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bad backs and the weather.......



Hank, I do believe you have given birth to a million dollar idea : spray-on yoga pants!

all we need to do is source aerosol cans containing various colored body paints, set up a website and wait for the cash to start flowing in!


At 60 and working farms and construction all of my life. I can tell you your bones are the best barometer around. Exactly why I keep a couple of LUIs in my garden. With what I had planned for the rest of the day canceled also.

Prairie Boy

This is the the most informative and entertaining thred I've come across to date!!!
Big thanks to all that have posted!!



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I believe I'm beginning to focus
harder on my options Chamba.

~ Aqua-Therapy ~

it seems to be working for her.......




Man im fucked right now with my neck and my right leg gives way if i sit for to long, it all relates to a foot injury years ago. Got out my car today and hopped onto the footpath docs on thur..just cope and struggle on....gettin old dont help

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

Hank Hemp

Active member
10/4 Chamba, I ate a hunk of rice crispy treat with budder and 50mg of vicodin. It's been that bad today. And Stoner there still seems to be some swelling around the young ladies chest area.


Active member
Anyone have any good alternatives to budder brownies? The brownies are tasty and effective but a bit fattening. Any low cal medible that hides the budder taste?


And Stoner there still seems to be some swelling around the young ladies chest area.

as a matter of fact, I noticed that too

and I laughed when I saw the "M" letter on her chest...a good friend of mine always refers to pot as Vitamin M and it reminded me of that

headband 707

Plant whisperer
One cloud will push 14lbs of presure per sq inch on your body on a broken/sore body this gets sore. The way you really start to notice this one is by moving away from it lol..I know this because I live in Van BC a rain forest so... Swimming, Swimming, Swimming is and will always be one of the most effective ways to help your body move and heal. Obviously swimming in warm sunny Ocean water is prefered but if your unable to do this I would suggest a pool.best of luck bro hope it all works out for ya headband 707


I have always said the weather made me feel better or worse.
I have DDD, arthritis. Aswell as a few other things I don't understand.
Crashed a 4 wheeler back in 2000 and been in pain since. I am 34 now and hate feeling like crap everyday. I can still do allot of things but I pay dearly the next day/weeks.
Most days here in Vancouver I feel like doing nothing but when the weather heats up I try to get everything done. I pressure washed for 3 days straight when we had that last heat wave. I felt great. I love BC but if it's making me feel bad I may have to move somewhere else.
We will see what happens with the Gov here shutting down us growing. If that happens I am gone.
Glad I found this thread its nice to know I am not the only one who felt this way, and is affected by it.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Yesterday was bad but with the help of the crumbs of rice crispy treats I made it thru the day on 15mg of vicodin. That's good. Plan on doing the same today. Went to the Drs today and said to come back when I can't take the pain no more and they will fusing my L4. I'm going to put that off for as long as I can. But boys and girls I thinking my backpacking and canoeing days are over. I'm thinking of selling my canoe but it will break my heart.


I feel your pain. I used to dirtbike 3+ times a week from age 5-20. Haven't got on one since I hit the ground and the bike landed on top of me. Serves me right though. I had only ridden 2 wheel bikes and thought a quad would be the same.
No more snowboarding. No more big fish (sturgeon) no more roofing. Not gonna miss that one.
Wife thinks I am a drug addict for taking all these pills all the time.
Anyone else have that problem? So I smoke/eat weed. That makes the house stink. Can't win sometimes you know.


Well I told the VA Dr. I can't take the pain any more. So I go for Xrays in a couple of weeks. Then appt. with Ortho Dr. to go over my choices. And yes I'm gonna get a 2nd opinion outside VA. Who ever said getting old was easy....was full of shit!!!


Yeah weather really can mess me up too,have some slipped vertebrae,ddd in my lumbar,upper back and lower neck and arthiritic stenosis in most of my spine and arthritic pain in shoulders,hips,wrists and hands.


Wife thinks I am a drug addict for taking all these pills all the time.

As harsh as it may sound, I think she's right.

If you need to take pharmaceutical opiates every day, then if you aren't addicted, then it won't take long to be. As mentioned previously, taking a pain drug won't do anything to repair the problem that causes the pain , it only masks it, when the drug wears off, the pain starts again...so before you are totally and utterly dependent on big pharma's "smack" try looking into ways to help repair and strengthen your body so pain killers are no longer needed, granted, this won't work for every one, but for many, the right forms of exercise, stretching, lifestyle improvements and correct posture will be life changing.

Hank Hemp

Active member
You're not a addict, you're chemically depend. true A doctor told me a addict is a person who takes drugs recreationally to get high. Taking for pain relief is a totally different story right.

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