. If you're going to call someone something at least have some real proof. You've yet to shed any light on that. Your just spreading a lot of misinformation which sucks. When a cop does turn to our side and try and help us he gets criticized for it. When he was out busting 'us' he was misinformed and wrong and he's admitted that.
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KharmaGirl said:
You sound absurd.
Yes he does - and threads got a lot easier to read since I put him on "ignore".

And that was awhile ago...

CB is trouble - leo or not.

Seems to me some googling I did for this series of posts showed a big following at planet mongrat, for Mr. Cooper. Maybe RTR and some of the others should go there, and trust their IPs, IDs, etc. don't end up in a search warrant...



Well-known member
It all seems a bit fishy to me, cops have lots of time on their hands, most were jocky types who liked to pick on people for smoking joints. I think they may be sticky enough to even make it look like a cop was run out and he is against them and then tries to people on the other side of the fence on his side. Could be a wolf in sheeps clothing, just my 2 cents.


The_Leader said:
u wanna know whats not true rudolp? a cop helping a pot smoker.

try laying off the smoke? wtf? now im beginning to wonder what ur purpose is here?

parinoid? of a cop? now thats hilarious. hey RtR. u do know cops put us growers in Jail?

just wondering.

undercover cop would just luv u RtR....because uld tell him all he wanted to know because he said, im no longer a cop. u do know a cop is taught and payed to lie? and that theyre not that smart. hell they got their own school. why? they can...lol
Good god, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all night. I happen to have several friends who are LE and who DO look out for non-violent drug users. I've seen on of them let people go for possession a number of times.

To generalize like that and say that cops do this and cops do that is incorrect. Granted for the most part LE is out to get us, but that doesn't mean that ALL LE is like that.

Again, this is a terribly ignorant post. Please stop generalizing like this.....


Active member
This whole thread is fucking ignorant...

Still waiting for any real proof that Barry Cooper is still a cop. Can't seem to get any. The misinformation artists in here just need to give it up.


Daemon said:
Good god, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all night. I happen to have several friends who are LE and who DO look out for non-violent drug users. I've seen on of them let people go for possession a number of times.

You've seen one of them - a number of times???

Either you do ride alongs (waaay too close w/ leo for my liking), or you're leo too...
Someone just earned a ticket to benchwarming with rtr...

If you ain't with us, you're against us - and rooting for ex leo scumbags lets us know whose side yer on.

Officer... :muahaha: