Jon said:I trust him. He fucking looks like a pot head. He was pretty much brainwashed, tried it, decided he spent his life fucking over families. I was the VERY same way. I flushed my mom's stash down the toilet at a point. I never thought I'd touch the stuff. As an adult, I looked around and saw all my buddies toke and they weren't schizos, losers, etc...
i have a lot in common with Barry and I think he's doing a service for people who carry small amounts of herb on them.

There is a WHOLE LOT of truth in that statement. I still remember growing up as a kid, not ever thinking i would touch any drug. and having a group of friends who also said they would never take 'drugs'.
But it wasnt much longer then 8th grade when we all started realizing everything we were taught- all those BORING ASS BULLSHIT DAYS AS A KID, sitting in that god-awful classroom, BEING FORCED TO LEARN these things about drugs. OK, fine. we did. and a lot of us got A's all throughout grade school. Then mother nature gave us maturity.
When natural maturity shows you that your entire life has been a half truth, what are you supposed to do? Keep believing what people say? Or become a lying rat bastard that doesnt give a shit about anyone else? (for some reason the ladder seems to be the image of america, i cant figure why