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Backyard Chickens!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Am about to build a coop and fenced yard for about 15 to 20 for the wife and daughter. Also getting some guinea hens and a couple of turkeys to eat the bugs in the horse pens. I don't want a damn single one of them but they are the ones that will be taking care of them. Yeah right, lol

hey ryder, did you ever try anything w/the guinea hens?


postal trout

When I lived out west the rave was about chickens and goats and how the milk from the goats was suppossd to be very healthy for you.. I go to the market and the prices I pay for my deli cheese has got you wondering. They sell small brickets of american, yellow, etc for 3 bucks. I go to buy a few ounces of feta and get hit in the pocket.. Anyways

I lived in farm country in my younger years and got to raise pigs and cows. Cows were very needy, but I liked the pigs. I could feed them anything, even grow out the lawn and they would be happy and giggly. I incubated a few chickens in class once but never raised a bunch. Do they require vet checks? What kind of organic feeds do they like? Molassas based feed?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

here's the label from a local farm stating its claim of quality on their eggs, they're $3.00/dz, all 12 are brown eggs and the shells are much stronger as are the yolks. It's nearly impossible to break a yolk dropping it into a pan or flipping/handling during cooking.



Active member
Here's a picture of my 5 marans an there mother a australorp eating yogurt

It's hard to tell who is who. So there legs are marked.


Active member
when ya get tired of them chickens ,stuff a can of beer up their ass and throw it on grill. mmmmmm beer can chicken


Active member
I never get tired of them. Although Marans an australorps are considered dual purpose birds. I've only been into husbandry for less than a year. An I don't know how to process. Plus I only have 6 girls . An 5 will be just starting to lay in the next few weeks. They are a lot of fun an follow me around in the back yard.


Active member
I used to have chickens...
25 ISA browns...good for about 3yrs of decent production once they start laying.

At one point I was getting 24 eggs a day... I sold mine for 4bucks a dozen....

Here is a HUGE TIP..... USE WOODSTOVE PELLETS for litter....do the deep litter method... breaks down to sawdust and chickens shit which composts up nicely (very hot in N tho)

I also raised turkeys...we will be raising more of these this spring....FYI...raising them up to 40lb dressed weight is cool for pictures, but man you gotta invite 25 people over to make a dent in one....no chance of deep frying it either..lol

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