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bad backs and the weather.......


Well-known member
Went to bed feeling like a million bucks and woke up feeling like my knee got hit with a sledge hammer.
My only therapy is more work.How long can you work like a 20 year old?


Well-known member
Whew @armedoldhippy you don't sound good at all brother. My worst winter in years, saw surgeon yesterday, looks like another trip under the knife for me...be well..DD

well, Doobie...most of my injuries are old, like the rest of me. the arthritis is an on-going concern, esp. now that I am unable to self-medicate for it except for aspirin. starting new job tomorrow, no idea their drug testing policy as yet, but am clean at the moment...dammit! :frown: hate to hear you are seeing sawbones, hope he helps you out.:huggg:


Active member
I found a whole nother level of relief when i was introduced to medicinal dosages of CBD. With 60-80mg daily I am able to do activities that would have previously left me incapacitated for weeks at a time. It's not a miracle, there are many things i still can't do, but in my case it is as effective as steroids and i can take it all the time.


thicker skin in training
ICMag Donor
i some times get migranes but they seem to come in waves.
none for months and then several in a short time period.

my doctor says it is stress related but i think it is hormonal, weather and diet related.
caffeine makes them worse but really, nothing helps that i have found.

i do not like to take a tablets for any little thing, but have to make the exception of when the headaches get really bad.
still, it only relieves the throbbing for about an hour before it starts to build up again.
dark room, no noise and ride it out.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)


i some times get migranes but they seem to come in waves.
none for months and then several in a short time period.

my doctor says it is stress related but i think it is hormonal, weather and diet related.
caffeine makes them worse but really, nothing helps that i have found.

i do not like to take a tablets for any little thing, but have to make the exception of when the headaches get really bad.
still, it only relieves the throbbing for about an hour before it starts to build up again.
dark room, no noise and ride it out.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)

my girlfriend has decent results for migrains using alka seltzer. plop plop fizz fizz....
Unique Perspective

Unique Perspective

As a former sales rep for major orthopedic device distributors, I can tell you one thing about surgeons. They are hammers, and you are nails. To most surgeons surgery is the first and only option.

There were 2 parts to my job. Sales and Surgery. Once I could get a Doc to use my product, then I would bring in the sterile implants and tools to do the case. It was amazing I have seen shit you had no idea was possible.

On the other hand...

My wife is a chiropractor whose specialty is very science based, and deals with posture and biomechanics as its focus. CBP is the specialty if you are interested. I have seen so many people come in to her office labeled disabled and waiting for their surgery. Only to be leaving in weeks or months dancing doing Yoga and starting to regain their lives, without invasive procedures.

Please please do not let surgeons tell you fusion is the answer. Once you lose that mobility and range of motion you never ever get it back. Once spinal facets or TSP's are fused, they will only transfer to the next vertebrae up or down the line.


thicker skin in training
ICMag Donor
my girlfriend has decent results for migrains using alka seltzer. plop plop fizz fizz....

does alka seltzer contain potassium?
my doctor is supposed to be a headache specialist and has found a connection between low potassium and headaches.
of course, the first thing a doctor does is prescribe a tablet---in this case daily dose of potassium.
of course, this prescription was way more expensive than a potassium vitamin supplement and also had side effects.
i am not a pill taker and would like to find a natural solution to this sometimes major problem.

is there somewhere here that has more info on headaches and migranes? maybe even strains that can lessen the throbbing pain.

i need to figure this out before my head explodes one day or i drown in a sea of tears.


ICMag Donor
High grade Omega 3's seem to help with pain. I have moderately severe OA and now RA....go to a Functional Medicine Dr. She prescribes large doses of Vitamins B, C, D and Omega 3 (plus I grind up flax and chia seed shake on salad as topping) and the Omegas- EPA/DHA close to 2000 mg a day. Magnesium helps with headaches.

Must say, taking those supplements has decreased pain meds per day. Not the magic bullet, but it does help.

Most folks are depleted in those essential vitamins and minerals. Orthos might tell you that....better to operate...as they are frustrated carpenters. Have worked with numerous Orthos for decades in former career. Surgery would be my last option.


Active member

is there somewhere here that has more info on headaches and migranes? maybe even strains that can lessen the throbbing pain.

I'm sure my longer blabs didn't exactly help. Sowy :(

I imagine you tried searching the medical marijuana forums? I got many results just searching the word 'migranes', but I thought this as one particularly might help:

Also look into "phoenix tears/ RSO". I wouldn't use the camptha as a solvent myself though, that shit is like mega-carcinogenic.

Also check out Granny Storm Crows list, might have something there that might help.

I hope helped a little. :comfort:


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
i some times get migranes but they seem to come in waves.
none for months and then several in a short time period.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)

The topical oil/cream that I mentioned back in post #127 works pretty well for me. Some strains work a little better than others, but they all work pretty well. My headaches aren't true migraines - they are from damage to my neck (cervicogenic) and the resultant muscle spasms. They are similar enough to migraines that they fooled the doctors for a long while, but the headaches only quit for about 5% of the time and none of the conventional migraine medicines will touch them.

Good luck.


thicker skin in training
ICMag Donor
thanks for some tips about the headaches/migraines.

honestly, when one is really bad, multiple extra strength tylenol only make a temporary dent, going from a brick hitting the back of my neck, to a mild but obnoxious punch from a classmate sitting in the school desk behind.

am i the only one who has know idea who this famous 'granny' is that all of you speak of so highly?

i am far away and totally out of the loop:)
Anterior head carriage leads to so many headaches. Look it up, evaluate your own posture.

Get your head back over center of your body.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
thanks for some tips about the headaches/migraines.

honestly, when one is really bad, multiple extra strength tylenol only make a temporary dent, going from a brick hitting the back of my neck, to a mild but obnoxious punch from a classmate sitting in the school desk behind.

am i the only one who has know idea who this famous 'granny' is that all of you speak of so highly?

i am far away and totally out of the loop:)

Yep, I use morphine, Norco, Robaxin (muscle relaxant) and the above-mentioned cream. Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen won't even scratch the surface.

Here is Granny's List - https://www.icmag.com/viewarticle.php?articleid=1422


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
As a former sales rep for major orthopedic device distributors, I can tell you one thing about surgeons. They are hammers, and you are nails. To most surgeons surgery is the first and only option.

There were 2 parts to my job. Sales and Surgery. Once I could get a Doc to use my product, then I would bring in the sterile implants and tools to do the case. It was amazing I have seen shit you had no idea was possible.

On the other hand...

My wife is a chiropractor whose specialty is very science based, and deals with posture and biomechanics as its focus. CBP is the specialty if you are interested. I have seen so many people come in to her office labeled disabled and waiting for their surgery. Only to be leaving in weeks or months dancing doing Yoga and starting to regain their lives, without invasive procedures.

Please please do not let surgeons tell you fusion is the answer. Once you lose that mobility and range of motion you never ever get it back. Once spinal facets or TSP's are fused, they will only transfer to the next vertebrae up or down the line.


Just this morning I had a friend raving about how his Chiropractor saved him, they sorted me out several times. Doctors are way overrated and cannot be experts in everything, Chiropractors specialise in body mechanics and understand how and why things are a problem where a Doctor will just bung you on harmful painkillers and send you away.

Put it this way, your exotic supercar has an electronic problem, do you take it to the local Kwik fit service centre or a specialist?


Active member

Also look into "phoenix tears/ RSO". I wouldn't use the camptha as a solvent myself though, that shit is like mega-carcinogenic.

DOH! I said camptha but meant naphtha. That is the stuff that I don't like used as a solvent. He does recommend a certain kind of naphtha though (light something). But he also recommends that 99% alcohol can be used, I'm pretty sure he means rubbing alcohol (wood alcohol?) there. But I have also read that using Ever-clear works great as a solvent, but that is grain alcohol (drinking alcohol?) and you might not be able to get any where you live.

There is some debate on which solvents are best anyway. I would just prefer using Ever-clear myself as it is already made for human consumption, my theory being that no matter which solvent is used some residue is left after evaporation so the best is the one used for human consumption anyway.

That all said, I have never made RSO and I think you should just use what ever is available to you. Yet I think if you did go that route, you are best sticking to Rick's recipe as closely as possible.

But finding a strain that works best might be the best option for you anyway.


New member
Got L4 & L5 screwed, Was feeling my oats one day climbed a ladder fricken thing gave way.
Landed on my hip!They took a lot of xray@ for over a year!
Finally saw a surgeon he said if l had seen him right after the fall, I would not be in the shape l am in meaning physiotherapy, left his place went to the person l was dealing with took a strip off his back,as l was leaving told him what the surgeon said!!He could not look me in the eye!


thicker skin in training
ICMag Donor

There is some debate on which solvents are best anyway.

But finding a strain that works best might be the best option for you anyway.

i just have to say, with all due respect to those of you who are into solvent based extracts, that that is absolutely THE LAST THING i would do to relieve my head.
i tried 2 times in the past and it is just not my thing.
i get an immediate throbbing head pain and that seems counterproductive.
it is not for everyone and certainly not for me.

all the other 'natural remedy' suggestions are very helpful and i will do my best to walk with my head held high and not stare at the ground for random lost objects:biggrin:

this whole thing started when i was a test patient for a woman who was studying reiki.
i had some back problems at the time, and that seemed to improve with the treatments. after every session i would get a rush of heat to my head and within a half hour after leaving, my head would be throbbing and a migrane would follow.
i have also tried accupuncture and that was alittle more successful.

thanks for your help guys and gals. i will check out 'granny's list' and see what all the hubbub is about:tiphat:
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